TheSun 2009-06-25 Page08 Khamenei Vows No Retreat On Iran Election Result

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8 theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 25 2009

news without borders

Mousavi camp
issues fraud report,
demands probe Khamenei vows no retreat
on Iran election result
TEHERAN: The campaign of Iranian opposition
leader Mir Hossein Mousavi published a report
on Tuesday listing claims of fraud in the June
12 presidential poll and demanding a “truth
The three-page report, posted on Mousavi’s
official website, charged that the
“government put large-scale measures in favour TEHERAN: Iran’s Supreme Leader Aya- Afghanistan and Pakistan. before he died in 1989. He has spent years
of its candidate” President Mahmoud Amhad- tollah Ali Khamenei declared yesterday The unexpected upheaval in Iran has under house arrest in Qom.
inejad, who defeated runner-up Mousavi. that a disputed election result would thrown a spanner into Obama’s plans to Up to 20 people have been killed in the
The Mousavi committee which drafted the stand, despite street protests that Iranian engage the republic in a substantive dia- protests, according to Iran’s state English-
report charged that members of committees officials say Britain and the United States logue over its nuclear programme, which language Press TV. Amateur footage of
tasked with organising the election had been have incited. Teheran says is peaceful but which the clashes with security men, and of some
chosen from “among supporters of Ahmadine- “I had insisted and will insist on im- West suspects is for bomb-making. of the deaths, has been posted on the
jad.” plementing the law on the election issue,” Security forces have clamped a tight Internet and viewed around the world.
“Ballots were printed the day of the election Khamenei said. “Neither the establish- grip on Teheran to prevent more rallies Reformist cleric Mehdi Karoubi, who
without any serial number, in an unprecedented ment nor the nation will yield to pressure against the June 12 poll, which reform- came last in the election, has urged Ira-
action in the history of the country,” the report at any cost.” ists say was rigged to return President nians to mourn the dead today.
said. Now that police and religious militia Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power and Mousavi’s wife, Zahra Rahnavard, de-
The Mousavi camp also expressed “serious have regained apparent control of the keep out moderate former Prime Minister manded the immediate release of people
doubts” that ballot boxes were empty when Metro streets after the biggest anti-government Mirhossein Mousavi. detained since the election – who include
they arrived at polling stations because repre- was cited protests since the 1979 Islamic revolu- The furore over the election has exposed 25 employees of her husband’s newspaper
sentatives of the candidates were not present tion, Iran’s leadership is blaming the deep rifts within Iran’s political elite, with – and criticised the presence of armed
when the boxes were sealed. for safety discontent on foreign powers. Khamenei solidly backing Ahmadinejad forces in the streets, his website reported.
It also claimed that the number of official issues in “Britain, America and the Zionist against Mousavi, who has the support of “It is my duty to continue legal protests
stamps used to validate votes exceeded the 2006 regime (Israel) were behind the recent former presidents Akbar Hashemi Rafsan- to preserve Iranian rights,” Rahnavard,
number of voting centres, and explained that unrest in Teheran,” Interior Minister jani and Mohammad Khatami. who actively campaigned with her hus-
this alone “could contribute to fraud.” pg 11 Sadeq Mahsouli said, according to the Many of Iran’s senior clerics in the band before the election, was quoted as
According to the report, representatives of semi-official Fars news agency. holy city of Qom have stayed out of the saying.
presidential candidates were also prevented for Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki political fray, although Grand Ayatollah Intelligence Minister Gholamhossein
various reasons from being present in voting said Iran was weighing whether to down- Hossein Ali Montazeri has called for Mohseni-Ejei said some British passport-
centres in order to monitor the election. grade ties with Britain after each country three days of national mourning for those holders had been involved in “riots”, Fars
Mousavi’s campaign committee demanded expelled two diplomats this week. killed in protests. news agency reported. One detainee was
the creation of a “commission of truth and jus- He also announced he had “no plans” Montazeri was once named succes- “disguised as a journalist” and had been
tice ... acceptable to all the parties, to examine to attend a G8 meeting in Italy this week sor to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, but “collecting information needed by the
the entire election process” and shed light on on Afghanistan. fell out with the father of the revolution enemies”, he said. – Reuters
the operation. His remarks, a day after US President
A statement posted earlier on Mousavi’s Barack Obama said he was “appalled
official website said the committee would be and outraged” by the clampdown in Iran,
releasing “a full report of electoral fraud and provided more evidence of rising tension
irregularities to the people.”
That statement came after the Guardians
Council, which had until yesterday to examine
with the West.
French Foreign Minister Bernard
Kouchner, asked if Paris planned to cut
Nursery pupils excluded
complaints of vote-rigging filed by the oppo-
