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Glossary and Links to Complementary/Alternative Therapies

Active Muscular Relaxation Techniques Acupressure Acupuncture Alexander Technique Amino Acid Therapy Animal-Assisted Therapy Applied Kinesiology Applied Physiology Aromatherapy Art Therapy Aston-Patterning Aura Therapy Auriculotherapy Autogenic Training Ayurveda

Dance Therapy Detoxification Therapy Diet Drama Therapy Dream Therapy

Electrotherapy Energy Medicine Environmental Medicine Enzyme Therapy Exercise Management

Bibliotherapy Bioenergetics Biofeedback Biological Dentistry Bodywork Bowen Technique

Fasting Feldenkrais Method Feng Shui Flower Essence Therapy/Bach Flower Remedies

Cell Therapy Chakra Balancing Chelation Therapy Chiropractic Colonic Hydrotherapy Color Therapy Craniosacral Therapy Crystal Healing Cupping

Gerson Therapy Guided Imagery

Hawaiian Healing Practice Hellerwork Herbal Therapies Holistic Medicine Homeopathy Humor Therapy Huna Hydrotherapy Hyperthermia Hypnotherapy


Osteopathy Oxygen/Ozone Therapy

Phytoestrogen Therapy Poetry Therapy Polarity Therapy Prayer and Spiritual Healing Prolotherpy Psychotherapy

Journal Therapy Juice Therapy

Kampo Medicine


Light Therapy Lomilomi

Reflexology Reiki Rolfing Rosen Method

Magnetic Therapy Massage Therapy Meditation Mind/Body Medicine Moxibustion Music Therapy

Shamanism Shiatsu Spiritual Healing and Prayer

Native American Medicine Naturopathic Medicine Neural Therapy Nutrition

Tai Chi Chuan Therapeutic Touch Tibetan Medicine Traditional African Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine

Orthomolecular Medicine


ACTIVE MUSCULAR RELAXATION TECHNIQUES Active muscular relaxation techniques are a powerful new approach to bodywork used for relaxing overactive muscles and managing soft tissue pain from trauma or poor posture. Active muscular relaxation techniques utilize resisted isometric contractions of the overactive muscle or its antagonist (the one opposing its action). The objective of this procedure is to relax and/or lengthen (stretch) the overactive muscle. (3) ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is an ancient health care practice that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural selfcurative abilities. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles whereas acupressure uses a gentle but firm pressure of the hands (as well as the fists, elbows, arms and feet in some techniques). Acupressure, the older of the two traditions, uses the power and sensitivity of human touch. (10) Links: Acupressure Institute ACUPUNCTURE As in other forms of Oriental medicine, acupuncture is based on a bioelectric medical system in which energy in the body travels along pathways called meridians. Points on the body, called acupuncture points, connect the energy flow to organs and corresponding physiological systems. Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians where each point affects the vital energy, or qi energy, that passes through it. Disease and other health problems occur when there is a disruption in this energy flow. During therapy, acupuncture practitioners stimulate acupuncture points, usually by needles or through other methods such as acupressure massage or moxibustion. (12) Links: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance Acupuncture can help enhance quality of life - Honolulu Advertiser, March 3, 2002 Acupuncture works in less-mysterious ways - Honolulu Advertiser, May 3, 2002 Acupuncture's popularity ignites state licensing tussle - Honolulu Advertiser, February 11, 2002 American Academy of Medical Acupuncture American Cancer Society - Acupuncture eMedicine - Medical Acupuncture Informed Health Online - Acupuncture - Cochrane reviews M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture - therapy review MEDLINEplus - Acupuncture - Factsheets, organizations, etc. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Clinical Trials National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Information and Resources National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE The Alexander technique is a method used to help people illuminate their unconscious patterns of body tension and correct habits that cause physical and emotional problems. It is used to allow a person to pattern his or her body's movement, inhibiting habits that cause tension or pain and replacing them with those that help his or her body to function more efficiently. (17) Links: Alexander Technique International American Society for the Alexander Technique Informed Health Online - Alexander Technique - Cochrane reviews AMINO ACID THERAPY Amino acid therapy is the use of "free form" amino acids for various therapeutic purposes. Supplements of pure amino acids in the form of powder, capsules, or pills are referred to as free-form amino acids. In conjunction with vitamins and minerals, amino acid supplements can be used to treat a variety of illnesses, including many physical and mental disorders. (3) Links: American Cancer Society - Amino Acids ANIMAL-ASSISTED THERAPY Animal-assisted therapy is a goal-directed intervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria is an integral part of the treatment process. (11) Links: Delta Society - The Human-Animal Health Connection APPLIED KINESIOLOGY Applied kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis using muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a persons body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome of an AK diagnosis will determine the best form of therapy for the patient. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies, it provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care. (18) Links: American Cancer Society - Applied Kinesiology International College of Applied Kinesiology - USA Chapter APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Applied physiology uses the science and art of muscle/fascial monitoring to learn about states of stress in the body. Certain specific muscles are related to various organs and body systems through the acupuncture meridian network. By monitoring a specific muscle, it is possible to get a "readout" of energy related to a particular organ or body system. (3) AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological and spiritual realm of the individual's

