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Emma Mary F. Fuertes B.S.

Chemical Engineering

Adviser: Engr. Norman Giovanni M. Guevarra Biochemical Engineering

Report in Biochemical Engineering Abyzmes Abzymes is discovered in 1946 by Pauling it features mechanisms of antibody-antigen and the interaction of the transition state with enzymes. And a year after it produces first monoclonal antibodies which we called an abzymes. Abzymes are a generated antibodies that is proposed an enzymes site. It is also called a catmab which means it came from the catalytic monoclonal antibody. Abzymes have many uses in biotechnology for example it can be used to performed an action on DNA. In terms of antibodies these are proteins that produce by the blood cell of the response of the immune system to response antigenic by foreign substances and it can be characterized as monoclonal or polyclonal. Monoclonal means these antibodies can be used in immune response. While the polyclonal antibodies are the collection of antibodies against all epitopes of an antigen elicited by an immune response. Since enzymes is the more efficient biological protein catalyst, abzymes are the one that can be used in therapeutic application because of its high degree of reaction and greater affinity towards the transition state analog and have an ability to block the unwanted protein-protein interaction. We have Natural abzymes that was discovered in a blood of an asthmatic person. These natural abzymes that is naturally occur can detect a serum of a patient with a several disorder like systematic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma and viral disorder such as AIDS, hepatitis and milk of healthy women which contains siga-antibodies with protein kinase activity. In the demonstration of the catalytic activity of natural antibodies is the most difficult problems of abzymology. Because of the catalytic activity of antibodies it was often much less than the ordinary enzyme. The second natural catalytic abzymes was the DNA hydrolyzing Lg that is found by the Gabibovs group blood of patients with SLE, rheumatic arthritis and later with AIDS. There are advantages between the catalytic antibodies or what we call Abzymes over the Enzymes. And that is the desired reaction can be selectively programmed into the antibodies by using a hapten which is not possible with enzymes. And another advantage is that it can be use in lower doses as compared to other drugs, they have the ability to carry out the chemical reaction which is useful for medical applications. Abzymes can also block the unwanted interactions of proteins. We have also a synthetic abzymes it was created by immunizing an animal transition analog which is called TSA. For the application of abzymes,

these catalytic antibodies can be found to catalyze the hydrolysis of amides, esters, reaction of lactonization, photochemical thymine dimer cleavage, bimolecular amide bond formation and Oxy-cope rearrangement and other not known to be catalyzed by any known enzymes. We have also a natural product synthesis in abzymes this is the center piece of synthetic chemistry because of their high selectivity and rate acceleration enzymes to many synthetic problems that is difficult to solve by chemical means. Abzymes can also use in therapies like it destroy a specific viral an bacterial pathogen coat by carrying sequence of peptides or carbohydrates and it also protect the normal cells from drug therapy and use to cleave hazardous compounds, including drugs and toxins rapidly. So my reactions about Abzymes, these catalytic antibodies are applied to treat number of diseases like AIDS and cancer. And it can use in many potential therapeutics.

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