Salatul Jama'Ah

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Congregational Prayer

(According to Ayatullah Al-Sistani)

Table of Contents
1. The Meaning of Salat al-Jamaat _____________________________________ 1 2. The Importance of Salat ___________________________________________ 1 3. The Importance of Salat al-Jamaat ___________________________________ 1 4. The Arrangement of Salat al-Jamaat __________________________________ 2 5. The Disciplines of Salat al-Jamaat ___________________________________ 3 6. The Qualifications of Imam of Salat al-Jamaat _________________________ 3 7. How to Join Salat al-Jamaat ________________________________________ 4 8. Listen to the Imam _______________________________________________ 4 9. Recite everything else in the Jamaat _________________________________ 4 10. Follow the Imam ________________________________________________ 4 11. When Can You Join Salat al-Jamaat? _________________________________ 5 12. Some Common Questions _________________________________________ 5 13. Late Joiners _____________________________________________________ 6 14. Connections in Salat al-Jamaat ______________________________________ 6 15. Emergencies in Salat al-Jamaat _____________________________________ 7 16. Salat al-Jamaat for the Muslim Sisters ________________________________ 7 17. A few Narrations Concerning Salat al-Jamaat __________________________ 8 18. Salat al-Jamaah QA ______________________________________________ 9

The Meaning of Salat al-Jamaat

Salat al-Jamaat at means praying in congregation, with one persone leading. The Person who leads is called the Imam, while those who follow him are called the Ma'mum or Ma'mumin (plural). As for the daily prayers, the minimum amount of people needed is two -one, Imam and one Ma'mum. For the Salat al-Jumu'ah (Friday) there must be a minimum of five people, including the Imam. There is no Salat al-Jama'at for the Mustahab Salat with the exception of Salat alIstisqa " or the invocation for rain; and for the Salat of 'Bid, which are offered on the day of 'Bid al-Fitr and 'Bid al-Qurban, which are mustahab during the time of occultation of the 12th Imam (may our souls be sacrificed for him).

The Importance of Salat

The Salat is the most important act of worship in Islam, and if it is accepted by Allah (SWT), then all other acts of worship are accepted as well. However, if the Salat is not accepted, then all other actions also will not be accepted. It has been narrated from the 6th Imam, Ja 'far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq, peace be upon him, quoting his forefathers up to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, that he said: If there was a strem at the house of any one of you in which he washes himself five times a day, will ther remain any dirt on your body? Verily, the likeness of the Salat is the same as the stream. The Person who establishes the ritual prayers clears out his sins thereby, execpt for the sin that take him out from the faith that he believes in. (Bihar alAnwar, Vol. 82, Pg. 236)

The Importance of Salat al-Jamaat

In Islam, perhaps there is no other Mustahab act that carries such benefits and results as Salat al-Jamaat. As for the importance of it, we quote one narration in which it has been mentioned that: If two people form a Jama'at, the reward for one Rak'at will be equal to one hundred and fifty prayers. If there are three people, the reward for one Rak'at will be equal to six hundred prayers. If there are four people, the reward for one Rak'at will be equal to one thousand two hundred prayers. If there are five people, the reward for one Rak'at will be equal to two thousand four hundred prayers, and such does the reward multiply, that if there are more than ten people in the Jama'at, then if all the skies were paper, all the seas were ink, all the trees were pens, and all the men, Jinn, and Angels got together as scribes to record the reward of one Rak'at, they would not be able to do it.

In the same narration, it is mentioned that the Takbir (Allahu Akbar) that the believers say after the leader of the ~alat is better and more beloved to Allah that sixty thousand Hajj and 'Umrah, and better than this world and all that is in it- sixty times over! Each Rak'at that the believer performs in Jama'at is better than offering one hundred thousand dinars in charity to the poor, and his sajdah is better than if he was to free one hundred slaves. It has been emphatically recommended that all obligatory Salat, with special emphasis on Salat al-Fajr, Maghrib and 'Isha be offered in congregation. More stress has been laid upon those who live in the neighborhood of a Masjid, and upon those who can normally hear the A4han from their homes. It is therefore, reprehensible to underestimate or ignore Salat al-Jama'at, and according to the Islamic rulings, it is not permitted to keep away oneself from the Salat al-Jama'at unduly, nor is it proper to abandon it without a justifiable excuse. It is further Mustahab to wait for some time until the Salat al-Jama'at begins with the intention to participate in the Salat, since a short congregational Salat is better than a prolonged Salat offered alone. It is also better to wait for the Salat al-Jama'at to be established, even if it is offered after the prime time rather than to pray alone. In fact, if a person realizes that the Salat al-Jama'at has been established but he has already read his Salat, it is Mustahab to repeat the prayers again in Jama'at.

