Unit 23:: Assignment 1: The Audition - P1, M1, D1 Music Performance Techniques

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BTEC Music Performance Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music.

Assignment 1: The Audition P1, M1, D1 Unit 23: Music Performance Techniques Unit Overview
Aim and purpose of the unit The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop their techniques for both solo and group performance, from practice through to performance. Professional musicians work in a highly competitive environment . They must be able to deliver performances in a wide range of situations, in the studio, as a solo performer, as part of a group or in a live venue, often under great pressure. To be able to work in this environment musicians rely upon the foundation of polished technique, timing, tone and control. Coupled with this, they have to develop an adaptive, professional approach to continuous improvement of their musical and vocal skills This unit focuses on two areas: firstly the ability to play or sing with fluency, dexterity and the authority of a seasoned performer, and secondly arriving at that point through a logical and structured practice routine. Tone production, timing and rhythmic control are fundamental to this unit. When musicians develop and use a structured practice routine they break down the areas of their playing or singing that need attention. A reflective and dedicated approach to practice will enable performers to maximise their improvements The best way to consolidate and reinforce technical skills is to practise and then perform. A wide variety of music and situations will exercise and extend each performers techniques and reveal where further practice is needed, Working in studio sessions, solo gigs, group rehearsals and gigs will all contribute to a musician gaining the authority of a seasoned performer. Learners will be encouraged to use technical skills creatively and apply them to enhance artistic expression.

Guided Learning Hours: 60 Assignment Issue Date: 9th September 2013 Assessor: A. Power

Unit Completion: 9th December 2013 Internal Verifier:

Learning Outcomes
1. Know effective instrumental or vocal technique through a structured practice routine 2. Be able to apply effective instrumental or vocal technique in solo performance

You will undertake a practice routine to include the selection of repertoire and the completion of a detailed practice diary, which focuses on technical improvement. This is in preparation for a gig that you will be putting on for your friends and family.
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music

Task 1 - P1, M1, D1.

P1 Task 1

Identify an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine.

Submit a word doc/PowerPoint evaluating the current strengths and weaknesses on your instrument/voice. Think about the following techniques: Posture, control of timing, intonation, dynamics & tempo, rhythmic control, phrasing, expression, interpretation, quality of tone/sound.

Task 2

You should prepare and utilize a practice diary for your weekly practice sessions. Consider the following elements: progression, goal orientated, strategies for improvement, review process, regular practice, planning, musical interpretation, technique exercise. Please be sure to make the session specific, achievable and time bound. You should also record and analyse your practice sessions in order to measure progress. You can use a structured routine following the path set down by a tutor, or text book, etc and achieve progress as a result. You will identify what they have done in their routine and how it has affected your technical skill. Practice Diary Lesson feedback from tutor AV evidence of practice sessions Self and Tutor Feedback forms

Evidence M1 Task

Describe an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine.

You should prepare and utilize a practice diary for your weekly practice sessions. Consider the above elements. You should include short and long term goals, practice techniques used and personal reflection. You should use research on a variety of playing techniques for your specific instrument in order to assist with your descriptions. Be sure to to describe how their practice using specific exercises has led to the skill improvement. Referring particular studies to particular sections of the performance pieces may help to illustrate this. Practice Diary Lesson feedback from tutor AV evidence of practice sessions Self and Tutor Feedback forms S.M.A.R.T goals (Included with assignment)


D1 Task:

Explain an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine.

You should prepare and utilize a practice diary for your weekly practice sessions. Consider the above elements. You should research and analyze at least 3 different styles of practice techniques and consider how you will incorporate these techniques into your practice routine. You would need to comment on why you chose specific exercises for specific aspects of your study, and perhaps comment on other exercises that you may have tried. You may also refer to anything that you have changed/adapted during your practice routine. Practice Diary Lesson feedback from tutor Evidence AV evidence of practice sessions
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music

Self and Tutor Feedback forms S.M.A.R.T goals (Included with assignment)

Due Date Final Deadline

18th November 2013 9th December 2013

P1 Identify appropriate and contrasting pieces for an extended programme of music

Unit 40 Grading Criteria M Describe appropriate and contrasting pieces for an 1 extended programme of music

D 1

Justify appropriate and contrasting pieces for an extended programme of music

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music

For each technique that you choose to focus on you need to set yourself SMART goals. Think carefully about the questions below to help you. Specific
What technique are you going to focus on? Why are you focusing on this technique? Who is involved is supporting you? Where will you develop this technique

How will you know when youre improving on this technique? How will you know when you have fully developed this technique?

How are you going to improve this technique? What will you change or add into your practice to improve this technique? What studies/exercises' will you use to help improve the technique?

Is your chosen technique relevant to your current ability? How is developing or learning this technique relevant to the piece you are learn-ing and your over-all playing?

When will you have developed this technique by? What will you be able to do in 2 weeks time? What will you be able to do in 2 months time?

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music

ASSESSORS FEEDBACK REPORT BTEC Music Unit 33: Solo Music Performance Skills (P1, M1, D1) Learner Declaration I declare that all work submitted for this assignment is my own work or, in case of group work, the work of myself and other members of the group in which I worked and that no part of it has been copied from any other source. I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment. Learner Name
Grading Criteria Achieved Task/Page

Learner Signature



Identify appropriate and contrasting pieces for an extended programme of music


Describe appropriate and contrasting pieces for an extended programme of music Justify appropriate and contrasting pieces for an extended programme of music


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BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music

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