TheSun 2009-06-26 Page08 Iraqis Demand Protection From Bombings

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8  theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 26 2009

news without borders

Taliban chief escapes

US attack
LONDON: The head of Pakistan’s Two intelligence officials
Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, left said that although Mehsud had
a funeral procession before it visited the village where the
was hit by a suspected US mis- funeral took place, he left before
sile strike that killed 80 people the drone-fired missiles killed
mourning an earlier barrage, 80 people and wounded dozens
intelligence officials said yes- more. Qari Hussain, a close as-
terday. sociate of Mehsud, denied that
They claimed that several the Taliban leader had narrowly
senior Taliban militants were escaped with his life.
killed in the attack launched “Baitullah Mehsud was at a
from a drone aircraft. secret place at the time of the
Mehsud, who is accused of missile attack, and the attack
plotting suicide bombings and killed only five of our colleagues,
the assassination this week and the remaining 45 slain men
of his chief Taliban rival, is the were villagers,” he said.
target of a looming offensive by Dozens of air-strikes have
Pakistan’s military in the South been carried out in the tribal
Waziristan tribal area bordering regions over the last year, draw-
Afghanistan. ing criticism from Pakistan’s
Suspected missile strikes leaders that they fire up raging
killed several people at a pur- anti-Americanism and jeopard-
ported Taliban training centre ise military operations. An im-
on Tuesday. The second barrage pending offensive will focus on
rained down on a funeral pro- Mehsud, who reportedly has up
cession for some of those killed to 12,000 men under his control.
in the first attack. – The Independent

of Wall Street swindler Bernard

US actress Farrah
Fawcett dead at 62
Madoff, who at 71 could face a
150-year jail term.
Madoff’s fall from grace
since his shock arrest in De-
cember will be complete when
he returns to a New York court-
Iraqis demand protection
from bombings
room on Monday for sentenc-
LOS ANGELES: ing after pleading guilty to one nounce both bombings, and agreed
Actress Farrah of the biggest, most complex to give the families of the Kirkuk
Fawcett (pix), the financial scams in history. blast victims one million dinars
Charlie’s Angels Once the darling of the mar- each.
television star kets who was believed to have The International Committee
whose big smile the Midas touch, the former of the Red Cross said it delivered
and feathered chairman of the Nasdaq now water and a tonne of medical sup-
blond mane languishes in a tiny prison cell BAGHDAD: Hundreds of angry Mustafa Hussain, a 33-year-old plies to the hospital where most of
made her one of the sex sym- after admitting 11 charges of Iraqis gathered yesterday around grocer, told Reuters at the scene, the wounded from Sadr City were
bols of the 1970s, died yesterday fraud, perjury and theft. – AFP US the wreckage of a market bombing where pieces of flesh, shreds of being treated.
after a long battle with cancer, approves in Baghdad where 78 people were bloodied clothing and shoes still “The political nature of these
killed, demanding better protection littered the area. attacks is becoming clear. They
her longtime companion actor HK tutor faces jail sweeping from the government when US “Iraqi forces don’t have enough are an attempt to delay or suspend
Ryan O’Neal said. She was 62.
Fawcett was first diagnosed for sex with pupil Pakistan troops pull back to rural bases. experience and they don’t check the withdrawal of US forces from
with anal cancer in late 2006. She HONGKONG: A Hongkong aid A string of blasts has cast doubt vehicles well at their checkpoints Iraqi urban centres according to the
died in a Los Angles hospital after language tutor was yesterday on Iraqi forces’ ability to keep the ... they must prove their abilities to timetable,” Vice-President Tareq al-
being admitted earlier this week. facing jail after being convicted
package lid on a stubborn insurgency as US the people.” Hashemi said in a statement.
“After a long and brave battle of using threats to force a 14- pg 10 troops withdraw from towns and Jawad Kadhim, a 40-year-old Elsewhere yesterday, police in
with cancer, our beloved Farrah year-old girl pupil into having sex cities by June 30. More explosions Sadr City taxi driver, said the at- the once turbulent but recently
has passed away. Although this with him. Gary Siu Cheuk-ming, yesterday killed five policemen and tack was aimed at stoking sectarian secure western city of Falluja said
is an extremely difficult time for 27, lured the girl who attended at least two civilians. hatred. a roadside bomb destroyed a police
her family and friends, we take his private Japanese lessons to Violence has dropped sharply “The terrorist groups want to vehicle and killed all five police-
comfort in the beautiful times a meeting in a hostel after claim- across Iraq in the past year, but send a message that when the US men inside.
that we shared with Farrah over ing he could get modeling work militants including the Sunni Al troops leave the cities there will Falluja in Anbar province was
the years and the knowledge that for her and filmed her naked. Qaeda continue to launch car and be a security vacuum,” he said. once the heartland of the rebellion
her life brought joy to so many He then had sex with her suicide bombings aimed at under- “Relaxed security and corruption against the US military and Iraqi
people around the world,” O’Neal at least 10 times over a three- mining the Shi’ite-led government at checkpoints is the main reason government forces.
said in a statement. – Reuters month period after threatening and reigniting sectarian conflict. we fear what may come next.” Hours later, at least two people
to distribute the video if she did Residents at the site of Wednes- A massive truck bomb killed died and 30 others were wounded
not sleep with him, the South day’s blast in Baghdad’s Sadr City 73 people near the northern city of when another bomb struck a
Madoff‘s fate to be China Morning Post reported. slum sobbed and hugged each other, Kirkuk on Saturday. That and the crowded bus terminal in the south
known on Monday The girl eventually told another and many furiously cursed the au- Sadr City market bombing were of the capital, a hospital source said.
NEW YORK: Thousands of peo- teacher what was happening thorities. The blast came four days the bloodiest attacks in the country In eastern Baghdad, the US mili-
ple who lost their life savings in who alerted police. after US soldiers handed control of for more than a year. tary said nine American soldiers
a multi-billion dollar scam will The offences all took place in the Shi’ite area to Iraqi forces. Members of parliament delayed were wounded when two roadside
discover on Monday the fate 2006, the report said. – dpa “I expect more explosions,” a grilling of the oil minister to de- bombs hit their patrol. – Reuters