The Arrangement of Salat al-Jamaat

The Imam of the Jama'at stands in front of those who are following him. The followers are behind him, forming straight lines -each standing close to the other one's shoulders. As for the distance between the rows, according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, it should be just enough to allow the person to perform Sajdah. When there are only two people in Salat al-Jama'at, the Imam and the Ma'mum, then it is Mustahab that the Ma'mum position himself just behind the Imam on his right side, although, he can also stand in line with the Imam. When there are many followers, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, the followers must not stand beside the Imam, rather they must be behind him. The standing place of the Imam compared to that of the Ma'miim should not be higher than the span of four closed fingers. But the place where the followers stand could be higher than that of the Imam. Of course, the height must be reasonable enough to maintain the appearance of Salat al-Jama'at. There must not be a large distance or obstruction between the Imam and the Ma'miim. If the Ma'miim is standing exactly behind the Imam, then his forehead in Sajdah should fall just behind the feet of the Imam. Similarly, there must not be any gap or obstruction between the lines. If during the course of the Salat al-Jama'at, a person finds that he is distanced from the preceding line by a foot or more, then since he is isolated from the Jamaat, he should change his intention from Salat al-jamaat to Furada (single prayer) amd continue his prayers as such.

The Disciplines of Salat al-Jamaat

For the Imam: the Imam must consider the fact that some of the participants in the Jama'at may be weak or aged, and as such, he should avoid lengthy Surahs, Qunilt, Ruku', and Sujud. His pace must be moderate so as to suit followers of all ages. In those Salat in which the Surahs are to be read aloud (Salat al-Fajr, Maghrib and 'Isha), the Imam is expected to raise his voice so as to become reasonably audible (heard by the followers). When the Imam in Ruku' learns, that a newcomer wishes to join the Salat alJama'at, it is Mustahab for him to prolong his Ruku' to twice his usual duration, and then get up without waiting for another one who might want to join in. For the Mamum: The lines should be straight, with each person standing close to another -shoulder to shoulder. As long as there is a gap in anyone line, that spot should be filled before making a new line, and it is Makruh for a person to stand alone. It is Mustahab that after the line is read, the followers rise and get ready to start the Salat. It is Makruh for the followers to recite any of the supplications, Tasbih or Takbir, in such a way that the Imam can hear them. When a Ma'mum wishes to join the Imam in Ruku ' ; but fears that the Imam may rise before he can join, he can make a polite appeal by saying signaling to the Imam that he wishes to join. After the signal, he should not waste any time and join otherwise it might inconvenience the other participants. He should then pronounce the Takbiratul Ihram loudly so the Imam becomes aware that the appellant has joined.

The qualifications of the Imam of Salat al-Jamaat

One who leads the prayers is called the Imam, and he must be: 1. Baligh (Adult) meaning that he has attained the age of responsibility and puberty; and for Men, it is one who has completed 15 lunar years, or has seen in himself the signs of puberty or adulthood. 2. Sane (' Aqil) 3. Shi'a Ithna ' Asheri (believes in the mastership of the 12 Imams) 4. ' Adil (Just) meaning that he does not commit the major or minor sins. 5. Legitimate birth. 6. Able to recite correctly. A woman can lead the Salat only if all the followers are women; however, if all of the followers are men or there is a congregation of men and women, then the Imam must be a man.

How to Join Salat al-Jamaat

Make the niyyat (intention) that you are praying behind and following the Imam who is leading the Salat. It is not necessary to know his name, however, you should know that you are following that particular Imam. Your Salat will not be counted as Salat al-Jamaat if you do not make the intention of following the Imam -this is important. The follower must say the Takbiratul Ihram after the Imam, so as to maintain his Salat al Jamaat.

Listen to the Imam

In the first two Rak'at, the Imam will read Siirah al-Fatiha and one more complete Siirah of the Holy Qur' an. If you are praying the Salat of Fajr, Maghrib and 'Isha, then the Imam will be reciting these Siirahs out loud, thus, you should keep silent, and listen to his recitation. In the Salat of Zuhr and Asr, the Imam will be reciting in a quiet whisper and you will not recite anything out loud, however, it is Mustahab that you recite any Dhikr of Allah such as

Recite Everything Else in Jamaat

Apart from the two Surahs which the Imam alone will recite, you must independently recite all the other things in the Salat. You must pray the Dhikr of Ruku, Sujud, Tashahhud, Salam, and all the Takbirs, etc. So remember, that a Ma'mum is exempted from reading only the two Surahs in the first two Rak'at.

Follow the Imam

As was previously mentioned, the Mamum must say the Takiratul Ihram (the first) after the Imam has said it. If you say it simultaneously with the Imam or before, then there will be no Jamaat for you. Then, in every act, follow the Imam. When the Imam goes into Ruku ' Sujud, or rises, do it either with him or after him; but do not precede him. This is important as far as the acts are concerned. However, in the case of the recitations like the Dhikr in Ruku', Sujud, Qunut, etc., you may precede the Imam, even the Salam to complete the Salat. If you forgetfully rise from Ruku' or Sujud before the imam, you must return to the Ruku ' or Sajdah position (as the case may be) provided that the Imam is still in that position.

When Can You Join Salat al-Jamaat?

You can join the Salat at any stage before the Imam rises from Ruku'. After the Imam has risen from Ruku', you will not be able to join him until he stands for the next Rakat. You can not join the Imam while he is in Sajdah, nor can you join when the Imam stands up after completing the Ruku.

