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Dear sir/madam, I, ANAND.S.BELLALE, 4th semester MBA student of Jnana Sangam VTU PG center, Belgaum doing a project titled A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Mysore Sandal Soap Products with Reference to Bangalore Market. I would kindly request you to spare some time on answering the questions below. Personal Profile: Name Sex : : Age Education E-Mail : : : Occupation :

Questions: 1. Are you aware of the brand Mysore Sandal? a. YES [ ] [ [ ] ] NO Very good Average [ [ [ ] ] Poor [ ] ] 2. What is your opinion about Mysore Sandal Soap? i. Excellent ii. Good particularly i. Price ii. Quantity i. Yes [ [ [ ] ] ] No Quality [ ] ] Naturality [ [ ]

3. What is the reason for your purchase of Mysore Sandal products

4. Does Brand make any difference to you?

5. Are you a brand loyal customer? i. Yes [ ] No [ ]

ii. Cant say i. Yes i. 1-2 ii. 5-10 Sandal? [ [ ] ] [ ]

I was No 2-5 [

[ ] [

6. Have you been using Mysore Sandal products before? 7. If yes, from how many years? ] [ ] More than 10 years

8. How do you get aware of newly launched products of Mysore i. Advertisement in Newspaper and T.V ii. Regular visit to grocery shops and malls iii. Friends [ ] ] ] Others Reasonable comparatively high [ [ [ ] ] ] [ ] [ ]

9. Your opinion on overall pricing strategy of Mysore Sandal Soap? i. Comparatively low [ ii. Competitive [

10. What is your opinion on the advertising strategy of Mysore Sandal Soap? a. Excellent b. Insufficient i. Chemical [ [ ] ] [ ] Good [ ] ] Poor [ [ ] ] Average [

11. Which kind of soap do you generally use? Herbal/Ayurvedic ii. Others (Please specify) 12. Which brand of toilet soap are you using? a. Mysore Sandal b. Pears [ ] [ ] Medimix Lux [ ] [ ]

c. Others (please specify)

13. What are the attributes that you find in Mysore Sandal Soap? a. Fragrance [ ] b. Freshness [ ] buy Mysore Sandal soap? a. Yes [ ] No [ ] 15. Rate the following parts of Mysore Sandal Soap Particulars Quality Fragrance Price Package Advertisement Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Fairness Others [ ] [ ]

14. 14) Would you like to influence your friends and relatives to

16. Are you using any other product of KSDL (Mysore Sandal Brand)? Yes [ ] ] ] No [ ] ] 17. Frequency of purchase is: Once in 15 Days [ Once in 2 Months [ Once in a Month [

18. How do you rank Mysore Sandal Soap when compared to other brands in the

Market on a five point scale? (1 being the least and 5 being the maximum)

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