"Mysterious Australia": Ugust

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Mysterious AustrAliA

Vol. 3, Issue No 8

AUGUST, 2013


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.


n previous newsletters I have revealed the discovery of a crumbling Mayan-style ceremonial pyramid and fading Mayan rock art at a Hunter Valley region bushland location. This and another site containing deteriorated stone pyramidal structures and rock engravings, found at another nearby location, match two similar terraced pyramids at the Cooktown region Mayan colony, discovered by Heather and I in 2000. These, and the first Hunter Valley pyramid discovered, possess crumbling stairways leading to the summits on the south side. For some time since the discovery of the Hunter Valley district pyramid, which took place on Thursday 10th June 2010, I have been searching for traces of ancient settlement in the region. I had also developed the theory that the colonists gradually spread their farming activities westward, following the Hunter River into the Goulbourn River in search of more good farming soil for their crops, the seeds having been transported from Mexico on their fleets of balsa sailed rafts. I theorised that their westward explorations would have brought them through the Munghorn Range into the open country west of present-day Mudgee. I now have evidence supporting this belief. The Mayan civilisation began in Mexico around 2000 BCE and lasted until 900AD. Their golden age began around 250AD and lasted until their demise, during which besides a written language, they developed their astronomical calendar and a sophisticated mathematical knowledge second to none. They also expanded their culture into the Pacific following seasonal drift-currents, settling far-flung islands where megalithic monuments of Mayan style stand hidden in jungle. As I have already stated in previous newsletters, of relics of Mayan origin, and ceremonial stepped pyramids of Mayan style, are to be found in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and India, suggesting Mayan cross-Pacific voyages may have reached those lands, colonising them for a time, during which they shared elements of their culture with the locals. They certainly left traces in New Zealand, and in Tasmania where, during November 2011 Heather and I turned up a number of rock engravings and small stone images. The Cooktown-Atherton-Cairns colony was established around 2,000 years ago, and grew to such an extent that its population was large enough to found new settlements elsewhere along the Queensland coast, as well as in the Ballina district of north coastal New South Wales. It may have been about this time that voyages of exploration southward found Newcastle Harbour and a large settlement grew, apparently into a kingdom, for the Hunter Valley pyramid rock inscriptions speak of locally-appointed rulers descended from the Sun, who were concerned with the growing of crops and farming local wildlife for food. One of these rulers was named King Beb-ku. If any traces of the main seat of government has survived the spread of modern civilisation at Newcastle it will be hard to find, although the Hunter Valley pyramid site promises further discoveries, and it is certain from a rock inscription that Beb-ku Ma [Ma meaning King] journeyed there to officiate in ceremonies linked with Sun and Moon worship. The Mayan colonists of Australia arrived in Cooktown with their homeland culture, which for generations perhaps they kept intact, particularly their written script. However, certain deities of their Mexican homeland would be discarded or replaced, such as the Jaguar God, Balam. The Hunter Valley pyramid inscriptions speak of Kimi, the King of Life AND Death and the great Lord of the Underworld as in old Mexico. The pyramid itself bears the title Pyramid-Temple of Kukulkan [ie the Feathered Serpent, meaning a Sun-worshipping people who arrived in sailed watercraft]. Beyond the far north Queensland kingdom the original culture and its artworks, including writing, gradually became watered down over generations cut off from the Mexican homeland. This simplified rock art has been found by Heather and I at a Hawkesbury River location, and it has spread west of the Hunter Valley pyramid settlement further inland, as our latest discoveries show. ***** th On Tuesday 6 August 2013 Heather and I resumed our search for evidence supporting Mayan penetration west of the Hunter Valley. Driving east through the Munghorn Range we stopped the car at one point when I got another of my famous psychic hunches. Exploring a gum forest I came upon a flat area where I encountered remains of 2