Some Common Questions

Q. Can I join when the Imam is reciting the Second Surah? A. Yes. Q. Can I join when he is in Qunut? A. Yes, you can join, and perform the Qunut as well. Q. How do I join when the Imam is in Ruku '? A. Make your intention, say the Takbiratul Ihram and go straight into Ruku'. This will be counted as your first Rak'at. Q. How can I join when the Imiim is in the third or fourth Rak'at? A. In the third or fourth Rak'at, the Imam does not usually read Surah al- Fatiha nor is there a second Surah, he will usually recite Tasbihatul , Arbah. Therefore, if you join him while he is standing, you must read at least Siirah al- Fatiha -you can not simply keep silent. Therefore, if you believe that you will be able to read at least Siirah al-Fatiha before the Imam goes into Ruku' and rises, you may join while he is standing. However if you believe that al-FatiQa may take a longer time to read and that you may miss the Ruku ' with the Imam, then do not join while the Imam is standing. In this case, join him when he goes into Rukii ' .It is always advisable to join the Salat al-Jama'at in Ruku' if the Imam is in the third of fourth Rak'at. Q. If I joined Salat al-Jamaat in the third Rak'at of the Imam, then what do I read in the next Rak'at which will be my second, but the Imiim 's fourth? A. You will treat it as your second and read surah al-Fatiha and another Surah, and do your best to reach the Imam while in Ruku'. If you find that there would not be enough time for the second Surah and Qunut, then Surah al-Fatiha alone will suffice. Q. Should my Salat be the same as the Imam's? A. No, you can pray Salat al-Maghrib, for example, behind an Imam who is leading Salat al-'Isha, and vice versa. Q. What happens if a young child is standing in one of the rows? Does our Salat become void? A. No, as long as the child is a Mummayiz, meaning he can distinguish between good and bad, and as long as the people around him do not have knowledge if his Salat has become void, their Salat al-Jama'at is correct.

Late Joiners
It is Mustahab to be present in Salat al-Jama'at from its very start. If fact, there is a great reward in being able to say the Takbiratul Ihram immediately after the Imam has said it, and before he commences the recitation of Surah al-Fatiha. However, if- due to some unavoidable circumstance, you reach late, then you will read as many Rak'at of Jama'at as available, and complete the balance on your own. For example, if you reach Salat al-' Asr when the Imam is in his second Rak'at, then you will join, and when the Imam is in his last Rak'at, you will change your Salat to Furadah (single), and complete the remaining one Rak'at alone. When it is your first Rak'at and the Imam's second, then according to Ihtiya1, after the two Sajdah, you must sit in a position, flexing your legs, keeping fingers and feet on the ground, and listen to the Tashahhud being recited by the Imam (this position is referred to as Tajafi). Similarly, when it the last Rak'at of the Imam but you still have the balance to complete, it is Mustahab that you flex your legs with your fingers and feet still on the ground and wait until the Imam has finished reciting the Salam and then stand up to complete the Salat alone. When a person arrives so late that he finds the Imam is in his last Tashahhud, he would still be able to obtain the reward of Jama'at. He should make the intention, say the Takbiratul Ihram and sit to join the Tashahhud. Then when the Imam has completed his Salat with the Salam, he should rise to begin the first Rak'at and he does not have to make the intention or say the Takbir again.

Connections in Salat al-Jamaat

The first person standing directly behind the Imam in Salat al- Jama'at is connected to the Imam and so are the people next to him. However, as the first line extends, people standing further away fro~ the Imam are connected sideways. Connections must always be maintained in Salat al-Jama'at, for if it breaks, then there will be no Salat al-Jama'at. For example, if a person standing in the second, third or any subsequent line loses all connection with no one in front of him or by his sides, his Salat al-Jama'at ceases to exist, and he must continue his Salat by means of Furadah. However, if he has someone by his either side who is in turn properly connected with someone else in front, then his Salat al-Jama'at will be valid. If anyone is praying Salat al-Qasr, he should try to avoid standing in the first line, since if he chooses to remain seated after two Rak'at, he will become an obstruction to the people connected to him, rendering their Salat al-Jama'at invalid and void. However, if he immediately rises again to join Salat al-Jama'at, then the connection will be resumed and no harm is done to the other believers around him. If a traveler prays in the second or any subsequent line, no harm will be done to the believers standing next to him even if he remains seated after the completion of two

Rak'at. This is because people in the subsequent lines normally have more than one source of contact and connection.

Emergencies in Salat al-Jama'at

A. If the Imam's Salat becomes void due to any reason, the Ma'mum behind him may
steadily step forward to lead, provided that he fulfills the qualifications for leading the Salat. Other followers will change their intention to follow the new Imam. B. If no one goes forward to continue the Salat al-Jama'at, then the followers will convert their Salat to Furadah and complete the Salat on their own. C. If someone faints or collapses during the Salat al-Jama'at, then the people standing next to him may break their Salat to attend to him, provided that there is no one else to help him from amongst those who have not joined the Salat. D. If the Salat of anyone in the first line becomes void, he must get out of the line immediately. He must neither continue nor sit down, since it will be a distraction, and may render the Salat al-Jama'at of the others following him in the same line as void. When he moves out, there will be a gap, and thus the other people next to him must gradually move sideways to reduce or fill in the gap. E. If for any reason, the Salat al-Jama'at ceases to exist, the Ma'mum must not break their Salat, they must simply change the intention from Jama'at to Furadah and continue until completion. F. If due to some reason, the Ma'mum has to abandon the Salat al-Jama'at, then he can do so and change to Furadah. However, one cannot join the lama 'at with an intention of later breaking it.

Salat al-Jamaat for the Muslim Sisters.

