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,playerinapermanentmannersothatchildren,shearingisnotdamagedifthevolume is too loud'

SandMater/SensorY Table
Whenplayingatthesandtable,childrensh'ou.ldwearsafetygogglestokeepsandout be cleaned uround tables are slippery and should of their eyes. Spilled *u,", unJrunJ mop, child-size a Keep slippery. up. spilled rice from u.runJi"n[ ir especially not will They cleanup' with help in the area so that chlldren can
broom, and dust pan

onlytakeprideinthemselvesandtheirclassroombvperformingthisadult.typetask first other settings to^Pl:Y6nt spi]ls in the but also learn safety practi;;; useful in as have can Children iust in the play tables. place, keep ingredients "t i;;l;;;ir filled a with do they as water u f"* in.h"' of much fun and learn iust as 'i".n *i,rt drier' stay will water table-and they water play are not broken, rusty, or il;;" t.v, ""a'impt""#ni, io, ,"na and should not ut tuny tood jars oi glass sharp-edged. CIass .onauin"rrlu.ft and droppers' funnels' bJttles' .'pt, contairiers' witi
be used. Replace them


Science/D iscoverY Center
Display children's collections of seeds':

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ch' d re n p ut i i1 : J::ff , " mouths, anj cerrain seeds or beanr. 'nuyb:,P:::i::t" ,".h';il;'i;;il'"t'; i,1a ';:;il:'"iJJ:"d;;; ;l"li;;iv;;i';^;us ir ingestea 1nu;1;':':i:',:l*l: b; i; ;; ;iJ il J; -

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the" temptatioi lly."-:1i:?'.::: i"^,'Jil:'ffi.,I, :1ll?"::i; * o:,?1.: o, o i"n n s-1 j:H':i":::: llffiffi . ffi ; ;' il; il I ll TJ* i,* II plants' poisonous ;il Li|ie;:a"".i'i.'is'iiirig"'" i-1 lists the"moi" 'o"on

Woodworking Center

*"1t{:Y-*:t^*i?"::: as in playing with sand' ch.ildren should ln woodworking, ".'#' !"*f",' i u'?'' * ri" z ad u t h " * *.:,1' : 1"L1: t] :': : il Jii"U " *".dfl oj "l'^ " " ".' ""1"# ua" io, u se w ith ilff:,"::fi i"il l.1l; "'"-".,' real tools by having a,staff -"T,11,,::.1ff::il dren can learn the t"i" L*

demonstrate how. An

shor,i a,beginner. Limiting the num"-pJ""."0 f,"loJlf,ifaren in the area will also reduce safety hazards. girls. Roofing nails and int",urtfor both boys and r rt l^. ^,^ on nt tt rug rt to noise, put ^^ ^nica for beginners to use successfully. To cut down ."iring tlr", ur" "u-r.[,. ,quur6, under the pounding materials'

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