Job Analysis

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Central Michigan University Master of Science in Administration (MSA) Program

Course Title: Submitted to: Submitted by: Course Location: Submission Date: MSA60043 Online January 30, 2011 MSA 643

Research Project Title: The Evolution of Saturn Corporation: An analysis of technological relationships, cultural connections, and innovative style.

I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I receive in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or works, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.

Students E-Signature: Instructors Comments:

Diane Doak-Fisher

The Evolution of Saturn Corporation: An analysis of technological relationships, cultural connections, and innovative style.

MSA 600 Administrative Research and Report Methods

Submitted by: Diane Doak-Fisher

Project Instructor: Dr. Gerard F. Becker

January 30, 2011

Table of Contents

Page Number

List of Tables List of Figures Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Problem Definition Literature Review Research Methodology Data Analysis Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

ii ii 1 7 15 Future Future Page 18 Pages 19-22 Permission to Conduct Study Consent Form (Anonymous Survey, Informal Interview or Formal Interview) Survey/Interview Questions

Terminology and Definitions References Appendix A Appendix B

Appendix C


Chapter 1 Executive Summary

Projects are undertaken to accomplish a specific goal. A project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, or it is not a project by definition. Projects are
characterized by having definable starting and ending points and therefore are temporary in nature (PMI Institute, 2012). Although not required, projects usually involve more than one individual and demand that resources be consumed in their accomplishment. These resources are normally not unlimited and produce budget constraints that must be considered in addition to project schedule and project scope constraints. The goals of projects can vary greatly. They can be personal as well as organizational. Personal activities such as building an addition or buying a car can be treated as projects.

Job Analysis Scope

This analysis revolves around the examination of a PMI certified project manager working within an IT organization. PMI was founded in 1969 by five individuals who felt the need to share project management skills and discuss the common project problems (PMI Institute, 2012). Today it has become a global project management tool with certifications available in its methodologies. The PMI association created a project management tool called the PMBok. Within the USA and Asia this method is the leading standard. Research Objective

PMI approaches project management as a broad level playing field and does not make differences between types of projects. PMI defines project management as the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project. Project managers contribute to quality, efficiency and business results across the enterprise. The necessary skills to accomplish the tasks of project management can be considered separately from the tasks themselves. In concentrating on the job, we can see what the activities of managing a project are. These activities, or processes, are organized into what is referred to in the PMBOK Guide as Project Process Groups. These are: Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Controlling Closing In addition, there are 9 knowledge areas applicable: Integration Scope Time Cost Quality Human resources Communications Risk management

Procurement Evaluation of the PMBok project management has shown characteristics which build on a require set of skills. This job analysis provides information pertinent to the position of PMP. It can be used as a basis for thinking about the job of an IT project manager. From here we can build a detailed job description. We will

explore the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) required performing the job.

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