Muslim women may join Salat al-Jama'at, but they will keep their position behind the men. Although in Salat al-Jama'at, no obstruction between the Imam and Ma'mun is permitted, the women are permitted to stand behind barriers such as a partition, wall, curtain, etc. and be part of the Salat al-Jama'at. The women are also permitted to have their own Salat al-Jama'at in which a lady Imam can lead -as long as there are only women in the Jama'at. However, she will not stand in front, but will position herself in the center of the first line, and those following her will form the first line by standing by her sides.

A few Narrations Concerning Salat al-Jamaat

1. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said: "Verily, when one of Allah's servants establishes the Salat in congregation and asks Him something which He does not grant him, Allah will be ashamed until He fulfills it. 2. Imam' Ali ibn Musa al-Riza, peace be upon him, said: "The excellence of the congregation Salat compared to a solitary Salat, is one Rak'at to two thousand Rak'at 3. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said: "One prayer of a man in congregation is worthier than his forty years of prayers at home (alone). 4. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said: "The person who abandons the congregation (Salat) without having an excuse, and only for unwillingness or in order to avoid attending the gathering of Muslims, has no Salat (his Salat will not be accepted). 5. Once a blind man came to the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, and said that there was not anyone to take him to the Masjid to attend the congregational Salat with him (the Prophet), when he heard the call to prayer. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him said, "Stretch a rope from your house up to the Masjid and attend the congregational Salat.


According to the Fatawa of Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali al-Husaini Seestani Dama-Dhilluhu Sources: Islamic Laws, Elements of Islamic Studies by Allama Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi. Questions answered by: Liaison Office of Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama-Dhilluhu in U.K. Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Sheikh Fadhel Sahlani, Maulana Muhammad Musavi, Maulana Zafar Abbas, Sheikh Safdar Razi and Sheikh Hasnayn Kassamali.

Q) Kindly explain to me the advantages obtained and reward earned, giving both worldly and spiritual benefits one derives, when he takes part in Congregational Prayers? A) Marhum Allama Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi had listed 6 benefits, details as under: [please, let us recite Sura Fateha for the benefit of his departed soul) (a) ISLAMIC EQUALITY. In the congregation, rich and poor, high and low, all stand shoulder to shoulder. This destroys the haughtiness of the rich and creates self-respect in the poor. The best scene of mankinds equality comes before us in congregational prayer. (b) UNITY. In the congregational prayer, all have one intention, one language and identical actions. All kneel together. All prostrate together. This teaches as the lesson of the unity of the Muslims. (c) LOVE AND COOPERATION. People meet with one another in the congregation. They know the problems and worries of each other and try to help each other. New things are known. Mutual love develops. Circle of friendship; is widened. We get an opportunity to perfect our live in the light of others experiences. (d) DISCIPLINE. While offering prayer in congregation we stand in rows, follow the Imam of Congregation and practice obedience to Command. This instills in us the discipline which is the essential feature of a communitys life. (e) PRESTIGE OF ISLAM. Our Mosques remain thriving due to prayer in congregation. It enhances the prestige of the Muslims, and the unity of the Muslims overawes the enemies of Islam. (f) LIMITLESS REWARD

Allah has put a big reward for congregational prayers: Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.) have laid great stress on Congregational Payer.


Q) What constitutes adalah of Imamul Jumuah wal Jamaah? A) Adalah of an Imamul Jumuah and Jamaah is a sensitive issue. An Adil is a person who does not commit major sins and does not persist in committing minor sins. There is also the question of urf [custom of the community). For example, for an alim to do something in public that would cause people to raise eye-brows even if it is not a sin constitutes breach of adalah. Q) What niyyah (intention) does the Imamul Jamaah make when leading the daily prayers? A) He makes the Niyyah of praying the particular Salaat to attain nearness to Allah SWT, just as any follower would. He does not make the Niyyah of leading prayers As I understand, the link in congregational prayer is only established from the sides and from the front and not from the angle which would mean that the only follower who can establish the link with the Imam is the one who is praying immediately behind him and that link would be extended to others only through him. A) If the people were standing on the right and left of that person, and the distance between the place of Sajdah of both these Mamumeen and the standing place of the Imam is not more than one step, then the people beside them and behind them can take link by them, and the Jamaat of the other people will be correct. Is a follower required to recite Surah Al-Hamd and another Surah in the first and second Rakat of Zuhr and Asr prayers as the Imam recites these Surahs silently? A) The follower should not recite Surah al-Hamd and Surah in the first and second Rak'ats of Zuhr and Asr prayers and it is Mustahab that instead of them he should recite Zikr. It is necessary for the follower to recite all the things of the prayers himself, except Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah. However, if his first or second Rak'at coincides with third or fourth Rak'at of the Imam, he should recite Surah al-Hamd and Surah.



Q) In Namaaz-e-Jamaaat should Maamoom recite Bismillaah. of the Surahs in the 1st and 2nd rakat? A) In Namaz-e-Jama'at, Ma'mumeen are not allowed to recite the Surah, and Bismallah is part of the Surah.

Q) Can a follower say Takbiratul Ihram before the Imam has completed his Takbiratul Ihram? A) The follower should not say Takbiratul Ihram before the Imam. As an obligatory precaution, he should not say Takbirtul Ihram until the Takbiratul Ihram of the Imam is completed. Q) Besides Takbiratul Ehram, is a follower also required to recite other parts of prayers after the Imam? A) If a follower recites other parts of prayers other than Takbiratul Ehram before the Imam, there is no objection. But, if he hears them being recited by the Imam, or if he knows when Imam is going to recite them, the recommended precaution is that he should not recite them before the Imam.

