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James 4/1-4(AMP): hurting people hurt others. This is how carnal people behave. Until you learn to live with Jesus as the Lord of your life, you will be hurt by people and because you are hurt, you will hurt others. Phil 3/12-14: a lot of people dont realize that they can forget all that is in the past and press forward. You dont wait for Gods Word to change you, you submit to the Word. The Word of God was given for us to change our lives-2 Tim3/16. Phil 3/17: Paul says pattern your life after mine and notice who else lives after my example. Are you following the examples we lay for you? Dont borrow and refuse to pay back, only the wicked do that. Dont delay in paying those who work for you. Dont even think of not paying at all. The Word controls our thinking. The world thinks you should pay yourself first but God thinks differently. God says for you to pay the man you owe. There are many who walk along the Christian road. They sing our songs and act like we do but they are enemies of the cause of Christ because their god is their appetite. They serve only themselves. They are slaves to their own appetite. Their desires are leading y them into trouble. Their future is eternal loss- such people will go to hell. It doesnt matter whose name you are calling; the one that controls you is your god. Such people do the things they want to do. They say what they want to say according to their feelings. But we are ministers of the gospel, we are called to give life. When we speak to people, our words must minister love and grace whether we are happy or angry. Circumcise your heart, cut out those things that are not supposed to be there- anger, bitterness, and hatred if you want your faith to produce results. In Christianity, Jesus Christ is Lord. He alone determines what you should want. Its wrong for you to decide what you want. Christ has given us the life to live and He wants to be the Lord not one of the Lords. He is the focus. Make the adjustment and live for Jesus Christ and be happy about it. You are almost running late. Owe no man nothing but love: you can never love anyone enough. You cant stop loving. God will send some people to hell because He loves them too much to force them to serve Him now. And if they dont serve Him, hell awaits them but love still will not force them. Love gives you a choice. Psalm 32/4-5 (AMP): God can listen to you and change your life. You dont confide in humans, you confide in God. If you are going to make progress in your job, go on your knees and talk to God about it.

John 14/15-16(AMP): these ministries of the Holy Spirit are fundamental in our lives right now. Take advantage of them.

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