response to aromatic extracts as well as to observe and enhance the individual's innate healing process. (20) Links: American Cancer Society - Aromatherapy Informed Health Online - Aromatherapy - Cochrane reviews National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy ART THERAPY Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing. Through creating art and talking about art and the process of art making with an art therapist, one can increase awareness of self, cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences, enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of artistic creativity. (6) Links: American Art Therapy Association American Cancer Society - Art Therapy Art Therapy Credentials Board Informed Health Online - Art Therapy - Cochrane reviews ASTON-PATTERNING Aston-Patterning is the application of the Aston paradigm (perceptions about our bodies' natural form and function, our processes of learning and selfexpression, and our interaction with the physical properties of the planet and our environment) to human movement, bodywork, and ergonomics, matching human function to its environment. As a form of therapy, its uniqueness lies partly in its comprehensive approach to the whole individual rather than seeing the body as separate parts. (10) Links: Aston Enterprises AURA THERAPY Aura therapy is a healing technique based on reading a person's aura, or vital energy field, and then treating diseases revealed by the aura color or colors. There are several variations of treatment, but therapy emphasizes manipulating the aura energy back into a positive balance. (14) AURICULOTHERAPY Auriculotherapy, also called ear acupuncture, applies the principles of acupuncture to specific points on the ear. Auriculotherapists believe that healing processes can be promoted by working with these points on the ear, because the ear contains many blood vessels and nerve endings that, when stimulated, influence the organs and bodily functions. (14) AUTOGENIC TRAINING Autogenic training, also known as Autogenics, is a system of simple mental (meditative) exercises, which consciously focuses the creative power of the mind on relaxation and awareness. It promotes deep relaxation, greater awareness, self-discovery, and self-regulation. It is designed to switch off the "fight or flight" response and invoke the rest, relaxation, and recreation system within the body. (3) AYURVEDA

Ayurveda is based on the premise that disease is the natural end result of living out of harmony with our environment. "Natural" is an important word because Ayurveda understands that symptoms of disease are the bodys normal way of communicating disharmony. With this understanding of disease, Ayurveda's approach to healing becomes obvious: To reestablish harmony between the self and the environment. Once this is reestablished the need for the body to communicate disharmony diminishes, symptoms dissipate, and healing has occurred. (10) Links: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - Ayurvedic Interventions for Diabetes Mellitus American Cancer Society - Ayurveda The Ayurvedic Institute National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine

BIBLIOTHERAPY Bibliotherapy uses literature to promote mental health by fostering growth and development, and it serves as a preventive tool in mental health therapy. Some of the goals of bibliotherapy include developing self-concept, relieving emotional or mental strain, and helping an individual to express and discuss problems more easily. (12) BIOENERGETICS Bioenergetics is a method of studying and understanding the human personality in terms of the body and its energetic processes. In Bioenergetic theory, it is believed that the body and the mind are functionally identical. What happens in the mind reflects what is happening in the body and vice versa. It is a therapeutic technique that utilizes many bodywork methods and exercises to help an individual become aware of tensions in the body and release them through appropriate movement. Bioenergetics also involves verbal exploration of emotional conflicts and their relationship to an individual's personal history. (3) Links: American Cancer Society - Bioenergetics BIOFEEDBACK Biofeedback training is a method of learning how to consciously regulate bodily functions that are normally unconscious (such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure) in order to improve overall health. It refers to any process that measures and reports back information immediately about the biological system of the person being monitored so he or she can learn to consciously influence that system. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Biofeedback Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback Biofeedback Certification Institute of America BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY

Biological dentistry stresses the use of nontoxic restoration materials for dental work, and focuses on the unrecognized impact that dental toxins and hidden dental infections can have on overall health. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Biological Dentistry Holistic Dental Association BODYWORK The term bodywork refers to a wide range of therapies, such as massage, deep tissue manipulation, movement awareness, and bioenergetic therapies, which are employed to improve the structure and functioning of the body. The benefits of bodywork in all its forms include pain reduction, relief of musculoskeletal tension, improved blood and lymphatic circulation, and promoting deep relaxation. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Bodywork National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork BOWEN TECHNIQUE The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue bodywork and vibrational energy therapy that helps to facilitate the body's own healing resources. By balancing energy flow, stimulating lymphatic and circulation systems, and normalizing the nervous system, this therapeutic technique helps people eliminate pain and experience feelings of well-being. Bowen uses a painless procedure of muscle, tendon, and connective tissue manipulation on reflex and acupuncture points to release stress, muscle spasms, and pain while correcting joint mobility. (12)

CELL THERAPY Cell therapy promotes physical regeneration through the injection of healthy cellular material into the body. It is used to stimulate healing, counteract the effects of aging, and treat a variety of degenerative diseases. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Cell Therapy CHAKRA BALANCING Chakra balancing is the clearing of energy blocks from the chakras. By utilizing various methods, the obstructed energy in the chakras can be balanced and harmonized. Chakras are like relay stations for the vital Life Force energy, and serve as channels of communication between an individual's inner nature or subtle body and physical body. There are seven chakras and each has a particular gland, organ, or area of the body, and a mental, emotional, or spiritual feeling. (3) CHELATION THERAPY Chelation therapy is an intravenous treatment designed to bind heavy metals in the body in order to treat heavy metal toxicity. Proponents claim it also treats coronary artery disease and other illnesses that may be linked to damage from free radicals (reactive molecules). (14)

Links: American Cancer Society - Chelation Therapy American Heart Association Recommendation - Chelation Therapy - Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) Informed Health Online - Chelation Therapy - Cochrane reviews

CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic is a mode of bodywork that promotes self-healing by manipulating the spine so as to remove blocks in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain through the spinal nerve and out to all parts of the body. It postulates that malfunction in any aspect of the individual can be attributed to subluxations, misalignments of the vertebrae that disturb the spinal nerves in their mediation of mind and body. Further, chiropractic subscribes to the basic principle that the immune system will function perfectly and maintain the person in robust, good health as long as misalignments of the spine do not constrict the nervous system. (17) Links: American Cancer Society - Chiropractic American Chiropractic Association Informed Health Online - Chiropractic and Manual Therapy - Cochrane reviews International Chiropractors Association MEDLINEplus - Chiropractic - Factsheets, organizations, etc. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - About Chiropractic and Its Use in Treating Low-Back Pain National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Chiropractic Therapy Clinical Trials COLONIC HYDROTHERAPY Colonic hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, high colonics, or colonic irrigation, is the practice of cleansing of the large intestine with warm purified water. A single colonic treatment is said to be equivalent to several enemas in removing toxic debris from the colon. This process hydrates the waste and the body, so that bodily fluids, such as blood, lymph, and mucus, can carry nutrients and waste more efficiently. It also softens and loosens waste for easier elimination. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Colon Therapy COLOR THERAPY Color therapy, also known as chromatherapy, is based on the premise that certain colors are infused with healing energies. The therapy uses the seven colors of the rainbow to promote balance and healing in the mind and body. (14) CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Craniosacral therapy is a holistic healing practice that uses very light touching to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Craniosacral Therapy