Q) If a follower inadvertently says Salaam and completes his prayer before the Imam does it, what should he do? A) If the follower says the Salam by mistake, before the Imam does it, his prayer is in order, and it is not necessary that he should say Salam again along with the Imam. And even if he says Salam before the Imam intentionally, there is no objection. Q) Can a follower go to Ruku or Sajdah before the Imam has done so? A) It is necessary for the follower that, besides that which is recited in the prayers, he should perform all acts like Ruku and Sajdah with the Imam or a little after him, and if he performs them before the Imam, or after a considerable delay, intentionally, his congregational prayers becomes void. However, if he converts to Furada, his prayers will be in order.

Q) If a follower goes to Ruku by mistake when the Imam is still reciting Qirat (Surah), what is he required to do to maintain validity of his congregational prayer? A) If a follower goes to Ruku before the Imam by mistake, and realizes that if he raises his head, he may reach some part of the Qir'at (surah) of the Imam, and if he does so, then goes to Ruku again with the Imam, his prayers are in order. And if he does not return intentionally, his prayers are void. Q) If a follower raises his head from Ruku ahead of the Imam by mistake, what is he required to do to correct the situation? A) If a follower raises his head from Ruku before the Imam by mistake, and if the Imam is still in Ruku, he (the follower) should return to Ruku, and then raise his head with the Imam. In this case, the extra Ruku, which is a Rukn, will not invalidate the prayers. However, if Imam raises his head before the follower reaches him, as a precaution, the prayer of the follower will be void. Q) If a follower raises his head from Sajdah before the Imam unintentionally, what should he do correct the situation? A) If a follower raises his head by mistake, and sees that the Imam is in Sajdah, as a precaution, he should return to Sajdah, and if it happens in both the Sajdah, the prayers will not be void, although a Rukn has been added. Q) If a follower raises his head from Ruku or Sajdah before the Imam by mistake and realizes that if he goes back to Ruku or Sajdah he will not be in time to reach the Imam, what is he required to do? A) If a follower raises his head from Ruku or Sajdah before Imam by mistake, and does not return to Ruku or Sajdah forgetfully, or thinking that he will not reach the Imam, his congregational prayer is in order.

Q) How should a follower react to maintain validity of his congregational prayers in a situation when the Imam mistakenly recites Qunut or Tashahhud in the Rakat which does not have Qunut or Tashahhud? A) If Imam mistakenly recites Qunut in a Rak'at which does not have Qunut, or recites Tashahhud in a Rak'at which does not have Tashahhud, the follower should not recite Qunut or Tashahhud. But, he cannot go to Ruku before the Imam or rise before the Imam rises. In fact, he should wait till the Qunut or Tashahhud of Imam ends, and offer the remaining prayers with him. Q) How loudly can a mamum [follower behind an imam in Jamaah) recite in prayers? A.) Obviously, a mamum cannot recite Al-Fatiha and the Sura in Jamaah. Subhaniyyat, i.e. Tasbihat Arbaaa in third and fourth rakah are silently recited by the Imam and mamum. That leaves the adhkaar: in qunoot, rukuu, sujood, tashahhud and tasleem. These must not be recited so loud as to reach the Imams ears for that constitutes karaha, but does not invalidate Salaat. Q) For the validity of a congregational prayer, it is a condition that there should be no obstruction between the Imam and the follower, nor between one follower and the other follower, who is a link between him and the Imam. Is any such obstruction caused if a na-baligh child prays in the first line? A) If a discerning child (Mumayyaz), one who is able to distinguish good from evil, stands between two persons in the first line, thus causing a distance, their prayers in congregation will be valid as long as they do not have knowledge about that childs Namaz having become void. But if a Na-Baligh who is not Mumayyaz prays in the first row of Salatul Jama'at, it will cause a barrier even if the space of one stride is not created and that the Salatul Jama'at of Mamooms praying on his side after him will be invalid unless they continue their prayers with the Niyyah of Furada. Q) If the Imam has completed his Takbiratul Ihram, can the persons in the back row say their Takbiratul Ihram before the persons in the front row have said their Takbiratul Ihram? A) If after the Takbiratul Ihram of the Imam, the persons in the front row are ready for prayers and are about to say Takbiratul Ihram, a person standing in the back row can say Takbiratul Ihram. However, the recommended precaution is that he should wait, till the Takbiratul Ihram of the front row has been pronounced.