By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

apparent ancient agricultural ditches. Having photographed these I climbed a steep hillside on the north side of the extensive flat, upon which I came across the first of two wide terraces. The top one showed remains of ancient quarrying for sandstone, probably used in building structures somewhere hereabouts, but time did not permit a search for now. I entered the summit through two tall sandstone pillar-like stones. Here I detected the deteriorated outlines of ancient sandstone structures. I also came across a fallen sandstone slab bearing a human face carved on the right side. The left profile image was faded with time and the elements, requiring chalk-outlining for photographic purposes. The image showed a head crowned with a feathered head dress. There was a prominent nose with a smiling mouth, at the end of which was a dew drop. Alongside this were Mayan glyphs which when later translated read: Beb-Ku Ma - ie "King Beb-Ku of the Sun. The carving measured 45cm long by 33cm wide. Here were the remains of a probable temple, the sandstone crumbling away with age. I found an ancient stone pathway to the summit and a large sandstone rock containing a carved out chamber but as we had to cover more territory that day I left this site go for now, knowing that I had found evidence of Mayan colonists just over the range from Mudgee. My main objective this day had been to relocate a site near the Goulburn River, which like the Hunter River was, many centuries ago, wide and deeper than today, allowing sailed rafts of Mayan colonist-explorers to penetrate deep inland. On a previous visit here, in late afternoon light, I had found traces of ancient stone buildings, suggesting dwellings, situated in dense scrub. Heather stayed with the car while I relocated these remains. One relic found previously had been a large stone altar erected on an east-west axis. I rediscovered this relic, to find on its south side weathered engravings of a stylised face, a Suns Eye symbol, and a kneeling pointed faced image as if doing homage. I measured the altar to be 3.6m long by 1.5m wide and 1.3m deep. On the west side was a deeply carved eye, and beside it a Sun disc and below these another Suns Eye disc with a central deeply cut circular hole. Another weathered image on the north side of the altar was indistinct. More discoveries now began to manifest themselves as I searched the immediate surrounding scrub. Firstly there were the outlines of stones forming square enclosures within what had once been a fourwalled structure, presumably a temple which was erected upon two terraces, the top one about 40cm above the other. An avenue of now fallen stones led some distance into the enclosure from the north. I then observed an oblong-shaped flat stone lying in the earth, which I could see bore faded engravings. As I chalked in the worn markings I realised that I had a left face profile, the left ear depicted with a pendant. There was a head-dress and glyphs. The front of the nose was broken off. Turning the stone around I discovered another image, the unmistakable right profile wide-open mouthed head of Yum Kax the Maize God, the right arm bent with the hand clutching an ear of maize. The elbow area however, had broken away. I measured the stone to be 34.5cm long by 22cm wide and 6cm deep. The time was getting on to late afternoon so I left the site to re-join Heather, carrying the slab for about a kilometre back to the car. Soon after reaching Heather, I had her drive to another, nearby Goulburn River location. There was an area that interested me, but a search for possible ancient dwelling outlines was unsuccessful. However, shortly afterwards, having driven through a particularly rocky area, we stopped to make a quick search for likely remains for a proper study on our next search the sun was beginning to sink. It was now that I discovered a wide square enclosure, with an avenue of stones leading up a slope to a north side entrance. The south side of the sandstone-lined enclosure contained a 6.1m tall stone formation, its flat surface containing a large squarish altar stone with a smaller squarish slab step beneath it. These badly worn stones faced south. The altar measured 1.9m long by 1.7m wide and 40cm deep. The step was 1.27m long by 92cm wide and 30cm deep. These were quick measurements, like the photos we took. On the east side of the structure was a small passageway which dropped down onto a lower level of fallen stones, although on the east side of the passageway was a large sandstone slab bearing and eye with upturned eyeball in the manner of the Mayan Moon-God, Itzamna. The nose and mouth formed the south end of the stone slab, which was 1.42m long by 76cm high and 35cm wide. The sun was setting as we drove home through the forest. We stopped at one point so I could photograph the Sun-God Kin-ich-Abau [ie Lord of the Suns Face] as he sank in the west. ***** Some time ago I gave the name Ozmec to the Australian simplified post Cooktown Mayan culture, and I am certain that much more evidence awaits discovery concerning the unknown Mayan colonisation of 3