CRYSTAL HEALING Crystal healing is the use of crystals, usually cut from quartz, to restore energy in the body. It is based on the premise that crystals are energy converters that can turn vibrations from the body into electrical fields or charges. During treatment, crystals are placed along points on the body called chakras in Ayurvedic medicine or meridians in Oriental medicine. These points are energy centers that regulate the flow of energy in the body, and the strategically placed crystals help to stimulate energy flow through these centers. Some simpler forms of crystal therapy involve wearing crystals, placing them around the home, and holding them. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Crystals CUPPING Cupping is a technique used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for certain health conditions. Glass or bamboo cups are placed on the skin with suction, which is believed to influence the flow of energy and blood in the body. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Cupping

DANCE THERAPY Dance/Movement therapy is the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process which furthers the emotional, cognitive, social and physical integration of the individual. (7) Links: American Cancer Society - Dance Therapy American Dance Therapy Association DETOXIFICATION THERAPY Detoxification relies on the body's inherent ability to cleanse itself if given the opportunity. The process of detoxification therefore involves three aspects: initiating the cleansing process with a program that avoids toxin intake; facilitating elimination of waste products; and easing back into a healthier diet and lifestyle with rebuilding the body's nutrition. (10) DIET Diet plays a central role in a person's overall health, but achieving a good diet is not as simple as it sounds. Eating the right foods no longer insures proper health due to over-farming the land where food is grown (causing nutrient loss), excessive food processing, the use of additives and other chemicals, and toxins contaminating the food supply. Therefore, it is important to pay attention not only to what foods are eaten, but also to how that food was grown before it reached the table. (4) Links: American Dietetic Association DRAMA THERAPY

Drama therapy combines techniques from drama and theater with techniques from psychotherapy in an action-based method that helps people find solutions for social and emotional problems. This creative arts therapy helps people improve their sense of self-worth by discovering their own inner resources and by learning how to function better in groups. (17) DREAM THERAPY Dream therapy is the use of dreams and the dream state to accomplish physical and emotional healing. It involves both the interpretation of information obtained while dreaming and the active participation in the dream process through a technique called lucid dreaming. The various processes associated with dreams have been put under the generalized term of "dreamwork". (3)

ELECTROTHERAPY Electrotherapy is the use of electrical stimulation devices to stimulate the peripheral nervous system, eliciting muscle contractions and overriding pain messages. Two techniques, called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), help to reduce pain and stimulate muscle repair. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Electroacupuncture American Cancer Society - Electromagnetic Therapy ENERGY MEDICINE Energy medicine, also known as energy therapy or biofield therapeutics, is based on the premise that the human body is composed of various energy fields and that people fall ill when the energy in those fields becomes blocked, out of balance, or otherwise disturbed. Energy therapists attempt to restore health by first detecting and then removing the blockages. (1) Links: International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE Environmental medicine explores the role of dietary and environmental allergens in health and illness. Factors such as dust, molds, chemicals, and certain foods may cause allergic reactions that can dramatically influence diseases ranging from asthma and hay fever to headaches and depression. (4) Links: American Academy of Environmental Medicine National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ENZYME THERAPY Enzyme therapy is a plan of dietary supplements of plant and animal enzymes used to facilitate the digestive process and improve the bodys ability to maintain balanced metabolism. (14) Links:

