Balajietim - Software - Manual

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Insert cd in cd drive sent by Mumbai office for installation of this software. Copy Balajietim sw inst folder into C Drive. Double click on Balajietim sw inst folder. Then go to Balajietim sw inst folder. 1) install VB Setup: Double Click on Setup picture (i.e. Setup Bootstrap for visual basic) Click on OK, click on Computer Picture, click on Continue, click on Ignore, click on Yes, Click on OK. After that VB Setup installation completed.


install Mysql: Click on folder Mysql, click on Setup, click on next, click on Complete then next, click on INSTALL, Click on Cancel, click on Finish, click on Cancel, click on Backup 3) install ODBC connector : Double click on Mysqlconnector, click on NEXT ,click on complete then next Click on INSTALL, click on Finish. 4) Copy Balajietim folder and pest into C;\Program files\balajietim. 5) Creat Shortcut: Select Balajietim.exe, right click, select send to, select Desktop(Create Shortcut) After above procedure New Balajietim Software installation work completed. 6) Software Settings: Start software from Desktop shortcut (double Click on Shortcut), click on OK ( Database Created) after that Login Screen will be displayed. Type User Name admin, type Password admin. After that software get started. (Softwares Main Screen -- Main menu, Creat_Waybill, Auditing, Admin, Conductor_Details, Backup, Logout). After that

please connect data cable in serial port and restart your Computer. When Computer get started click on Software Shortcut and type User Name and Password. Serial Port Setting: Click on Auditing option,click on Collect Data, Click on Combo Box and select your Computers Serial Port (i.e.Com1 or Com2 or Com3 etc) B) Addition of Conductor Name: Click on Conductor_details, type fields of this form Then click on Add. In this way one by one add all Conductors Name into this form. After completion click on Exit. C) Add Bus Operators Name for Report Head: Click on Admin Click on Report Head. Enter Bus operators Name and address then click on Add. After completion select Exit for close this form. (NOTE:- Select Bus operators Name first when you will select any repot and then select other fields). SOFTWARE OPERATING INFORMATION 1) HOW TO ADD/UPDATE/PROGRAM SERVICE OPERATOR Click on Main Menu, ADD- Click on Service Operator Details, Enter all fields. Click on comment line1 for printing matter of etims receipt print. Click on Add to save this information. Update- If you want to change in record, select record from grid, change information from 2nd line and click on Update. Program- For sending data in ETIM select record from grid, make machine ON and click on program. Click on Exit to Close this form every time and then go to another Menu. 2) HOW TO ADD/UPDATE/DELET/PROGRAM- CONCESSION DETAILS Click on Main Menu, Click on Concession_Details, Type Concession Name, Type Discount Percentage. Then Click on Add. Click on Add to save this information. Update- If you want to change in record, select record from grid, change information from 2nd line and click

on Update. Program- For sending data in ETIM select record from grid, make machine ON and click on program. 3) HOW ADD/UPDATE.PROGRAM LUGGAGE FARE Click on Main Menu, Click on Luggage Fare, Type Stage No. Type Luggage Fare,. Click on Add to save this information. Update- If you want to change in record, select record from grid, change information from 2nd line and click on Update. Program- For sending data in ETIM, make machine ON and click on program. 4) HOW TO ADD/UPDATE/PROGRAM BUS MASTER Click on Main Menu, Click on Bus Master, Type Bus ID ( i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10), Type Bus Type, Type minimum Bus Fare for this Bus. Click on Add to save this information. Update- If you want to change in record, select record from grid, change information from 2nd line and click on Update. Program- For sending data in ETIM, make machine ON and click on program. Click on Exit to Close this form every time and then go to another Menu. 5) HOW TO ADD/UPDATE/PROGRAM ROUTES Click on Main Menu, Click on Route Master, Click on Route Add/ Update. For new route feeding Type Rout Number, Select Route Type ( i.e. Triangular or Normal ), Select Bus Type, Type Start Stage, Type End State , Type No. of Stops. Click on Create. After that you will get Route Chart. Go to this chart, Type Stage Name, Type K.M. Help Key TAB from 2nd line. After completion Click on Add Fares, after that your will get Fare Chart. Go to this chart and feed fare of each stop/stage. Help Key Tab from 1st stages 3rd line. After completion of Fare Feeding Click on Save Route. Then Click on OK. In this way you can feed your Route and its fare in this Software. Update/Edit If you want to change in existing Route Information (i.e. Stage Name, K.M. or Fare) Click on Route Add/Update. Type Route Number, after that existing information will be displayed. For updation/edition Click on Update. After that Route Chart will be displayed. After edition Click on Save route. Click on OK to exit FOR SELECT ED ROUTES PROGRAMMING select record from Select Route grid, make machine ON