PAPER NO. 6 Q) What is a person required to do to keep his congregational prayer valid if he joins the Imam in Ruku but as he does so the Imam raises his head from his Ruku? A) If a person joins the Imam when he is in Ruku, but before he bows to Ruku, the Imam raises his head from his Ruku, that person has a choice either to complete his prayers as Furada, or to continue with the Imam up to Sajdah, with the Niyyah of Qurbat. Then when he stands, he can do Takbir other than Takbiratul Ihram, as a general Zikr, and continue with the congregation. Q) Can a traveler who offers shortened prayers join the Congregational Prayer led by an Imam who offers full prayers? A) It is Makrooh for a traveler, who offers Zuhr, Asr and Isha prayers in shortened form (two Rakats), to follow a person who is not a traveler. And it is Makrooh for a person who is not a traveler to follow a traveler in those prayers. NOTE: In ibadah makrooh is less thawab, e.g. praying in congregational prayer when you are a traveler has more thawab than praying alone. Q) If a person arrives late and finds that the Imam is reciting the last Tashahhud, is there any way that he can join the congregational prayers so that he can earn Thawab of congregational prayers? A) Yes. He should sit down after making Niyyah and pronouncing Takbiratul Ehram, and may recite Tashahhud with the Imam, but not the Salaam, and then wait till the Imam says Salaam of the prayers. Then he should stand, and without making Niyyah and Takbir, begin to recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah treating it as the first Rakat of his prayers. When there is only one follower in the congregational prayers, where should he position himself? A.) If there is only one male follower, it is Mustahab that he stands in line with Imam. If a person arrives late and the Imam is in the third or fourth Rakat in the state of Qiyam, can he join the congregational prayers then or should he wait until the Imam is in Ruku? A.) If the Imam is in the third or fourth Rakat, and one knows that if he joins him and recite Surah al-Hamd he will not be able to reach him in Ruku, as an obligatory precaution, he should wait till the Imam goes to Ruku and then join.



Q) If a person arrives late and finds that the Imam is in the state Qiyam but he is not aware in which Rakat the Imam is, how should he go about to join the congregational prayer? A) If the Imam is standing, and the follower does not know in which Rakat he is, he can join him, but he should recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah with the Niyyat of Qurbat though he may come to know later that the Imam was in the first or second Rakat.

Q) If a follower is behind the Imam by one rakat, can he stand up to continue his prayer with the niyyah of furada when the Imam is reciting tashahhud of the last rakat? A) If a person is behind the Imam by one Rak'at, it is better that when the Imam is reciting tashahhud of the last Rak'at, he (the follower) should place the fingers of his hands and the inner part of his feet on the ground, and raise his knees, and wait till the Imam says Salam of the prayers and then stand up. And if he makes niyyat of Furada at that very moment, there is no harm in it. Q) A person joins the congregational prayer when the Imam is in the state of Qiyam of 3rd or 4th Rak'at, he started reciting Sura Al-Hamd and before he could complete the Surah the Imam went to Ruku. If he completes the Surah he will not be able to reach the Imam in Ruku. What is his Sharii obligation? A) If a person joins the Imam when he is in the state of Qiyam of third or fourth Rak'at, he should recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah, and if he does not have time for the other Surah, he should complete Surah al-Hamd and join the Imam in Ruku. But if he has no time even for Surah al-Hamd, he may leave it incomplete and join Imam in Ruku. But in this case, the recommended precaution is that he should change to Furada.

Q) If a person joins in the congregational prayer when the Imam is in the standing position in the 3rd or 4th Rakat reciting Tasbihate Arbaah, unfortunately out of ignorance or for any other reason he does not recite Surah Al-Hamd, what is the status of his prayer? Is his congregational prayer valid? If the answer is in the negative what is he required to do to keep his prayer valid? A) If reciting the chapters were missed unintentionally in the congregation or individual prayer then there is no harm and the Salaat is ok. Q) Can a person join the congregational prayer when the Imam is in the 3rd or 4th Rakat, although the Imam having finished reciting Tasbihate Arba is still in the standing position? If the answer is in the negative, is it in order for him to join the congregational prayer when the Imam has started to go for Ruku or is it necessary that he must wait until the Imam is in the position of Ruku and then join the congregational prayer. A) In the case mentioned one should wait until the Imam reaches the level of Ruku and then join the congregation.

Q) Can a person join the Congregational prayer in the 3rd or 4th Rakat when the Imam has completed reciting the Zikr of Ruku but is still in the position of Ruku and has not started standing up. A) There is no problem in that as long as the imam is in the state of Ruku. -----------------

Q) If the Imam has finished the prayer, but the follower is still reciting tashahhud, is he required to change his niyyah to furada? A) If the prayers of the Imam comes to an end, but the follower is still reciting tashahhud or the first Salam, it is not necessary for him to make the intention of Furada. Q) If a person changes his niyyah to furada in congregational prayers, can he revert back to congregational prayer? A) If a person makes the intention of Furada during the congregation prayers, he cannot revert back to congregational prayers again. But, if he is undecided whether he should make the intention of Furada or not, and eventually decides to end the prayers with congregation, his prayers with the congregation will be in order. When offering qadha prayers, like we usually do on the 23rd night of Mahe Ramadhan, can one follow the Imam who is offering his qadha prayers as a precaution? A) If Imam of the congregation is offering his own qadha, or on behalf of another person whose qadha is certain, he can be followed. However, if he is offering the qadha of his own or on behalf of the other, as a precaution, it is not permissible to follow him, unless the prayers being offered by the follower is also based on a precaution similar to that of Imam. However, it is not necessary that the follower may not have another reason for precaution.


Q) Please, see the Mas'ala below appearing in Islamic Laws of Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama Dhilluhu.

1446. If during the prayers, a distance of one foot occurs between the follower and the Imam, or between the follower and the person through whom he is linked to the Imam, he (the follower) will be isolated and can, therefore, continue as Furada. NOTE: I believe "one foot" mentioned is translated as "one stride" approximately one yard. QUESTION Instead of changing his niyyah to furada, can he move slightly sideways to close the gap (distance) created so that he can continue his Salaat in congregation? A) There is no problem in that.