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Australia, the mystical Paradise Land of the West, the Land of Kui or First Land at the centre of which Mexican traditions state, stood a great red rock marking the worlds centre! It is obvious tha t colonists from the early Cooktown colony had at some stage made a return voyage to Mexico to pass on information of the paradise land. Yet, as I have previously maintained, Uruan cross-Pacific voyages, besides colonising various islands, carried elements of their ancient Aryan megalithic culture to the pre-cultured Amerindians of Middle and South America, which would also explain traditions of the Great West Land and Ayers Rock among other things, among the Mexican and Peruvian peoples of pre-Spanish conquest times. The Gilroys search will continue for more traces of the former Ozmec Mayan expansion inland from Newcastle. Further pyramid construction evidence is suspected and the uncovering of remains of one or more ceremonial pyramids is high on my agenda. There is evidence of admixture between Ozmec Mayans and Uruans, as can be seen in certain rock art sites even near Sydney and the Blue Mountains. And then there is the Lost City of the Wollemi a rumoured culture centre, which if eventually discovered, and turns out to be of a mixed Ozmec-Uruan culture, will be yet another major discovery of the lost history of Mayan-Australian colonisation. -0-

The north face of the Mayan Pyramid of Kukulkan found at a hunter valley location by the Gilroys and their field assistant, the late Geoff Holland on Thursday 10th June, 2010. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Section of the west side of the stairway extending down to the south side of the structure. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

A sketch of the pyramid structure by Rex Gilroy. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.
Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The small broken slab bearing the weathered glyphs translated to read: Beb-Ku Ma ie Beb-Ku King. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This badly deteriorated head image of King Beb-Ku found in the vicinity of the pyramid, had to be chalk-outlined due to its condition. Beneath the right profile face lays a broken slab bearing his name and a small head image. Photo copyright Rx Gilroy 2013.

The small head image beneath that of King BebKu. The smaller head displays a lengthened ear and represents an important Temple priest, whose name could not be found on the stone. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The King Beb-Ku image was formerly part of a rockface now breaking up. Nearby was the large head of a long-eared priest head once carved upon a flat stone. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. The long-eared priest-head. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Dense bush deep in the Munghorn Range where traces of Mayan settlement have just been discovered by the Gilroys. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

An ancient agricultural ditch, one of several discovered by Rex Gilroy at the Munghorn site. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy2013.

Another lengthy ditch. Trees growing up within it attest to its great age. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

When the forest hereabouts did not exist this and other ditches channelled water from a nearby creek. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

To the north of the agriculture site rises a tall scrub-covered sandstone hill. Three large, wide terraces were once excavated into it. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

One terrace displays evidence of ancient sandstone quarrying for use in probable nearby structures yet to be located here. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Another example of ancient quarrying operations by the Mayan colonists on a terrace. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The quarried stones would have been dragged along the terraces and down onto the flats below. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Towards the summit, overlooking the south side hill terracing, are two great pillar-like stones. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The two stones form the entrance to the remains of a temple. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Leading into the temple from the two upright stones is this deteriorated passageway. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Scattered rubble and wall outlines cover the summit area, the remains of wood and stone enclosures. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013 .

The image of King Beb-Ku discovered amid the temple rubble. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This large sandstone rock has been hollowed out by ancient stonemasons. Its purpose is not yet clear but the room inside surely held some important ceremonial purpose. Further work on this structure, discovered on the south side of the hill will be carried out by the Gilroys. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The large altar bearing a strange pointed-head figure prostrated before a glyph of the Suns Eye and a stylised image of a nose and two eyes now badly deteriorated. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

