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theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 26 2009  7

news without borders

‘Bring on Chinese amahs’

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh
Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen objected to maids
from China two years ago, claiming that young
Chinese women were wrecking families be-
cause of their involvement with local men.
Indonesia stops sending
maids to M’sia for now Speaking at a press conference in Klang on
Wednesday, Tan said he agreed with the sug-
KAPAR Batu 4 MCA branch chairman Tan Seng gestion that the Home Ministry should allow
Geok is all for bringing in China maids, saying maids to be brought in from China as there will
not all Chinese women flying into the country not be any communication gap between these
engage in vice activities or to seduce married maids and their Chinese employers here.
men, the Chinese press reported. He said the detractors should not be too
He hit out at the Kapar MCA division wom- quick to pass judgment on China maids. “Not JAKARTA: With immediate Labour Conference in Geneva sia early next month to meet
en’s wing for adopting a resolution to object all women from China are here to prostitute effect, Indonesia will halt send- on June 12,” Erman said in a Subramaniam, Home Minister
the idea of bringing in domestic helpers from themselves or steal other people’s husbands.” ing maids to Malaysia until statement yesterday. Datuk Seri Hishammuddin
China. On the plus side of Chinese families hir- there are discussions on the Erman said he will send Hussein, Works Minister Datuk
It is an insult to China maids, he said of the ing Chinese maids, he said their common review of the memorandum of out a letter on the decision to Shaziman Abu
resolution, which was passed by the wing at a language and culinary culture would remove understanding (MoU) on the all related agencies today. Mansor, the Immigration
recent meeting to echo a similar stand taken by some of the problems these employers face matter. The statement said besides Department and the police.
Wanita MCA chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun. with maids of other races. Indonesia’s Minister for that notice is given that maids The meeting would discuss
Earlier last week, Home Ministry secretary- “Because there are not many male Chinese Labour and Transmigra- have the right to hold their a review of the MoU on
general Datuk Mahmood Adam was quoted by nationals in the country, employers need not tion, Erman Suparno, said own passports and not their maids.
a Chinese daily as saying that if the Chinese worry about these maids hitting of with their the decision was made after employers and of the standard “After that, in the middle of
community no longer had objections, the min- countrymen, as some Indonesian maids do.” closed-door discussions here rights of maids like wage raises July, there will be a meeting
istry would reconsider allowing Chinese to hire For example, he said, a friend of his dis- yesterday with Indonesia’s and one off-day each week. of the joint working group of
China maids to overcome problems between covered that his Indonesian maid had opened Ambassador to Malaysia Da’i “To enhance the protec- Indonesia and Malaysia which
employers and their Indonesian maids. the door in the middle of the night to let in her Bachtiar, Indonesia’s Deputy tion of maids, the recruitment will discuss the implementa-
His remark drew mixed responses from Indonesian boyfriend to sleep with her. He said Foreign Minister mechanism must be done tion of the agreements entered
the public and Chew said Wanita MCA has there were also cases of Indonesian maids Triyono Wibowo and the officially with a clear work in the MoU,” said Erman.
not changed its stand since her predecessor running away with their countrymen. Indonesian Labour Attache in contract,” it said, adding that Meanwhile in KUALA
Malaysia Teguh H. Cahyono. employers must use LUMPUR, Subramaniam
Tourism industry first to be hit by H1N1 The meeting was held to
review the position and protec-
their maids for legal
purposes and if not they (the
said his ministry would wait
for an official statement from
TOURISM is among the first industries to be With the number of confirmed A (H1N1) tion of maids in Malaysia. employers) must be punished Indonesia before commenting
hit by the influenza A(H1N1) pandemic and cases increasing sharply in Europe and Aus- “Actually, verbally I had according to the law. on the matter.
many holidaymakers are postponing their tralia, many outbound tourists are requesting spoken of the temporary halt Indonesia on its part would “We need to know details of
trips to the West and Australia to the end of their travel agencies to put off their trip to a in bilateral talks with the strive to tighthen the departure the decision,” he told Bernama,
the year, China Press reported yesterday. later date. They also do not want to go through Malaysian Human Resources process of maids to stem illegal and added that he had no
They are hoping that by then, the pandemic the hassle of self-quarantine upon returning Minister (Datuk Dr S. Subrama- entry into Malaysia. further comment on the mat-
would have blown over. from these high-risk countries. niam) during the International Erman will travel to Malay- ter. – Bernama

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