American Cancer Society - Enzyme Therapy

EXERCISE MANAGEMENT Exercise management, or fitness training, is a holistic and therapeutic approach to rehabilitation, preventive healthcare, and lifestyle improvement. Therapy involves a set of procedures, such as body movement and muscle exertion, that improve functioning in unhealthy or disabled people. (12) Links: American Council on Exercise American Society of Exercise Physiologists

FASTING LINKS Generally, therapeutic fasting is a form of body maintenance for wellnourished people that contributes to health and longevity and helps balance the toxicity that arises through common diets and drug intake. The fasting process allows the digestive organs to rest, and it clears toxins from the blood and lymphatic systems that flow through organs such as the bladder, colon, kidneys, lungs, sinuses, and skin. Treatment involves ingesting water and other liquids to cleanse the bodys systems. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Fasting FELDENKRAIS METHOD The Feldenkrais Method is a form of Somatic Education that uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning. Through this Method, you can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. These improvements will often generalize to enhance functioning in other aspects of your life. (13) Links: Feldenkrais Educational Foundation of North America FENG SHUI Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy and spiritual practice of arranging environments, based on the idea that all living things in the universe are affected by the forces of nature in their environments. Feng shui practitioners believe that by properly designing certain environments, they can direct the energy in all living things, known as chi, in a way that promotes harmony, prosperity, and good health. (17) Links: American Cancer Society - Feng Shui Feng Shui Institute of America FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY/BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Flower essence therapy is a form of vibrational medicine that uses dilute substances, called flower essences, derived from flowers. The healing power

of these substances comes from the energy, or life force, found in the plants essence, which is derived through infusion. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Flower Remedies Dr. Edward Bach Centre Flower Essence Society

GERSON THERAPY Gerson therapy is a diet and detoxification therapy that aims to restore the body's natural defenses and healing capacity. It helps to stimulate the immune system through a radical diet and nutritional manipulation that supplies the body with vitamins, minerals, nutrients found in cooked foods, and enzymes found in fresh fruits and vegetables (and their juices). Treatment usually involves consuming nutrients from fresh, raw, organic juices continuously for several hours a day; and it also involves enemas, which help the body eliminate the buildup of toxins accumulated through years of ingesting polluted air, water, food, drugs, and chemicals. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Gerson Therapy Gerson Institute National Cancer Institute - Gerson Therapy GUIDED IMAGERY Guided imagery is based on the principle that the imagination has the capacity to relieve pain and promote healing when it is optimistic and confident and, inversely, can help trigger a breakdown when it is consumed by worry. The techniques of guided imagery are designed to teach individuals how to use their own powers of imagination to steer away from negative thoughts toward models of well-being. (17) Links: Academy for Guided Imagery American Cancer Society - Imagery

HAWAIIAN HEALING PRACTICE Traditional Hawaiian healing practice incorporates herbal medicines, exercise, therapeutic massage, meditation, and spiritual cleansing. Links: Hawaii Medical Library Resources - Hawaiian Medicinal Plants Hawaii Medical Library Resources - Mala La'au: A Garden of Hawaiian Healing Plants HELLERWORK Hellerwork is a system of somatic education and structural bodywork which is based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit. Hellerwork makes the

