TheSun 2009-06-26 Page12 People Pay For Sins of Others

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12 theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 26 2009

speak up!


Put scarce
People pay for sins of others
TWO elderly gentlemen purposes”, the state did laws were thrown out the window

to good use walked into the office

yesterday. They are
probably in their 70s.
It is not the first time
not take any action but
merely gave a verbal
undertaking in 1976
that no development
as it allowed more development in
an already congested area without
hearing the residents out.
No consultations were held with
I AM perplexed by “Govt issue which will burden the
that I had met them. would take place. the residents before the develop-
won’t close school with one taxpayers. Political parties
Two-and-a-half years In 1982, the state ment order was issued prompting
pupil” (June 24) where the of whatever hue or leaning
ago they approached de-gazetted the land, the High Court to find in favour
education minister is quoted should not use this issue to
this paper to highlight turning the 166,000 sq of the residents when 86 of them
saying that the government twist arms or score points.
the plight of the house ft property over to pri- took the state government and the
will not close any school even In the case of SJK(T) La-
buyers of Taman Palm vate hands and zoned (then) Petaling Jaya Municipal
if it has only one student and dang Sungai Timah near Teluk
Grove, Klang, and yes- Down2Earth it for housing. Today, Council (MPPJ) to court.
that it would be up to the Intan, it is in the interest of
The Palm terday they visited us ground work for 22 An attempt to call for a public
headmaster to decide on the the lone pupil, K.Humah,
again to update us on by Terence Fernandez bungalows is on-going, hearing after the fact was chided by
closure. to interact, learn and grow Grove the issue. although it has come Judge Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman
It is the duty of the elected among other pupils of the residents These two gentlemen are in- to our attention that a stop-work Khairuddin who held that meet-
government to manage and same age. He should be given
allocate scarce resources in a small scholarship to enable are not volved in a 33-year fight to keep order had been issued by the ings to hear residents’ opinions
the most responsible and ef- him to commute to another alone. a playing field from being devel- present state government, where cannot be treated as a formality
oped. the executive councillor for hous- but instead, be viewed as a genuine
ficient manner for the benefit school or attend a boarding Their Over the years, many residents ing, building management and platform for people to voice their
of the people. school. brethren and residents’ associations have squatters, Iskandar Abdul Samad, opinions.
To have the hypothetical The British colonial
ten or even two teachers to administration did this for
in Subang approached us to help campaign will be meeting the residents and To Taman Desaria folk, it was a
attend to the educational me when I was growing up Jaya, against development of their developer Colour World Sdn Bhd moral victory as the court could not
are also neighbourhood. In most cases for a solution. issue an injunction as the flats were
needs of one pupil because for which I am still thankful
such as the Palm Grove issue, But as the law is on the side of already up. Valuers are crunching
we do not want to close and there is no reason why paying the demands are legitimate but in the developers, there is little, one numbers to determine the damages
a school seems to me not we cannot render the same for sins of some instances, the complainants suspects, the authorities can do. which need to be paid.
only ludicrous but a blatant assistance to Humah. He
disregard of responsible and may be thankful too in later the past were afflicted with the “not in my In January 2007, over tea with I doubt the Palm Grove resi-
prudent public spending. It years. The school building as they backyard” syndrome. MPK’s urban planning director dents, led by the retirees have the
“Yes, we know we need an Noraini Roslan and then council stamina to see through a long-
defies logic and common can be converted to other fight to access road but we don’t want president Datuk Abd Bakir Zin, we drawn legal affair but it seems that
sense. community or public facilities preserve the entrance to be so close to our were told that MPK would have to this could be the only recourse
To put the onus on the and the teachers transferred
headmaster to decide to other shools.
the houses.” fork out RM10 million to buy the – and yet there are no guarantees
whether to close a school In this way, we hope the Subang “Yes, at the time of buying our land from Colour World – not an that the residents will win as in this
Ria Park homes, we knew that the field be- impossible task but this would case, the developers have the law
or not is passing the buck, right of children to education
hind our houses was gazetted for a mean having to raise assessment on their side.
not to mention being unfair is protected while at the same from school, but we don’t want it here.” to raise the funds for the cash- But it seems that as long as gov-
to the headmaster. Where time protecting the rights of develop- The above two examples are strapped council. ernment officials can hide behind a
are our educationists and every tax paying Malaysian
educational planners. Do to good and responsible ment. actual responses of complainants Noraini also divulged that Col- shield of immunity for their actions,
who do not have a case but were our World had submitted propos- there will be more Palm Groves,
their views matter?. governance in the manage-
trying their luck to use the media, als for commercial development Desarias and Subang Rias.
The electorate and taxpay- ment of the resources of the
hoping that developers would back which the council rejected due to In instances such as these, there
ers expect the government nation.
down from the adverse publicity. density concerns. seems to be no will or determina-
to act with courage and not
Needless to say we showed them The fact that the developer had tion to look into other aspects of
to succumb to political pres- Datuk Dr Shamsuddin
the door. agreed to leave 20% untouched how land was alienated, ie conflicts
sure and blackmail over this Kassim
Back to Palm Grove, the resi- (when planning laws only require of interest or graft.
important resource allocation Petaling Jaya
dents here – the original buyers and 10%) is of little comfort to the resi- As such when individuals are
the next generation – have been dents. made to pay for messing up in their
working tirelessly to right a wrong The Palm Grove residents personal capacity, probably then
Save Subang Ria Park inflicted by past administrations of
the state government and Klang
are not alone. Their brethren in
Subang Jaya, are also paying for
those in office will take their jobs
more seriously and hold sacred the
Municipal Council (MPK). sins of the past as they fight to people’s trust.
BRAVO! Hannah Yeoh. When Most residents do not
The playing field was incorpo- preserve the Subang Ria Park from
you took office as the Subang agree with proposals to use
rated in the development blueprint development by Sime UEP – also
Jaya state assemblywoman, a small part of the park for
as a “school reserve” and resi- because the state government in Terence is upset that some of those
some quarters thought that commercial development.
dents bought their homes on this 1988 had alienated the land to the who messed up people’s lives while
they had voted in the wrong They reckon that once the
premise. developer. in office can retire and get away scot
person, but this was proven original nature of the park
When the Education Ministry Just 3km down, the Taman De- free without their conscience being
otherwise when you stood is lost, the greenery will be
dropped the plan to build a school saria low-cost flats is a testament to pricked. He is deputy editor special
steadfast to defend residents destroyed and worst still the
there, instead of gazetting it as the incompetence of the previous reports & investigations. Feedback:
in their fight to save Subang park’s future will be at stake.
“open space” or “for recreational state government where planning
Ria Park. Surely, with the federal
We now realise that we government’s policy to go
have someone whom we can green and plant more trees
trust, who will see to it that
no commercial development
will take place in the park
to reduce the greenhouse
effect, it is time for local and
state governments to follow
Do more to Insulate buildings
which should be used exclu- suit. THE lack of insulation in most Malaysian ing the comfort of the indoor environment. Group strives to contribute to a greener
sively for public recreation. In fact, MPSJ and the state buildings is the main cause of high energy Insulation also acts as a fire retardant and Malaysia through education of the masses
There already has been government can kick start a bills for building owners, be it in a home, helps reduce noise pollution. on the benefits of insulation. At the same
much damage done to the project to save the Subang office building or shopping complex. Ad- Over the years, users of insulation have time, we welcome the Green Building Index
park; trees have been cut to Ria Park and conserve mittedly, one of the reasons for this high discovered that even if only minimum insu- developed by Persatuan Akitek Malaysia
make way for a temporary its trees. This will ensure electricity cost is due to the dire need for lation is applied, such as above the ceiling (PAM) and Association of Consulting Engi-
car park. residents have a permanent air conditioning to maintain comfortable of a building, it can potentially save more neers Malaysia (ACEM) which was launched
Before this invasion of place to walk, jog or spend indoor temperatures. than 20% of air-conditioning energy cost. recently and hope that this will contribute
the park, visitors could catch quality time with the family. The benefits of insulation are manifold. It While insulation is only one of the ele- significantly to the advancement of green-
glimpses of fire-flies around It is time to gazette the reduces heat flowing from outside into the ments that make up a building, neverthe- ing efforts by the property and construction
some of the monsoon drains park as a green lung for building, keeps rooms cooler for a longer less it has been described as a “low hanging sector in Malaysia.
at night. Also, there used to Subang Jaya. period and cuts down the use of electricity fruit” and is one of the most cost effective
be kingfishers perched on for cooling. Therefore, insulation is one of measures to save energy and reduce car- C.T. Soh
trees around the lake in the Lau Bing the easiest and most effective ways to help bon dioxide emissions. Chairman
morning. Subang Jaya buildings use less energy without sacrific- The Malaysian Insulation Manufacturers Malaysian Insulation Manufacturers

