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Question No.


Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Set - I
1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: One day, our young friend the goat was grazing on a patch of green grass and suddenly he heard a sound. Quickly turning round, he found that the old tiger was following him. If was too late for him to run; so he stood his ground and faced the tiger, ready to meet any attack. The tiger turning to the goat, said I see you are ready to fight, but why should we both get hurt fighting? If you can tell me any three truths, I shall let you go away. A) Answer the following questions. 1. What did the goat see? 2. What did the tiger suggest that they both should not get hurt? B) Say true or false. 3. The tiger was following the goat. 4. The goat asked the tiger to tell him any three truths.

Set - 2
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: One day, our young friend the goat was grazing on a patch of green grass and suddenly he heard a sound. Quickly turning round, he found that the old tiger was following him. It was too late for him to run; so he stood his ground and faced the tiger, ready to meet any attack. The tiger turning to the goat, said I see you are ready to fight, but why should we both get hurt fighting? If you can tell me any three truths, I shall let you go away. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Why could not the goat runaway? 2. Which word in the passage means eat grass? B) Say true or false. 3. The goat was old. 4. The goat suddenly heard a sound.


Set - 3
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: One day, our young friend the goat was grazing on a patch of green grass and suddenly he heard a sound. Quickly turning round, he found that the old tiger was following him. It was too late for him to run; so he stood his ground and faced the tiger, ready to meet any attack. The tiger turning to the goat, said I see you are ready to fight, but why should we both get hurt fighting? If you can tell me any three truths, I shall let you go away. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Who found that the goat was ready to fight? 2. Who was ready to meet any attack? B) Say true or false. 3. The tiger was old. 4. The goat ran away.

Set - 4
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Look, my son! Here is a small elephant which is much more beautiful than the big elephant. It is wearing a gold chain and there is a golden umbrella on top of his head. It has wheels so that you can pull it behind you wherever you go. It will fit easily into your basket. Tell the man to take away the big elephant. Your basket will break if you put the big elephant in your basket, and you cant take him to your friends house, because he is so big. The boy stopped crying. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Which elephant is much more beautiful? 2. Why it is easy for the boy to pull the small elephant behind him? B) Say true or false. 3. There is a golden umbrella on top of big elephant. 4. The elephant was so big that it could be taken to his friends house.


Set - 5
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Look, my son! Here is a small elephant which is much more beautiful than the big elephant. It is wearing a gold chain and there is a golden umbrella on top of his head. It has wheels so that you can pull it behind you wherever you go. It will fit easily into your basket. Tell the man to take away the big elephant. Your basket will break if you put the big elephant in your basket, and you cant take him to your friends house, because he is so big. The boy stopped crying. A) Answer the following questions. 3. Why is small elephant much more beautiful? 4. Who made the boy stop crying? B) Say true or false. 7. The small elephant is not beautiful. 8. The small elephant has wheels.

Set - 6
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Look, my son! Here is a small elephant which is much more beautiful than the big elephant. It is wearing a gold chain and there is a golden umbrella on top of his head. It has wheels so that you can pull it behind you wherever you go. It will fit easily into your basket. Tell the man to take away the big elephant. Your basket will break if you put the big elephant in your basket, and you cant take him to your friends house, because he is so big. The boy stopped crying. A) Answer the following questions. 1. What happens if the boy puts the big elephant in the basket? 2. Who was wearing a golden umbrella on top of his head? B) Say whether the statements are true or false. 3. The small elephant was wearing a gold chain. 4. The basket will break if you put the small elephant in the basket.


Set - 7
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Look, grandma! I cried, I have caught a snake. Snake? asked grandmother in alarm. She was shocked. She cried for help. Grandfather came running. When he learnt that I had a snake in the shell, he snatched the shell and threw it away. The snake crawled away and disappeared behind the bushes. Grandfather warned me never to go near the snake, because snakes are dangerous. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Who caught a snake? 2. Why did the grandfather warn the grandson never to go near a snake? 3. Who came running ? 4. Where did the snake crawl ? B) Say whether the statements are true or false. 5. Grandfather cried for help. 6. The Grandson warned the grandfather.

