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POSOCOs Orientation Programme

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

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Concept & Purpose

The purpose of Abhinandan is to welcome a new employee to POSOCO family, familiarise them to the power system faculty, socialisation to the culture and help them put roots while giving them wings and put them on the ladder of career POSOCO is a learning organisation where employees are continuously motivated to improve their skills & knowledge. Abhinandan would make new employees familiar with working and culture of 5 Regional Load Despatch Centres and National Load Despatch Centre. It is therefore worth investing time on Abhinandan in a power sector organisation like POSOCO, as real cost savings can be made on motivating new employees, assimilate the workplace culture, train new employees for rapid achievement of full productivity and avoidance of accidents caused through unfamiliarity. This programme is designed for Freshly Joined/ regularised Trainees/ Direct recruits who are new to the faculty and the organisation, this programme aims to socialise them to POSOCO Culture, give them a 360 degree view of the faculty and equip them for their future roles. It also envisages Team building amongst them and developing a synergy which can be leveraged. Specifically creating a separate orientation programme for POSOCO which will specifically impart and emphasise on skills and competencies required to be a system operator.

Why Invest in an Orientation Programme? It would be beneficial to POSOCO in different ways: Return on Investment- The learning by the concerned new joinees and their socialisation justifies. It would be a value addition to their skills. This programme will also serve to build a spirit of camaraderie amongst the new joinees and create synergies across the regions. Orientation Programmes are one of Best HR Practices followed by numerous Fortune 500 Companies and their experiences have been positive. Such a programme would be Institutionalisation of Best Practices It creates a good first impression and helps in employee motivation and retention. New Joinees can more quickly assimilate the workplace culture, and thus be more productive and perform better when they are finally posted. The knowledge garnered and provided by the organisation and the systems in place.

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. - Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche

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Why a Separate programme POSOCO? POWERGRID has a comprehensive ET Training programme which covers a wide array of topics, however, since Power System is a specialised faculty, and a separate organisation with its own culture and core values, a concise separate orientation programme is warranted as it would help the new employees in knowing the organisation and the faculty in a more effective manner and relate themselves better to the organisation and its culture. .

What is the time/ cost implication of such a programme? Duration of the Programme: 45 Days Costs involved: Travelling Cost Accommodation Cost Opportunity Cost (both trainee and trainer) Training Cost Miscellaneous Cost Time Investment in organising/ coordinating and delivering lecture.

General Orientation Department Orientation

Job-specific Employee Orientation

Information related POSOCO, such as its vision, priorities, values, structure and culture

Information related to the employees hiring department in relation to the organization

Information related to the employees role and responsibilities, their immediate work environment and their terms and conditions of employment

This orientation will be endeavour to be a complete package including all Corporate, Department and Job related orientation It will be including general orientation along with technical & outbound training as well as visit to NLDC, RLDCs & substations which will result in better understanding of functioning & procedures carried out at POSOCO. Also, outbound trainings would be included which would help new employees to interact among themselves and with their superiors, too, which would help in strengthening their bond with the employees as well as the organisation.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever - Mahatma Gandhi

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Work Quality & Productivity



Workplace Culture Organisation, system & Services

Investment in People Application

Benefits of Abhinandan

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Flow of Programme

Expectation Setting

Define Roles and Responsibilities

Orientation and Training

Programme Feedback

Expectation Setting:
Clarifying Expectations (both ways, organisations and new joinees) - starting a dialogue Orientation Programme Objectives: Welcome the individual to the organization, workplace, and the position Familiarize new employees with the POSOCOs policies Define and clarify work assignments, roles, and responsibilities Build positive connections between the employee, co-workers, and the organization Make workplace resources readily available to the newly-hired individual Speed up the adaptation process by helping new employees feel comfortable in the organization Introduce Anubandh (Mentor/Mentee Programme) to new employees Provide information about performance management Provide useful skills to new employees to help them perform better at their respective jobs

Define Roles and Responsibilities:

Role of Human Resource Department: Designs and oversees orientation programme Providing Orientation kits Conducts training sessions Designing and conducting the evaluation study Conducts parts of the orientation program itself