SINGAPORE’S Minister Mentor Lee He also made courtesy calls on

Kuan Yew recently visited Malaysia.
Some people felt that it must be nos-
More than nostalgia behind Kuan Yew’s visit some sultans, as he is aware of their
importance in Malaysia.
talgia on his part. through sheer political muscle, though Kuan Yew covered Negri Sembilan, He visited Nik Aziz, the PAS spiritual He purposely missed Tun Dr Ma-
Well, Kuan Yew is not a nostalgic in the name of the law. That was the Perak, Penang, Kelantan and Selangor, leader, who is known to be a moderate hathir Mohamad, who once called him
person, as he means no nonsense infamous “Operation Cold Store” a mixed bag of BN and PR states. It on Islam. “a little emperor from a tiny middle
when it comes to politics. Lim Cheng which took place on Feb 2, 1963 which served the purpose of comparative He also called on Lim Guan Eng, the kingdom”.
Siong, his former comrade in PAP, effectively stunted the growth of the study, at the very least. Penang chief minister, during which he However, as his visits to the impor-
was detained for a long time before Socialist Front in Singapore. Kuan Yew met Datuk Ong Tee Keat criticised Penang’s road traffic system tant figures were behind closed-doors,
he chose to leave for London. Chen What is Kuan Yew’s agenda in Ma- and other MCA leaders, despite old and its infrastructure. Whose fault is only Kuan Yew knows the success of
Siong, who led the left wing of the PAP, laysia this time? Well, after last year’s scores, as PAP was known to have it? Apparently, that is the question he his latest tour.
and many others, such as Said Zahari political tsunami, Kuan Yew would harboured the intention to replace the purposely left open. He also predicted
and Cheah Thye Poh, had been wiped like to have first hand knowledge of MCA in the Alliance. He also met Tun that one term is too short for Guan Eng Lim Boo Chang
off from the political map of Singapore developments. Dr Lim Chong Eu. to finish his job. Penang

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