Set - 8
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Rama held the squirrel close to him. He said to the monkeys, Do not make fun of the week and the small. Your strength or what you do is not importance. What matter is your love. This little squirrel has love in his heart. He then held the squirrel closer to him and said, Little one, your love touches my heart. He said these words and passed his fingers gently over the little squirrels back. When he put the squirrel down, there were three white stripes on his back. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Who made fun of the squirrel? 2. What happened when Rama passed his fingers over the squirrels back? 3. What does Rama say, holding squirrel close to him? 4. Which word in the passage means mildly ? B) Say whether the statements are true or false. 5. The squirrels love did not touch his heart. 6. What you do is important.


Set - 9
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Rama held the squirrel close to him. He said to the monkeys, Do not make fun of the week and the small. You strength or what you do is not importance. What matters is your love. This little squirrel has love in his heart. He then held the squirrel closer to him and said, Little one, your love touches my heart. He said these words and passed his fingers gently over the little squirrels back. When he put the squirrel down, there were three white stripes on his back. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Who touches Ramas heart? 2. How many stripes are there on the squirrels back? B) Say whether the statements are true or false. 3. What matters more is strength. 4. What does Rama say to monkeys ? 5. There were three red stripes on the squirrels back.

Set - 10
I. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Something else caused us a great deal of trouble while shooting the few scenes with the sweet seller, Chinibash. It was once again, Bhulo the dog. One of the scenes shows the sweet seller standing on the side of a pond. Apu and Durga are standing on the other side, near their house looking greedily at the sweets; the man has come to sell. But, when he askes them if they want any, they have to tell him that they do not. Chinibash then starts walking towards the house, where the Mukherjees live Durga says to Apu Come on lets go! and the two start running. A) Answer the following questions. 1. Who caused great deal of trouble? 2. What were Apu and Durga looking at? B) Say whether the statements are true or false. 3. Chinibash was standing on the side of a pond. 4. Apu and Durga went to the house of Mukherjees.


Question No. 19 Key 1. 1A). The goeat saw the old tiger. 2. The tiger suggested goat that if he can tell hims three truths, he shall let him go away. B) 3. T 4. F 2. A)1. The goat could not run away because the tiger is very nearer to him, and was too late to run away. 2. grazing B. 3. F 4. T 3.A) 1. The tiger found that the goat was ready to fight. 2. The goat was ready to meet any attack. B. 3. T 4. F 4.A) 1. Small elephant (doll) is much more beautiful. 2. It is easy for the boy to pull the small elephant behind him because it has wheels. B. 3. F 4. F 5.A) 1. The small elephant is much more beautiful because it is wearing a gold chain and there is a golden umbrella on top of his head. 2. His mother made the boy stop crying. B. 3. F 4. T 6.A) 1. The basket will be broken, if the boy puts the big elephant in the basket 2. The small elephant was wearing a golden umbrella on top of his head. B. 3. T 4. F 7.A) 1. Raja, the grand son caught a snake. 2. Grand father warned the grand son never to go near the snake, because snakes are dangerous. 3. Grand father cane running 4. The snake crawled away and disappeared behind the bushes. B. 5. F 6. F 8.A) 1. The monkeys made fun of the squirrel. 2. When Rama passed his fingers over the squirrels back, three white stripes appeared on his back. 3. Little one, your love touches my heart 4. gently. 5. F 6. F 9. A) 1. The little Squirel 2. There are three stripes on the squirrels back. 3. Rama said to monkeys Do not make fun of the week and the small. What you do is not important, what matter is your love. B. 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 10. 1. A) Bhulo, the dog 2. Apu and Durga were looking at the sweets. B. 3. True 4. False 134

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