Iran’s Ahmadinejad compares Obama to Bush

TEHERAN: President Mahmoud is left to talk about ... I hope you avoid tollah Hossein Ali Montazeri. behind the rigging are responsible for Bush as part of an “axis of evil”.
Ahmadinejad accused Barack Obama interfering in Iran’s affairs and express Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali the bloodshed.” Washington had been hoping to con-
yesterday of behaving like his predeces- your regret in a way that the Iranian Khamenei, who normally stays above He called on his supporters to con- vince Teheran to drop what it suspects
sor towards Iran and said there was not nation is informed of it.” the political fray, has sided strongly with tinue “legal” protests and said restric- are plans to develop nuclear bombs,
much point in talking to Washington About 20 people have died in Ahmadinejad. tions on the opposition could lead to while also seeking its help in stabilising
unless the US president apologised. demonstrations following the disputed “My personal judgment is that this more violence. Afghanistan.
Obama said on Tuesday he was “ap- June 12 election. Police and militia is a country deeply split and emotional- Mousavi supporters said they would It had invited Iranian diplomats to
palled and outraged” by a post-election have flooded Teheran’s streets since ised,” a Western diplomat in the region release thousands of balloons on Friday attend Independence Day celebrations
crackdown and Washington withdrew Saturday, quelling the most widespread said. imprinted with the message “Neda you for the first time since Washington cut
invitations to Iranian diplomats to at- anti-government protests since the Khamenei has upheld the result and will always remain in our hearts” – a diplomatic ties with Teheran in 1980.
tend US Independence Day celebrations 1979 Islamic revolution. Iran’s top legislative body, the Guardian reference to the young woman killed The move to withdraw the invites was
on July 4 – stalling efforts to improve Analysts say the battle has now Council, has refused to annul the elec- last week who has become an icon of largely symbolic as no Iranians had even
ties with Teheran. moved off the street into a protracted tions. State Press TV quoted a spokes- the protests. responded.
“Mr Obama made a mistake to say behind-the-scenes struggle within man for the council as saying they were Obama had previously been muted Mohammad Marandi, who is the
those things ... our question is why he Iran’s clerical establishment, facing an “among the healthiest elections ever in his criticism but on Tuesday he said: head of North American Studies at
fell into this trap and said things that unprecedented public rift. held in the country”. “The United States and the international Teheran University, said mistrust of the
previously (former US President George Opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi said yesterday he was deter- community have been appalled and United States and Britain was rife.
W.) Bush used to say,” the semi-official Mousavi, who says he won the poll, mined to keep challenging the election outraged by the threats, the beatings, “In the short term relations will defi-
Fars News Agency quoted Ahmadinejad has the backing of such powerful results despite pressure to stop. and imprisonments of the last few nitely get worse, but in the long term
as saying. figures as former presidents Akbar “A major rigging has happened,” his days.” the US really has to re-think its policy
“Do you want to speak with this Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad website reported him as saying. Before the election, Obama had tried and to recognise that regime change is
tone? If that is your stance then what Khatami, and senior cleric Grand Aya- “I am prepared to prove that those to improve ties with Iran – branded by not possible in Iran.” – Reuters

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