sition, ruled out annulling the results of the
ties with Teheran, said it had no such
plans but could do so if Iran continued to
expel diplomats.
for being sexually explicit
But the council later asked supreme leader Western diplomats had seen the June LONDON: A survey by Ofsted, the educa- aged under five were excluded from school
Ayatollah Ali Khomeini for a five-day extension, 25-27 Group of Eight talks as a rare tion standards watchdog, says more than last year, 1,450 for assaults on adults and
a request granted by the overall head of the chance for the G8 to discuss with regional one in five primary schools have reported 1,010 for attacking children.
Islamic republic. – AFP powers such as Iran shared goals for “inappropriate sexual behaviour” by chil- Some children had been excluded more
dren aged four to seven. At eight schools, than 10 times in a year. Reported incidents
children had been excluded as a result of included biting, a persistent refusal to fol-
their behaviour. The incidents have raised low instructions, swearing, running away
fears about child abuse, although some from staff, kicking or hitting staff, climbing
Swiss-based Solar Impulse is taking on a very 21st century challenge – teachers’ leaders believe the “sexploita- the school fence and throwing chairs.
preparing to fly a plane around the globe powered solely by the sun. tion” of children by commercial organisa- Inspectors examined the records of 13
A prototype aircraft, HB-SIA, plans flight tests later this year with tions could be to blame. children who had been excluded for more
a larger successor, HB-SIB, due to be built in 2011 Two schools expressed concern about than 10 days or more than five times in a
a “worrying lack of response” by local au- year and found all were boys and five had
thority support services to “concerns about special needs.
seemingly serious incidents”. One school The inspectors visited 27 schools that
was told a five-year-old was “too young for had not excluded any pupils. They attrib-
a referral and he might grow out of it” . uted their success to close relationships
The report calls on authorities to record with parents and clear behaviour policies,
details of each child excluded for sexu- and praised the schools for introducing
ally inappropriate behaviour and monitor “circle time” where pupils were encour-
all subsequent actions taken by support aged to talk together about anything
services. Mick Brookes, the National Asso- troubling them.
ciation of Headteachers general secretary, Brookes said a measure of the increas-
Cockpit: Non Propulsion: Four wing pods
Pilots: said: “Some of it could be innocent childish ing behaviour problems came from a
pressurized each contain 6kW motor
Bertrand behaviour but there are some quite worry- teacher interview with a three-year-old and
Piccard cockpit limits and polymer lithium
upper altitude battery to power Wings: Covered with ing things going on.” his mother at an early years centre, during
(top) and The survey was prompted by figures which the child told his parent: “F*** off,
André to 8,500m 3.5m diameter 12,000 photovoltaic cells
propeller which directly transform showing that more than 4,000 children you bitch!” – The Independent
light into electricity
61 metres, comparable
to Airbus A340. Long
Start / Finish: Miami group charged
Persian Gulf
wingspan reduces drag
and power required by Frame:
in RM350m Medicare fraud
motors to maintain flight. Carbon-fibre
Also provides large honeycomb China MIAMI: A band of conspirators in Miami was notable for its scale. “This case is re-
In 2012 HB-SIB will
surface area for solar cells structure Hawaii defrauded the US healthcare system by markable, not only in terms of the amounts
attempt to circle globe,
Spain creating phony clinics that churned out stolen from Medicare, but also in terms of
Weight: 1,500kg stopping five times to
Cruising speed: 70km/h allow single pilot to rest Florida US$100 million (RM350 million) of medical its sophistication and geographic breadth,”
bills in five states, federal prosecutors said said Jeffrey Sloman, acting US attorney for
Night: Batteries 10,000 on Tuesday. Some of the purported clinics the Southern District of Florida. “These de-
must keep 9,000 were empty storefronts with handwritten fendants attempted to steal approximately
Flight aircraft cruising
tra 8,000 signs while others existed only as post of- US$100 million from the elderly, blind and
jec at 3,000m
to 7,000
fice boxes, but none provided any actual disabled by using multiple store-front clinics
r medical services, prosecutors said. in five different states and then laundered

Eight defendants were indicted on their profits through local check cashing
Daytime: 5,000 charges ranging from conspiracy to commit stores,” he added.
Plane climbs
4,000 Medicare fraud and money laundering to The 20-count indictment alleges that
for maximum
3,000 aggravated identity theft. defendant Michel De Jesus Huarte set up six
exposure to sun.
Each of aircraft’s 200 square metres 2,000
Medicare is a federal health insurance purported clinics in the Miami area, recruit-
of cells supplies just 28 watts – sufficient plan for the elderly. Medicare fraud indict- ing people whose names would appear on
to power electric light bulb – during day ments are common in Florida, which has the paperwork. They were paid large sums
0 the nation’s largest percentage of elderly of cash with the understanding they would
Source: Solar Impulse Pictures: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS residents, but prosecutors said this case flee to Cuba to avoid capture. – Reuters

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