Pyrcov 4

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Chapter 8 the energy released from the apex is hot in

nature. This factor is to be borne in mind while

applying the pyramids for therapeutic
Some people routinely place pyramids under their cots
after studying some article on the subject. Nothing can be
Pyramids in Health more foolhardy. For example if you are to place the

and Disease
pyramid under the cot of a person who has constipation it
worsens. If he has bleeding hemorrhoids it becomes worse.
X Hence one should be careful while deciding where to place
the pyramid.
In cases of patients suffering from excessive heat which
results in disorders like burning eyes, constipation, piles etc.
T his is an area where you have to carefully venture. it is advisable to place the pyramid over the cot. A wooden
The pyramid energy is quite strong; even the one coming cot is better suited for pyramid therapy and the use of steel
from a small pyramid of 10 cm or 15 cm. Hence a day to cot is to be avoided. Similarly in the case of stomach ulcers
day watch has to be kept while using the pyramid. If the a pyramid should never be placed under the cot as it will
effect noticed is adverse then you have to discontinue. worsen the condition.
I am now giving below my own observations. Please In all these cases use the mosquito curtain net rods to
note that there is no supporting literature on this subject. mount the pyramid. The curtain rods gives you a footing to
The experiments have been carried out by me on my own mount the pyramids. If for example you have constipation
and the conclusions I have arrived at are placed before you. or acidity then it is best to place the pyramid directly above
You should appreciate that corroborative studies carried the stomach across the curtain rod.
out by different individuals under similar circumstances are For this purpose you need a teak wood beading which
required to declare the results as unfailing. Conducted by a is normally available with all timber merchants. Buy a single
single individual over any length of time the studies cannot length which will be about 7 to 8 feet long and using a hexa
reach this stage. Hence your active cooperation and blade cut it so that it projects by about 2 inches on either
curiosity are required to make my findings more authentic. side from the curtain rod when the beading is placed across
As far as I can conclude the base of the pyramid it. For example if you are using a 3 feet wide cot then the
appears to release energy which has cooling effect where as beading length should be about 3 feet 4 inches.

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Now drill two holes about 1.5 inches from towers East and West where as the North and
each end. The size of the hole should be such South cardinal ends are hanging out. Now use
that you can take out a plastic thread through it a little MSEAL at the points where the pyramid
easily. Place the beading on the curtain rod so is making contract with the beading and hold it
that the beading lies with it’s flat side comfortably resting on a while for the MSEAL to cure. Remove your
the curtain frame. hand once you are sure that the MSEAL is set.
You can easily see the advantage of this arrangement.
Move the beading approximately to the place where
Depending on the type of problem the patient is facing the
your stomach will be when you sleep. Insert the thread at
pyramid can be moved to any point over the body from the
one end and firmly tie the thread to the curtain frame so
legs to the head of the patient keeping in tune with the
that the beading is properly fastened at one end. patients height. For example the stomach position for an
The next step is to take the compass and keep it adult and a child will differ. Thus if the application is for a
roughly at the center of the beading i.e. about 1.5 feet from child the beading which carries the pyramid can be moved
the curtain rod. Carefully move the other loose end of the to the required position.
beading which is resting on the frame so that the compass For placing the Pyramid under a cot follow the
needle shows exactly North South direction. procedure given below:

When this position is located fasten the thread to the Take out your compass. Along with it you will need a
six foot long teakwood beading. Push the beading under the
frame so that the beading is securely tied to the curtain
cot on the floor. Adjust the beading so that it is lying
frame. If you are worried that the position may alter during
approximately at the middle of the cot. If you have the
the course of cleaning etc. use a little MSEAL- so that the
resting points of the legs of the cot already marked, then it
bonding between the beading rod and the thread becomes
is better to push the cot to a side when you do this
alignment of the compass. Otherwise you have to do the
After this is done take the pyramid and rest it on the alignment under the cot which is not practicable in most
beading at nearly the center so that the apex of the pyramid cases.
is nearly above the center of the curtain frame. It does not Once the beading is placed under the center of the cot
matter if you are a few centimeter off this side or that side. keep the compass at the center of the beading (i.e. three feet
The two cardinal points should be placed in such a manner away from each end) and move one end of the beading so
that they are again exactly at the center of the width of the that the compass needle lies above the North-South axis
beading. These cardinal points are actually pointing marked in the compass which in effect means that the entire