connection between movement and the body alignment, and restores the body's natural balance from the inside out. (15) Links: Hellerwork International HERBAL THERAPIES Herbal medicines are prepared from a wide variety of plant materials frequently the leaves, stems, roots, and bark, but also the flowers, fruits, twigs, seeds, and exudates (material that oozes out, such as sap). They generally contain several biologically active ingredients and are used primarily for treating chronic or mild conditions, although on occasion they are employed as complementary or supportive therapy for acute and severe diseases. (1) Links: Herbal Therapies HOLISTIC MEDICINE Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. In practice this means that every person is seen as a unique individual, rather than an example of a particular disease. Disease is understood to be the result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance. Healing therefore takes place naturally when these aspects of life are brought into proper balance. (8) Links: American Cancer Society - Holistic Medicine American Holistic Health Association American Holistic Medical Association American Holistic Nurses Association HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy is a method of healing based on the idea that like cures like; that is, that substances causing specific symptoms in a healthy person can cure these symptoms in someone who is sick. The remedies are prepared from plant, mineral, and animal extracts that are highly diluted in a specific way that makes toxicity impossible and, paradoxically, increases their potential to cure. (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Homeopathy American Institute of Homeopathy Council for Homeopathic Certification Informed Health Online - Homeopathy - Cochrane reviews M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Homeopathy - therapy review National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questions and Answers about Homeopathy National Center for Homeopathy HUMOR THERAPY Also known as laugh therapy or therapeutic humor, humor therapy is used to treat chronic illness, emotional problems, stress, and trauma, and aims to take the edge off pain and stress by distracting people. In addition, humor therapy

helps people maintain a positive attitude, which helps them respond better to medical treatment. The act of laughing can cause positive physiological responses in patients, including improved circulation, better respiration, and normalized blood pressure. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Humor Therapy Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor HUNA Huna, the ancient Hawaiian art and science of healing, aims to balance the body, mind, and spirit and to produce stability, symmetry, and harmony in life. (12) Links: Hawaiian Huna Village HYDROTHERAPY Hydrotherapy, which literally means water therapy, encompasses a variety of therapeutic uses of water. As either ice, liquid, or steam, water may relieve the symptoms of numerous types of infections, acute and chronic pain, circulatory problems, and more. External hydrotherapy treatments typically involve applications of hot or cold water (or the alternation of both) to the skin. Internal treatments consist of water taken internally as a cleansing agent. (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Hydrotherapy HYPERTHERMIA Fever is one of the body's most powerful defenses against disease. Hyperthermia artificially induces fever in patients who are unable to mount a natural fever response to infection, inflammation, or other health challenges. It is used locally or over the entire body to treat disease ranging from viral infections to cancer and is an effective self-help treatment for the common cold and flu, as well as detoxification. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Heat Therapy HYPNOTHERAPY Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis, trance states, and suggestion for therapeutic results. It is used to address a diversity of problems, including anxiety, phobias, and emotional problems and to help break habits like smoking. By inducing altered states of consciousness, hypnotherapists help clients use the resources of the unconscious mind to bring about psychological and physical benefits. (17) Links: American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists American Cancer Society - Hypnosis American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association Informed Health Online - Hypnotherapy - Cochrane reviews

IRIDOLOGY Iridology is the study of the iris, or colored part, of the eye. This structure has detailed fibers and pigmentation that reflects information about our physical and psychological makeup. It identifies inherited dispositions (how our body reacts to our environment and what symptoms are most likely to occur), risks (what areas or organ systems are more likely to have symptoms) and future challenges (where we are likely to have more problems as we age). Iridology helps identify inherited emotional patterns which can create or maintain physical symptoms, as well as identify lessons or challenges and gifts or talents available to us. (19) Links: International Iridology Practitioners American Dance Therapy Association JOURNAL THERAPY Journal therapy is the purposeful and intentional use of a written record of one's own thoughts or feelings to further psychological healing and personal growth. It is often used as an adjunct to many psychotherapy and recovery programs. Healthcare practitioners maintain that written expression fills a very important role in the therapeutic process by providing a mechanism of emotional expression in circumstances in which interpersonal expression is not possible or viable. (14) JUICE THERAPY Juice therapy involves the consumption of the juice of raw fruit or vegetables. A person may drink juice preventively to stay healthy, to treat a medical condition like cancer, or to produce a certain outcome, such as strengthening the immune system. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Juicing

KAMPO MEDICINE Kampo (sometimes spelled kanpo) is a Japanese variant of Chinese traditional medicine that involves the extensive use of herbs. Kampo treatment has become very much integrated in the Japanese health care system. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Kampo