A close-up of the prostrated image. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The nose and eyes image. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The west side of the altar stone bears a deeply carved eye with attached Sun-disc, and below, a Suns Eye image with the eye deeply grooved into the rock. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A close-up of the images. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. The north side of the altar contains this worn indistinct image. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The corner outline of one structure. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. Stone outlines found in the altars vicinity, believed to be remains of four-walled a structure probably a temple. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Forest debris covers much of one former wall outline. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Leading into the north side of the ruins is the outline of a stone-lined passageway. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Discovered among the ruins was this stone slab containing the engraved face images of, on one side King Can [ie King snake]. The inscription reads: King Can father of this land which is arable. The stone is 34.5cm long by 32cm wide and 6cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The opposite side of the slab bears the image of Yum Kax, the Maize God, depicted here with a wide open mouth and long jaw. In his right hand he holds an ear of maize [ie corn]. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Goulburn River Yum Kax image is similar to this example from the Cooktown, Far North Queensland Mayan colony of Yum Kax. It measures 23cm tall by 11cm wide and is 7.5cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The high sandstone formation containing the deteriorated large altar stone and smaller step, discovered by Rex and Heather Gilroy just before sunset. They worked quickly to make measurements. More work will be carried out here on another visit. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A view of the altar stone, now tilted on its side through underside deterioration. The structure faces south. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Rex Gilroy inspects a nearby altar stone. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Heather Gilroy with the small altar, with the larger altar and step in the background. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The high altar formation stands on the west side of an enclosure, whose walls are now rubble. View of the enclosure from the north. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

On the east base side of the high altar is the remains of a passageway leading down onto open ground. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

At the entrance to the passageway on the east side lies an overturned stone bearing a large face image with upturned eyeball. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A close view of the face, which may depict the Mayan Moon-God, Itzamna. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This large brown basalt head of Itzamna, found at the base of a pyramid at the Cooktown, Far North Queensland Mayan colony by the Gilroys bears the same upturned eyeball. It measures 49cm tall by 34cm wide and was 16cm deep. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

A view of the Goulburn River. Ancient Mayan explorer-colonists are believed to have penetrated inland from a former Newcastle settlement on the Hunter River, which leading into the Goulburn River, carried them as far west as the northern Mudgee district on the fringe of the NSW Central West. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.


successful book was an immediate success with relict hominin researchers who had longed for a SCIENTIFIC volume on the subject of Australias relict hominins. The fossil evidence presented alone left no doubts that the Yowie was actually an ancient Aboriginal composite of three forms of Homo erectus: namely a being of average modern human height; giant-size and pygmy forms. However, shortly after this books publication, fossil skull types recovered by me since 2005 at the time of the books release had been shown to be regional forms of an Australian race of Australopithecine, later named by me Australopithecus australis. At first I had believed I had unearthed fossil skull types of what I identified as proto-Homo erectus but comparative studies of these fossils with African skull-types of robust Australopithecines finally led me in 2010 to announce that I had discovered the first Australopithecine skulltypes outside of Africa! This momentous discovery, soon joined by other fossil evidence of Australian Australopithecines, came too late for The Yowie Mystery as did other finds and scientific developments both here and overseas which were pertinent to my own research findings. There also followed my conclusion, based upon some years of researches into overseas relict hominin forms, that Bigfoot or Sasquatch of North America was, together with other relict hominins of Russia, China, South-east Asia, New Guinea and New Zealand, related to our Yowie; as seen from comparative studies of authentic footprint plaster casts in particular, and that they and Bigfoot were descendants of the giant form of Homo erects Yowie which is backed up by the fact that the oldest Homo erectus fossils have been found in Australia. The larger Yowie form gradually spread northwards from Australia over the former land-shelf that linked Australia to mainland Asia during the last Ice-Age. From Russia groups of the larger Homo erectus form crossed the then Bergingian land-shelf into Alaska to gradually spread southward into North and South America. Many other new discoveries, all pertinent to our Yowie or Hairy Man researches, included a fourth form of truly hairy people [described in Aboriginal traditions] fitting the general features of an Australopithecine. This made it quite clear that we must, as good scientific researchers, produce a new and revised, up-to-date edition of our ground-breaking book. Thus The Yowie Mystery - Living Fossils from the Dreamtime An Update has been painstakingly completed and is about to be placed in the printers hands. This book not only identifies the four races of which the Yowie is comprised, but now includes new chapters on the fossil skull-types and other evidence for Australian Australopithecines: the anatomy and physiology of relict hominins and the evidence for the evolution of Bigfoot and the other Russian, Asian etc. relict hominin forms from our Australian Homo erectus Yowie. This book has been designed as a SCIENTIFIC investigation of the FOSSIL FOUNDATIONS of the Yowie mystery. There is a section concerning recent hairy people sightings, but Heather and I feel that it is more important to present our most up-to-date scientific evidence to give Australian relict hominin research a SCIENTIFIC CREDIBILITY which has so far been sadly lacking in the books of others on the Yowie. Our new edition of The Yowie Mystery Living Fossils from the Dreamtime dismisses all sensation-seeking would-be Yowie-catchers as mindless media/sensation-seeking fools who have done nothing but bring discredit upon what is for more sensible investigators, an important subject for serious scientific study. The aim of our book is to attract a more open-minded attitude from the scientific community as we search for the all-important PHYSICAL PROOF of the existence of these beings. Therefore, this book is aimed principally at the serious researcher who wishes to gather all the evidence possible on these primitive hominins before entering the vast Australian bush in search of evidence. Undoubtedly ours is the most important book yet written on the Yowie mystery, raising the study of relict hominology to new heights and at the same time gaining the respect of understandably sceptical scientists. I consider this book my greatest achievement in the study of Australian relict hominology. After fiftysix years of research and field investigations, as I approach 70 years of age I can, in this book, look back at a life of discoveries of benefit to future Australians; I have identified the Yowie as more than a single species and matched these races with their fossil forms; I will be known in years to come as the discoverer of 15