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beading is lying on the North-South axis. Ask abdominal breathing for example which
some one to hold the beading firmly and draw encourages full breaths are recommended
a line from a marker pen or any other colored whenever a person is tense.
enamel paint. Now you can remove the
The atmosphere below the pyramid is
compass and the beading and after allowing the
relaxing which has a salutary effect on the abdominal walls.
paint to dry push the cot to position already marked.
You will find relaxing deeply under the influence of the
As the magnetic axis is marked permanently below the pyramid and sleeplessness will be a thing of the past for
cot and you can move the pyramid easily from one position you. Once the normal sleeping pattern is established you
to the other over the line depending on the need of the can dispense with the use of the pyramid.
patient. This saves you substantial time and avoids the time
consuming process of setting up the pyramid and aligning ACIDITY
it on the magnetic axis every time. Same position as above. Please note that the Pyramid
Let us see some illnesses where sleeping under a is meant to compliment whatever line of therapy you are
pyramid can help. I am also giving the position on which taking. It is not meant to substitute it. So do not make the
the pyramid should rest. A slight change this way or that mistake of discontinuing your medicines or disregard the
should not matter in the end result. advise of your doctor.
You will have however noticed that in case you are
INSOMNIA suffering from acidity it troubles you quite often especially
A sizable percentage of suffer from sleeping disorders. if you are having an extra dish or a party dinner.
While it cannot be called as a disease, it is no fun being One advantage in keeping the pyramid as above is that
wide awake when the rest of the family is fast asleep. it helps strengthen the stomach muscles and makes it
Although several methods are suggested for this disorder, resistant to the attack of the acid so that your discomfort
not all people are benefited by it uniformly. gets greatly alleviated. Use the pyramid till you get complete
For example taking a warm water bath before retiring relief.
to bed, meditation, yoga, long walks etc. are the solutions
we have heard about.
Lie down as a flat surface. It is better to lie down on
One can also try the pyramid therapy by placing the
North-South line so that the body is on the Magnetic axis.
pyramid directly above the Solarpluxes. As you may be
aware abdomen plays a very important part in relaxation Keep the Pyramid over your face so that two of the
and relaxation is a perquisite for falling asleep. Thus faces of the Pyramid are in line with your body. Relax in

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For problem connected with the
Lie down flat on North South axis and
place the Pyramid again facing the. Four
cardinal axis on your chest. Please note that this treatment

Fig. 38

this position for 15 minutes. Note that the Apex should be

right above your forehead.

Teeth Problems
Some as for Sinus only slide the Pyramid so that the Fig. 40
Apex is above the teeth.
should be undertaken after ruling out any problems
For Hair problems, Migraine, head-ache, etc. connected with the heart. Hence it is important that in all
cases of pain in the chest region, you consult your Doctor
Sit on a chair comfortably. Wear the Pyramid as a hat.
to rule out any heart or lung problems. Only when it is
Here again adjust the alignment of the Pyramid so that the
ascertained that the pain is due to weary muscles or pain
four faces are looking at the four directions.
due to rib bones which is normal in middle age you can use
The same position is useful for ear ache and other the Pyramid as a complimentary therapy along with
problems connected with the ear. medication prescribed by your doctor. Refer fig. 40

Back aches
It is common in middle age. Wrong posture while
sitting or standing is the common cause of this problem in
the middle age and affects office goers. First rule out the
possibility of slipped disc or any other complication in the
spinal column by undergoing a proper checkup from an
Fig. 39 Only where the cause is identified as simple back ache

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due to muscle strain without the involvement of
prolapsed discs you can use this therapy with

Fig. 42

For pain in the legs and weariness in leg

Keep the Pyramid on the floor or N-S-E-W axis. Sit on
a chair continuously and keep the legs on either side of the
Pyramid so that they are above the ground by 5 cm (I am
Fig. 41
assuming you are using a 15 cm Pyramid)

benefit. In case the disc is involved you will need the help The exercise can give better benefit if clubbed with a
of the Orthopedician and a Pyramid cannot help. lying down position in which the Pyramid is kept right
above the calf muscles. In case of difficulty in balancing the
Lie down on your stomach on a flat surface again on Pyramid over the knee or legs use bricks on either side to
North-South axis.
Now ask one of your family members to place the
pyramid on your back so that the Apex comes over the spot
where the intensity of pain is maximum. Rest for 15 to 20
minutes. You can repeat the exercise before going to bed for
better results. Refer fig. 41.
For knee problems, knee joint pain, arthritis of the
knee, swollen knee etc. lie down on your back on the Fig. 43
Magnetic axis and ask some one to keep the pyramid over
the knee so that the apex is right above the knee and the give support to the Pyramid as holding the Pyramid for
four sides of the pyramid points to the four directions. such long time is not practicable.
If both knees are affected it is better to either use two In case of sleep disorders tension, worries, unaccounted
Pyramids simultaneously or give the Pyramid power for 20 fears, nervousness etc. the pyramid can also be placed
minutes alternatively to both. Refer fig. 42. directly above the head as shown. Here you will require

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two. L-angle fixtures made out of wood. Get a Similarly if you are having intestinal flu
carpenter to fix the limb which can move then again keeping a pyramid under the belly
horizontally with a movable hinge. When you below the cot will help. Cases of arthritis
have to get up from the bed you can push it respond well when the Pyramid is placed under
upwards so that the entire Pyramid with the the affected joint.
limbs goes back. Before you retire in the night pull the
In summary remember to use the pyramid when you
Pyramid over you and sleep. Ensure that the Pyramid is
have heat problems above the body and below the cot for
aligned properly.
colds joint pains, swellings etc.
P.S.:- If face alignment does not work try diagonal
alignment for a few days.

Fig. 44


Obviously, under the cot in disorders caused by cold,
stiff joints, arthritis, chest congestion etc.
For colds also known as common colds, flu etc., when
your head feels heavy and nose is stuffed keep the pyramid
under the head and go to sleep. When you get up next
morning your head will feel light and your cold will have
disappeared or greatly reduced.
Chest congestion where mucus formation predominant
is another condition which calls for use of pyramid under
the cot. Here keep it under the chest area for best results.

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