Q) Am I correct to understand that if a person praying Qasr in the first row in Salatul Jama'at and remains seated after concluding his Salaat is causing a barrier to the next person praying on his right side, and even if the gap of one maximum stride is not created, the congregational prayer of the next person and all other persons praying on his right side will not remain valid unless they convert to Furada and continue their prayer to individual prayer. A) He is a barrier and all other persons praying on his right side will convert to Furada and continue their prayer individually, unless that person leaves directly and they occupy that gap. It is recommended to say "Al-Hamdu Lillah" after the Pesh Imam has recited Surah Al-Hamd in the congregational prayer. Is it also Mustahab to say "Al-Hamdu Lillah" after reciting Surah Al-Hamd in Furada prayers? A) Yes, it is recommended to recite Alhamdu lilahi rabil alemeen


Q) When people go to Hajj or Umra, while they are in Masjidul Nabawi, they pray behind a Sunni (or Wahhabi) Pesh Imam with a Niyyah of Jama'at but they recite their own Qira'at where as other join in the row of Jama'at but they pray with a Niyyah of Furada. As we all know the Pesh Imam tends to recite a long second Surah (or sometimes part of a long Surah) while the persons mentioned above recite a small second Surah. Naturally, they finish reciting the second Surah well before the Imam does so. While waiting for the Imam to finish reciting the second Surah, they continuously recite Zikr, e.g. Subahanallah until the Imam finishes reciting the second Surah and then they go to Ruku with the Imam A) There is no problem in this case. Q) Will the prayer (one of the daily five prayers) of a person remain valid if he prays his Furada Salaat in the same hall (large room) simultaneously (at the same time) the congregational salaat is being prayed? A) Yes the prayer is valid, but is committing a sin (ma`siyat) by doing so. Q) Will the prayer (one of the daily five prayers) of a person remain valid if he/she prays his/her Furada Salaat in the adjoining hall simultaneously (at the same time) the congregational salaat is being prayed? A) Yes the prayer is valid. Q) Can a person praying one of the daily five prayers 'ADA" salaat join the congregation led by an Imam who is praying one of the daily five prayers "QADHA" salaat? A) There is no problem in that.

Q) 2 people prayed Qasr in jamaat namaaz of Isha. They prayed in the first row side by side. As soon as they finished their 2 rakats, they rejoined the jamaat namaaz again in the third rakat. What is the ruling for the people after them? Do they have to change their niyyat to furada or not because the time lapse was very short? And if they have to change their niyyat, what is the ruling......... a) If they realized it during the namaaz b) After the namaaz A) As long as they returned to the congregation without an interval (they joined the congregation immediately upon finishing their Salaat), the link is not broken and the congregational prayer of those praying after them will remain valid. Q) Ruling No. 1461 in Islamic Laws of Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama-Dhilluhu states, quote: "If a person is behind the Imam by one Rak'at, it is better that when the Imam is reciting Tashahud of the last Rak'at, he (the follower) should place the fingers of his hands and the inner part of his feet on the ground, and raise his knees ........................." WHILE Ruling No. 1448 states, quote: "If a person joins the Imam in the second Rak'at, it is not necessary for him to recite Surah al-Hamd and Surah, but he may recite Qunuut and Tashahhud with the Imam, AND THE PRECAUTION is that, at the time of reciting Tashahhud, he should keep the fingers of his hands and the inner part of his feet on the ground and raise his knees........: THE QUESTION IS THAT IS IT 'MUSTAHAB' OR 'OBLIGATORY PRECAUTION' TO SIT IN THE MANNER EXPLAINED WHILE THE IMAM IS RECITING TASHAHHUD IN THE CASE WHEN A MAAMOOM IS BEHIND THE IMAM BY ONE RAK'AT? A) OBLIGATORY PRECAUTION. Q) Is the link (connection) in Salatul Jama'at established to the ladies if they are separated from the males by a wooden partition which covers up from floor to the ceiling with no opening? Or is there a requirement in the Shari'ah that there must be an opening, even a small one, to established a link. A) For the validity of congregation, it is a condition that there should be no obstruction between the Imam and the follower, nor between one follower and the other follower, who is a link between him and the Imam. An obstruction means something which separates them, regardless of whether it prevents seeing each other, like in the case of a curtain, or a wall, or does not prevent, like in the case of a glass wall. Therefore, if there is an obstruction, at any time of the prayers, between Imam and the follower or between the followers themselves, thus breaking the link, congregation will be void. But women are exempted from this rule.

FOLLOW-UP From your answer, am I correct to understand that women are exempted from this rule even if the obstruction is by way of a wooden partition covering from floor to ceiling with no opening. A) Yes, you are as long as the imam is a man.