By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy 2013. n 2007 Heather and I published The Yowie Mystery Living Fossils from the Dreamtime. This highly

Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Australopithecines in Australia. On these and many other grounds, I believe I have earned the right to be known as Australias Yowie Man and the father of Yowie research -0-

The type specimen Australopithecus australis skull. Now turned to ironstone, besides distortions it bears extensive signs of an earlier period of long-time surface exposure, as shown by excessive, deep pit-marking. A worn sagittal crest is still recognisable. The originally doliocephalic braincase was partly crushed flattish due to sediments not having sufficiently filled it to otherwise provide some resistance to distortion in the early stages of burial. This right side view of the skull shows the face projected outwards with the right, badly worn brow ridge having been thick and projecting. The zygomatic arches have been broken away. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The Australopithecus australis skull, frontal view. Note the weathered pointed sagittal crest. Although no lower jaw has survived, the dental arch [not visible here] shows faint outlines of several teeth sockets. Note how the brow ridges project outward. Outward projecting brow ridges is a feature of archaic skull types from Asia and Africa. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The rear of the braincase showing the flattened appearance of the nuchal plain. When intact, the skull would have been doliocephalic [ie long and narrow]. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Rex Gilroy studying skull-types from his fossil hominin skull collection, believed to be the largest privately-owned one of its kind worldwide! Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This 40cm long basalt club from the Bathurst site weighs around 6kg. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Rex Gilroy holds two 16.5 kg megatools from a Bathurst site. In his right hand a huge handaxe and in his left, a massive stone club, found on December 24th 1969. Beneath the club is a second, smaller example from the same site. Beneath the hand-axe lies a 20 kg basalt chopper recovered at Nundle NSW. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The 16.5kg jasper club [top] with the 20kg basalt chopper [left] and 16.5kg jasper handaxe. Only beings of immense stature and strength would have been able to have made and used such implements. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

Size comparisons: the 16.5kg jasper club and hand-axe from the Bathurst, New South Wales megatool site, compared with an Aboriginal stone hand-axe and club beneath. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This massive giant hominin fossil footprint, measuring 1.13m long by 62cm wide across the toes, 53cm wide at mid foot, and 42cm wide across the heel is embedded 10cm deep in solid ironstone, preserved by a volcanic ash fall that occurred in late Pliocene times. How tall was this monster hominin? Allowing for distortion and regardless of size, it displays primitive human features. The fossil was discovered on Narrow Neck Plateau at Katoomba, NSW in April 2001 by Rex Gilroy. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

In April 1970 Rex Gilroy and his father, the late Mr W.F. [Bill] Gilroy, found this giant hominin footprint in the South Penrith, NSW area. It measured 61cm long by 41cm across the toes and 30cm across the heel by 4cm deep. Its owner would have stood at least 3.66m tall. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This fossil hominin footprint trackway, found by Rex Gilroy at Katoomba NSW in July 1990, shows giant-size to smaller adult [larger male and smaller female?] together with child-size foot impressions embedded in cooled volcanic ash following an eruption that occurred around 3 million years ago. Rain later turned the ash into a cement state, preserving the footprints. The family was heading north, another giant being was moving south. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The child-size footprints were found to continue on alone northward upon the same shoal a couple of metres ahead of the Pliocene trackway. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