and click on Selected Route program. For All Routes Programming Make machine On and Click on Select All Route and Program Click on Exit to Close this form every time and then go to another Menu. (Note: use Scroll Bar For down and up direction). 6) HOW TO CREAT WAYBILL Click on Create_Waybill, Select Conductor Name from Condr Details Combo box, Type Waybill No. Type driver1 Details Type Schedule No. Click on Add to Save this information Then Ok. Update- If you want to change in record, select record from grid, change information from 2nd line and click on Update. Program- For sending data in ETIM select record from grid, make machine ON and click on program. Click on Exit to Close this form every time and then go to another Menu. 7) HOW TO DOWLOAD/COLLECT DATA IN TO COMPUTER FROM ETIM. -- Make machine On, Click On Auditing, Click on Collect Data, Click on Capture ETIM wait (you will displayed Waybill No. ETIM no, Date) then Click On Download Tickets Wait Click On Ok (you will displayed Collection Amount of attached ETIM. If you want to Erase Tickets from ETIM Click On Erase Tickets. If you want to Delete Way Bill from ETIM then Click On Delete Waybill. Click on Exit to close this form. 8) HOW TO VIEW/PRINT REPORTS- Click on Auditing, Click on Reports, Select Bus Operator Name First, REPORT NO. a) WAYBILL REPORT Then Type Waybill No. Then Select Conductor Name from combo Box, then click on Date and Select todays Date and click on OK. After that you will View Report on Screen. If you want to print it click on printer picture. REPORT NO. b) TRIPWISE WAYBILL REPORT Then Type Waybill No. Then Select Conductor Name from combo Box, then click on Date and Select todays Date and click on OK. After that you will View Report on Screen. If you want to print it click on printer picture. (Note:- after this total trips report will be displayed. If you want

anyone trip no.s report, please type trip no.) REPORT NO. c) EPKM REPORT - Then Type Waybill No. Then Select Conductor Name from combo Box, then click on Date and Select todays Date and click on OK. After that you will View Report on Screen. If you want to print it click on printer picture. 9) HOW ADD/EDIT USER INFORMATION- Click on Admin, Click On Add/Edit User, Type User Name, Type Password, Type Password again, Select Access Admin or User. ( NOTE- If you Select User then Delete information option of this Software will be Disabled for this User. Delete informations access is given to only admin access User.) 10) HOW TO TAKE BACKUP AND HOW TO RESTORE BACKUPS - 1.BACKUP Click on Backup, Select Operation Backup Database, Choose Location for Save Backup file then type filename+.SQL Click on BACKUP. 2.RESTORE Click on Backup, Select Operation Restore Database, Choose Location and select Backup file for Restore database e to Restore then Click On RESTORE. Click on OK and Check that your backup is restored properly. (NOTE:- Write backup files on CD or copy it on Pen Drive also for more security purpose) 11) HOW TO LOGOUT FROM SOFTWARE- Click On Logout and you will be exit from software. 12) HOW TO DELET INFORMATION FROM SOFTWARE Start Software type User Name and password (Note: User should be Admin Access). a) Delete Service Operator Details Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu. b) Delete Concession Details Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu. c) Delete Luggage Fare Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu.





Delete Bus Master Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu. Delete Route Click on Route Master, Click on Add/update Route then type route no to delete, click on Delete, click on OK. In this way you can delete unnecessary information from software. Delete Waybill Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu. Delete User Information Select record from grid and click on Delete, then click on OK, selected record will be deleted from this menu.

Through above information anyone install and Operate this software. If any problems comes please Contact Mr. Acharya (Maharashtra) on Mobile Nos. 9223 84694, 98690 16416 or Powercraft Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Office Tel No. (022) 28546536, 28546537. -: End Of Manual:-

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