No. 4

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Aniceto M. Donaire BSCE - 4 Experiment No.

Date: August 29, 2013 Engr. Alex Melchor


1. Objectives: To determine the hydrostatic force on a submerged and semi-submerged rectangular area.

2. Equipment and Apparatus: Center of Pressure Apparatus Set of Weights Measuring Tape 3. Theory: A plane surface when submerged in liquid will be subjected to a hydrostatic force which can be computed using the principle that force is a product of pressure times the area on which the pressure acts. In a submerged plane, since the pressure varies with height, the approach is to consider a differential area which is a strip a=parallel to the liquid surface as presented in the following diagrams.

In the semi-submerged condition Let hp = vertical height from fulcrum to center of pressure z = depth of water surface to botton of the quadrant plane surface d = height of end face quadrant b = width of end face quadrant For semi-submerged condition F = A = z/ 2 A = bz

For the fully sub-merged condition F = A = z d/2 A = bd

4. Experimental Procedure 1. We set up the hydrostatic apparatus on top of the hydraulic bench. Making sure to have leveled the apparatus properly. Then used the foot screw and the spirit level mounted on the apparatus. 2. Attached the weight carrier to the beam and adjusted the counter weight to make the beam horizontal. 3. Added weight to the weight carrier. To make the beam tip slowly we poured water into the tank of the hydrostatic apparatus to restore the beam to its horizontal position while taking the depth of the water. 4. Used 4 different weight values for semi submerged condition hence we got 4 different water depths. 5. Same as the semi-submerged the fully sub-merged condition also had 4 different weight values.

5. Data and Results Trial Weight (g) Z (cm) (m) A (m2) Force (N) hp (m) Fxhp(N.m) Wxr (N.m)

Semi-submerged 50 100 150 200 Fully sub-merged 250 300 350 400 10.75 0.057 7.5x10-3 12 0.072 7.5x10-3 4.23 5.150 6.069 6.805 0.135 0.138 0.14 0.142 0.57 0.71 0.84 0.96 0.6744 0.8093 0.9492 1.0791 4.5 6.5 8.2 9.5 0.0225 3.15x10-3 0.032 4.875x10-3 0.041 6.15x10-3 0.047 7.12x10-3 0.69 1.55 2.47 3.31 0.185 0.178 0.172 0.163 0.12 0.27 0.42 0.53 0.1347 0.2698 0.4047 0.5396

13.25 0.082 7.5x10-3 14.5 0.092 7.5x10-3

Sample computations I = 625 cm A = 75 cm = 5.75, 7, 8.25, 9.5 e = 1.44, 1.19, 1, 0.8 = 0.135 hP = S d/2 +e = (20 10/2 + 1.44)/100

6. Discussion of Results The moment Wr and FhP almost had virtually no difference at all, as they vary only in minute difference. This means that the summation of forces is equal to zero which supports why the apparatus beam stays balanced and equilibrium throughout the experiment. The accuracy of results might be in question because of existing human errors all through-out the experiment in which we cannot avoid; this explains why there are minute discrepancy on the results.

7. Conclusion and Recommendations

Therefore, we conclude that in order to determine hydrostatic force on a semisubmerged and fully submerged in a given area we use different formulas and techniques to satisfy and prove difference on forces at the given area. With the use of the center of pressure apparatus we can calculate linear or angular directed forces upon setting moments at a certain point in order to get the unknown forces required.

8. Documentation

Adding of weights to the apparatus

Measuring the dimensions of the apparatus

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