Q) A Jamat in U.S.A. has posed the following question and I need your help in answering. We normally have Salatul Jamaat for Maghribayn prayers on Thursdays at our Center at the prime time (Awwale Wakht) and then continue with our Thursday program of Dua-e- Kumayl, Majlis and Ziyarat. Since the Salaat time is getting earlier, the attendance is getting lower because people working cannot make it in time. We propose to delay the starting of Salatul Jamaat by an hour or so to enable Mumineen participate in Salatul Jamaat. The following questions arise: Which would be a better (recommended) course of action to take: 1) To delay the Salatul Jamaat so that more Mumineen can participate? OR 2) To hold the Salatul Jamat at awwale wakht irrespective of the attendance. A) The question was read to Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani at the Thursday Night Fiqh session and his answer was that this question will need to be referred to the Marj'a as it requires judgment of which is recommended. He, added however, it would seem that since there are people ready for Salaatul jam'ah at Awwalul Waqt that would be prudent to give priority. So, there is no categorical answer yet. Q) If a prayer leaders Wudhu is invalidated during the course of Salaat, what does he do and what do the congregants praying behind him in Jamaah do? Can a person from the congregation step and take over from him and finish the rest of the Salaat A) When Wudhu is invalidated, Salaat becomes invalid. So, the prayer leader has to move away and the person directly behind him steps up and continues from where the prayer leader left. This is the reason why it is recommended that the person directly behind the prayer leader should be qualified, according to the rules of the Sharia, to lead prayers. If such a person is not available, then the rest of the congregants must change their Niyyah (intention) to Furada (individual) and complete the rest of the Salaat.

Q) Can a person ask for monetary wage to lead Jamaah prayers? A) Leading Jamaah is not obligatory, but voluntary. Thus, a person can ask for monetary compensation to lead the Jamaah Salaat. Q) It is Makrooh to recite Zikr in the Salaat al-Jamaah so audibly as to reach the ears of the Imam. Does this apply to Alhamdulillah recited optionally after Suratul Fatiha? A) The same rule would apply in this case too.

Q) If a person has already said his prayers on time and comes to the Center to find Salatul Jamaah being established. Can he join in the congregational prayers for the same Salaat? A) Yes, it is Mustahab to do so for the reward of praying in Jamaaah is immense. Q) If a person precedes the Imam of Jamaah in his Dhikr, for example recites the Tashahhud dhikr ahead of the Imam, what becomes of his Salaat? A) The Salaat is valid but the action of preceding the Imam in Dhikr is Makrooh (reprehensible, undesirable). Some people have a tendency to recite Qunoot, dhikr, etc. very loudly in Jamaah prayers. What is the ruling on this? A) It is Makrooh to recite the Dhikr, etc. loud enough to reach the ears of the Imam of Jamaah. A Pesh Imam performed his wajib prayers furada on time. Can he lead the same prayers when his congregation are praying with wajib niyyat prayers? A) If he has already done his Namaz as Furada, then he can lead the Jamaat to do the same Namaz.



Q) If a person has already begun offering a mustahab prayer and the congregational prayers starts, can he break his mustahab namaz to join the congregational prayer? A) If a congregational prayer begins while a person is offering a Mustahab prayers, and if he is not sure that if he completes his Mustahab prayers, he will be able to join the congregational prayers, it is Mustahab to abandon the Mustahab prayers, and join the congregational prayers. In fact, if he is not certain that he will be able to join the first Rak'at, he should follow this rule. Q) If a person has already begun offering a wajib prayer and the congregational starts, can he break his wajib namaz to join the congregational prayer? A) If a congregational prayer begins while a person is offering a prayer of three or four Rak'ats, and if he has not gone into Ruku of the third Rak'at, and is not sure whether upon completion, he will be able to join the congregational prayers, it is Mustahab to end the prayers with the niyyat of Mustahab prayers of two Raka'ts, and join the congregational prayers.


Q) Ruling No. 1008 in Islamic Laws of Ayatullah Al-Seestani Dama Dhilluhu says: To take wages for teaching obligatory acts of prayers is haraam, as a precaution, and taking wages for teaching Mustahab things is permissible. The question is: Does the above Ruling apply to prayers only, or would it apply to all other wajib acts? A) That is applied on all wajib acts.

Q) I need your advice on how to go about conducting the Salatul Jamaat in a room under the following circumstances: There is a male Pesh Imam. The followers consist of na-baligh boys and na-baligh girls as well as baligh girls. There is no partition.

MY OBSERVATION; (according to Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama-Dhilluhu) 1) The boys cannot stand in front of the girls because all the boys present are nabaligh while in the case of girls some of them are baligh. The na-baligh boys would not provide a valid link to the girls praying behind them. 2) The Salat of both the man and the woman is not valid if they are parallel to each other during prayer, or if the woman is ahead of the man. Or there should be a barrier between them or a distance of more than 10 cubits equivalent to 10 arm-lengths 4.5 meters. I need your help to advise us on how to go about conducting Salatul-Jamaat under the circumstances explained above. Please, do advise according to the rulings of Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama Dhilluhu.

A) Baaligh persons should be immediately behind the Imam of Jama'at, then non baaligh persons on their sides or behind them. The rulings of the distance or partition between man and woman during Salaat refers to Baaligh persons and not to children.

SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION Am I correct to understand that since only some girls are baligh, they will stand immediately behind the Pesh Imam and both the na-baligh boys and the na-baligh girls will stand on their sides and behind them. In other words, there is no Sharii problem if na-baligh boys and na-baligh girls pray side by side. A) Baaligh girl should stand behind the Imam of Jama'at. Non Baaligh boys can stand on one side, and non Baaligh girls can stand on other side. If they pray on rows, then non Baaligh boys should stand first then non Baaligh girls should stand behind them. This is to avoid mixing boys and girls during performing prayers.

Concluded; Wal-Hamdu Lilla-h

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