This monstrous footprint, embedded 14cm into solid rock in the Kanangra Boyd wilderness, measures 68cm long by 50cm across the toes and 27cm wide at the heel. It was discovered on December 9th, 1998 by Rex Gilroy while he was searching for fossil footprints in volcanic shoals. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

This fossilised footprint of a giant hominin, found by Rex Gilroy at a remote Kanangra Boyd National Park, NSW site, measured 90cm long by 54cm wide across the toes and 40cm wide at the heel, by 7cm in the solid rock. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The vast and largely inaccessible Burragorang Valley. Groups of Australopithecine/Homo erectus Yowie hominins are said by Aborigines to regularly move back and forth between the Burragorang and Wollondilly Valleys. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Where a Yowie trod! Rex Gilroy discovers fresh though indistinct tracks deep in the Kanangra Boyd National Park. The impressions were up to 40cm in length. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The situation of the footprints. They are here obscured by the bark and leaf litter on the forest floor. The foot impressions show the hominin had walked from north to south past the base of the gum tree trunk in foreground, heading for the nearby Boyd River. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The footprints were made when the bark and leaf litter were soaked by rain of the previous day, so that they had been pressed into the soil beneath. The toes of this specimen had been dug into the bark. However, their situation made casting impossible. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The footprint had penetrated beneath the bark and leaf litter to leave an impression in the soil beneath. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

On Sunday 29th April 2007, Rex Gilroy and Greg Foster found three sets of day-old Yowie footprints extending through mossy ground deep in the Kanangra Boyd National Park. They cast the best of these indistinct tracks, the largest measuring 50cm long. Photo shows the Yowie footprints that were cast.. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The floor of this rock overhang, situated in the scrub on Narrow Neck Plateau, Katoomba, was found by Rex Gilroy to contain a number of recently-manufactured, crude Homo erectustype stone tools, during an investigation he made out on the Plateau in 2000. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.

The rock shelter containing the recently-manufactured Homo erectus Yowie stone tools. Note the tools in situ. Another tool was found at the back of the shelter. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

The evolution of the modern human foot from those of its primate ancestors is a long one. Feet of the Mountain Gorilla have been compared by some researchers to the famous Yeti tracks, which in turn is argued to be a form of surviving Gigantopithecus. Fossil tracks, often of huge size, of supposed Gigantopithecus origin occur across Australia. If not of Gigantopithecus origin they are at best tracks left by other large, as yet unidentified members of the Dryopithecine family and have no links with the Homo erectus Yowie, whose feet impressions, large or small, resemble those of modern humans. Drawings after Schultz, 1956. Origin of Races by Carlton S. Coon.

The bones of the human foot, as seen from above. This is a western European foot, which is much longer and narrower than those of other races. Illustration from The Origin of Races: by Carlton S. Coon.

Foot skeletons of the Gorilla [top] and man, each adapted to a special mode of locomotion. Sketch from The Evolution of Man, by David Pilbeam [1970].


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.

Homo erectus facial reconstruction sketch. [This illustration was sketched by Rex Gilroy in 1969 and was based upon a TIME-LIFE illustration]. It was used to illustrate that there is no doubt in the authors minds that Yowies are living representatives of this ancestor of modern humans. Sketch by Rex Gilroy 1969

Heather Gilroy at work on another Gilroy book project, at the Australian Yowie Research Centre, Katoomba NSW. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2013.


Mysterious Australia Newsletter August, 2013.


Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one

which will be held on SATURDAY -21ST SEPTEMBER, 2013? same time, same place 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba. Our contact information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: randhgilroy44@bigpond.com [or catch our website on rexgilroy.com or mysteriousaustralia.com] or on our new Facebook page- - Rex and Heather Gilroys Blue Mountains UFO Research Club

So until our next meeting Watch the Skies!

Rex & Heather


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