TheSun 2009-06-25 Page01 Gaps in The System

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No. 4788 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

June 25, 2009

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Finding theent
right mom Controlling Influenza A(H1N1)

Syariah chief judge hailed a ‘hero’

by Himanshu Bhatt

GEORGE TOWN: Penang Sya-

riah Department Chief Judge
Yusuf Musa, who took office in
February, won the state’s first
as trouble-makers, but be cel-
ebrated as our heroes,” he said.
“If we allow such graft to
happen, the amount of losses we
will accumulate would run into
millions of ringgit.”
Lim also asked the suspect
was still under investigation.
“My duty is just to report. The
action is up to the MACC and the
police. They are now looking for
him,” he said.
On another issue, Deputy
Chief Minister (I) Mansor Oth-
Gaps in the
Integrity Award for exposing a to stop hiding. “We hope he will man, who was also present, said
staff member who siphoned appear again to repent and make the reported disagreement be-
some RM500,000 deposited by amends.” tween Lim and PKR’s Seberang


defendants in court cases. Speaking to reporters later, Perai Municipal Council (MPSP)

Yusuf was going through the Yusuf was modest, saying he whip Johari Kassim over the
office files after taking office was just doing his duty to ensure appointment of the new council
when he noticed discrepancies transparency and accountability president would be resolved dur-
in the records and after col- in public administration. ing the next state Pakatan Rakyat
lecting enough information, he He declined to comment on meeting.


reported the matter to the state the case, saying it 881 /3
secretariat and a police report 0200
was lodged.
He then barred the officer
suspected of embezzling the by Karen Arukesamy at first, but were nevertheless given health
money from his normal du- alert cards which contain information on
ties. Other officers who had symptoms and what measures to take.
neglected or were careless in PUTRAJAYA: Faced with a four-fold “There are those who are infected
following procedures, thereby increase in Influenza A(H1N1) cases in who have been actively participating in
allowing the money to be one week, health authorities yesterday public events. We received information
stolen, were transferred or admitted there are “gaps in the system” to that there are even parents who still send
similarly barred from handling contain the dreaded flu epidemic. their children to religious classes during
money matters. Health director-general Tan Sri Dr the home quarantine period. Many do not
The suspected officer has Mohd Ismail Merican said: “Within a understand what is home or self-quaran-
since disappeared. week, the cases have shot up to 80 from tine,” he said.
Yusuf was yesterday given 21 last week – an increase of 400%.” Globally, 99 countries have recorded
the inaugural award which was He criticised those who were infected about 53,110 cases with 232 deaths. Most
introduced to encourage civil but did not want to reveal their contacts, of Malaysia’s cases are from those who
servants to help fight corrup- causing local transmissions of which there visited Melbourne, Manila and the US.
tion and misuse of funds in the are 11 to date. Mohd Ismail said thermal scanners
government administration. “There have been cases where people will be placed outside planes coming
Chief Minister Lim Guan who were infected did not provide accu- from the three countries. Passengers
Eng handed over the award at rate information, making it more difficult will be scanned twice, first as they leave
a gathering of civil servants in to trace the contacts,” he said. the plane and then before immigration
Komtar Dome. Malaysia got its first case on May 15 checks. They are required to fill health
The award carries a reward when a 21-year-old student returned from declaration forms which are handed to the
of RM10,000. the United States for his vacation. health team before they can pass through
Lim lauded Yusuf for tak- Mohd Ismail pleaded with the public, immigration.
ing the initiative to weed out especially those had been to affected coun- Mohd Ismail said the anti-viral flu
malpractices in his department tries, to practice self-quarantine to help medicine, Tamiflu, will be given to pas-
even though he was newly ap- contain the spread of the flu infection. sengers coming from infected countries at

pointed. “Without this cooperation, even the all entry points.

“He also blocked and pre- best of systems to control epidemics will Tamiflu will also be given to their
vented more money from being not work. We do not want to be punitive household contacts, those who had been in
diverted,” Lim said. and it is also difficult for the government contact for more than four hours and those
He asked for more “whistle- to enforce it because we do not have the who were in contact within 48 hours. This
blowers” like Yusuf to step for- facilities to do so,” he said. is because Tamiflu is only effective if taken
ward, and said the state would He said the government cannot place within the first 48 hours.
launch a monitoring system Yusuf showing his Integrity officials at the homes of those quarantined Presently, 44 confirmed cases are ward-
based on a “whistle-blowing” Award given by the Penang to ensure they do not leave home. ed in hospitals throughout the country.
concept soon. state government. Those who returned from affected
“They should not be seen countries did not always show symptoms » More stories on Page 3

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