It is better to do your own duty, however imperfectly, than to assume the duties of another, however successfully. - Bhagwadgita

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Role of Superiors: Provides factual information and clear and realistic performance expectations Emphasize the employees likelihood of succeeding in the organization Encourages newcomers acceptance by co-workers Providing (or arranging for) training in job specifics Buffering the newcomer from demands outside the work group for a period of time to facilitate job learning Providing challenging initial assignments Conducting timely, constructive performance evaluations Diagnosing problems at work that create conflicts Using the newcomers arrival as an opportunity to reallocate tasks or redesign work to improve effectiveness and employee satisfaction with the work system

Role of Co-workers: Provide support, information and training Help to learn norms of workplace

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. - George Bernard Shaw
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Orientation and Training:

Timeline of the orientation process: Duration: 45 Days Orientation at NLDC (1 week)
Orientation programme at NLDC (2 Days) Communication workshop (1 Day) Outbound Training at Jaipur (3 Days)

Power System Operator Training at NLDC (2 weeks)

2 weeks training and certification programme

Training at WRLDC (5 Days)

Undertsnading the System Interaction with the employees

Training at SRLDC (5 Days)

Undertsnading the System Interaction with the employees

Training at ERLDC (5 Days)

Undertsnading the System Interaction with the employees

Training at NERLDC (4 Days)

Undertsnading the System Interaction with the employees

Final interaction at NLDC

Evaluation of Orientation Programme Allotment of joining location Providing mementos Formal interaction session

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Orientation Programme Break-up:

Day 1 A very important and first step in the orientation process is welcoming the new employees. It would focus on introducing employees to the POSOCOs history, vision and mission, goals, policies and future plans to make them comfortable to the new environment.

Sessions during the day:

Morning Session (9:30 AM-11:00 AM): Welcome Session (CEO addresses the new employees) Introduction to POSOCO (Companys history, vision & mission and policies) Attendance & providing time schedule and stationary:

- History - Mission & Vision statement - Goals and Objectives

Tea Break (11:00 AM- 11:30 AM) Afternoon Session (11:30 AM-1:00 PM): Organizational Structure Future Growth Plans

Lunch Break (1:00 PM-2:00 PM) Evening Session (2:00 PM-4:00 PM): Company policies and procedures:

- Reporting procedures - Escalation Matrix - Expense claims Break (4:00 PM-4:15 PM) Assessment (4:15 PM-5:00 PM)

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Day 2 A good impression of first day would help the new employees be more enthusiastic about the second day of the orientation which would be focusing on interaction between the management and the new employees through different techniques.

Sessions during the day: Morning Session (9:30 AM-11:00 AM): Explanation of benefit package:

- Group insurance - Sick leave - Holidays - Welfare

Tea Break (11:00 AM- 11:30 AM) Afternoon Session (11:30 AM-1:00 PM): Interactive Session: Activities to improve interaction among employees Activities to know more about the new employees Encourage interaction between management and the employees

Lunch Break (1:00 PM-2:00 PM) Evening Session (2:00 PM-4:00 PM): a day in the life of description of a typical day for the new hires position Describe job responsibilities and performance expectations Introduction to 'Anubandh' (Mentor- Mentee Programme)

Break (4:00 PM-4:15 PM) Assessment (4:15 PM-5:00 PM)

A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people. - Will Rogers

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Programme Feedback
Evaluation is an important part of the process to find out if the objectives of the orientation programme has been met or not & if it has been an effective orientation. To analyse the effectiveness of Abhinandan supervisors and new employees would be asked to fill a questionnaire.

Induction Programme Feedback form:

Employee name: Start date: Job title:

Question 1. How would you rate the induction overall?


Comments (to support your rating)

2. Did it provide you with valuable information to help you do your job? 3. Did it help you understand more about the organisation and its people? 4. Did the people you meet know their stuff? 5. How was the quality of information provided? 6. Did the programme meet your needs? 7. How did you find the structure of the programme?

*Rating Scale: 1 = excellent, 2 = very good, 3 = good, 4 = ok & 5 = could be better

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