Simply put, light therapy is the use of natural or artificial light to promote healing. Specific techniques differ primarily in the type of light involved. Fullspectrum light therapy consists of regular exposure to controlled amounts of either natural sunlight or artificial light that contains all wavelengths of light, from infrared to ultraviolet. Bright light therapy involves exposure to nonultraviolet white light in levels that match the amount of natural sunlight found outdoors shortly after sunrise or before sunset. In cold laser therapy, small beams of low-intensity laser light are applied directly to the skin. Colored light therapy focuses different colored lights on the skin. (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Light Therapy College of Syntonic Optometry Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms LOMILOMI Lomilomi literally means "to break up into small pieces with the fingers." It is a type of healing massage that is traditionally practiced in the Hawaiian Islands. (14)

MAGNETIC THERAPY Modern electromagnetic and magnetic therapies (similarly called biomagnetics, electrobiomagnetics, magnet therapy, magnetic energy therapy, magnetic field therapy, magnetic stimulation, and magnetotherapy) are the use of magnetic fields, magnets, and magnetic devices to treat various physical and emotional conditions. These therapies are based on the premise that electrical activity exists in the body at all times, particularly as the heart beats or during bone production. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Magnetic Therapy Informed Health Online - Magnetic Therapy - Cochrane reviews MASSAGE THERAPY Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual techniques that include applying moving or fixed pressure and movement of the body. (10) Links: American Cancer Society - Massage American Massage Therapy Association Informed Health Online - Massage - Cochrane reviews National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Massage Clinical Trials National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork MEDITATION Meditation is commonly thought of as a spiritual endeavor; but it has frequently demonstrated physical effects as well. Most forms of meditation

promote regular quiet relaxation, which in itself can help alleviate symptoms of stress-related ailments ranging from headaches to high blood pressure. (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Meditation Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Meditation Clinical Trials Transcendental Meditation Program MIND/BODY MEDICINE Mind/body medicine, also known as behavioral medicine, is the field of medicine concerned with the ways that the mind and emotions influence the body and physical health. (14) Links: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - Mind-Body Interventions for GI Conditions Center for Mind-Body Medicine Healing from Head to Soul - Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 10, 2002 Mind/Body Medical Institute National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - MindBody Clinical Trials Technique Touts Mind-Body Fitness - Honolulu Advertiser, December 16, 2002 MOXIBUSTION Moxibustion, or the practice of burning herbs to stimulate acupuncture points, is an adjunct technique of acupuncture. During treatment, practitioners place moxa, a soft combustible substance, directly on the skin near the acupuncture point and then ignite it. The burning of moxa acts as a cautery, destroying tissue, and as a counterirritant, relieving pain. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Moxibustion MUSIC THERAPY Music therapy is a technique of complementary medicine that uses music prescribed in a skilled manner by trained therapists. Programs are designed to help patients overcome physical, emotional, intellectual, and social challenges. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Music Therapy American Music Therapy Association Just say it with music to give patients a lift - Honolulu Advertiser, March 13, 2002 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Music Therapy Clinical Trials

NATIVE AMERICAN MEDICINE Native American medicine is the opposite of science. It is, for lack of better terminology, the heart of spirit. Medicine people acknowledge that the spirit, mind, and emotions all have interplay with the environment. One's connection to Nature, Mother Earth, and communion with the spirit world is either in harmony or out of harmony. They acknowledge the unique energies of the eight directions, or the medicine wheel. The sky, Sun, Moon, and the Earth, all play an integral part in Native American cosmology. Faith is a vehicle for cure. Prayer is a vehicle to get in touch with the spirits. Humility and asking for help when sick is part of this cosmology. (10) Links: American Cancer Society - Native American Healing NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE Naturopathic medicine aims to provide holistic, or whole-body, healthcare by drawing from numerous traditional healing systems. At its core is the idea of vis medicatrix naturae the healing power of nature. Naturopathic doctors believe that the body naturally strives for health and that the physician's role is to support the body's efforts. To achieve this, naturopathic physicians follow seven basic principles: Help nature heal, do no harm, find the underlying cause, treat the whole person, encourage prevention, recognize wellness, and act as a teacher. (1) Links: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians American Cancer Society - Naturopathic Medicine National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Naturopathic Medicine Clinical Trials Naturopathy offers licensed alternative care - Honolulu Advertiser, February 10, 2002 NEURAL THERAPY Neural therapy uses injections of anesthetics to remove short circuits in the body's electrical network. This process frees up the flow of energy and normalizes cellular function, making neural therapy an effective treatment for a variety of disease conditions, especially chronic pain. (4) Links: American Academy of Neural Therapy American Cancer Society - Neural Therapy NUTRITION Good nutrition can help prevent disease and promote health. There are six categories of nutrients that the body needs to acquire from food: protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibers, vitamins and minerals, and water. (14) Links: Food and Nutrition

ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE Orthomolecular medicine strives to achieve optimum health of its patients, as well as treat and prevent disease, by creating the uniquely individual levels of nutrients needed in each body through diet, vitamin supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Practitioners employ what is more commonly known as megavitamin therapy, which is the use of large doses of certain vitamins based on thorough biochemical analysis to correct ineffective or destructive chemical balances in the body. (17) Links: American Cancer Society - Orthomolecular Medicine Orthomolecular Medicine OSTEOPATHY Osteopathic medicine is a complete system of medical care. The philosophy is to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. It emphasizes the interrelationships of structure and function, and the appreciation of the body's ability to heal itself. (5) Links: American Academy of Osteopathy American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine American Cancer Society - Osteopathy American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians American Osteopathic Association National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Osteopathic Manipulation Clinical Trials OXYGEN/OZONE THERAPY Oxygen/ozone therapy is a term that describes a number of different practices in which oxygen, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide are administered via gas or water to kill disease microorganisms, improve cellular function, and promote the healing of damaged tissues. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy American Cancer Society - Oxygen Therapy Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society

PHYTOESTROGEN THERAPY One option for women who cannot take estrogen (those with congestive heart failure or migraines, for example) is to take plant estrogen (or "phytoestrogens"). (2) Links: American Cancer Society - Phytochemicals Estrogens and Estrogen-mimicking Compounds

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Phytoestrogens Clinical Trials Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer

POETRY THERAPY Poetry therapy, like bibliotherapy, promotes healing through the written word and enhances social wellness. This expressive therapy incorporates psychotherapy and helps people correct negative emotions and behaviors. (12) Links: National Assocation for Poetry Therapy POLARITY THERAPY Polarity therapy is a comprehensive health system involving energy-based bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness. It works with the human energy field, electromagnetic patterns expressed in mental, emotional and physical experience. In polarity therapy, health is viewed as a reflection of the condition of the energy field, and therapeutic methods are designed to balance the field for health benefit. (9) Links: American Cancer Society - Polarity Therapy American Polarity Therapy Association PROLOTHERAPY Prolotherapy is the treatment of soft-tissue damage through the use of injections. The injections lead to inflammation in the area, and the body reacts by increasing the blood supply and sending more nutrients to the area, resulting in tissue repair. (14) PSYCHOTHERAPY Polarity therapy is a comprehensive health system involving energy-based bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness. It works with the human energy field, electromagnetic patterns expressed in mental, emotional and physical experience. In polarity therapy, health is viewed as a reflection of the condition of the energy field, and therapeutic methods are designed to balance the field for health benefit. (12) Links: American Cancer Society - Psychotherapy American Group Psychotherapy Association American Psychological Association

QIGONG Qigong is an ancient Chinese discipline that uses breathing exercises, movement, and meditation to balance and strengthen the bodys vital energy (chi, sometimes spelled "qi"). (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Qigong

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Traditional Chinese Medicine - Qigong & Tai Chi - therapy review The Qigong Institute

REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology involves the manipulation of specific areas on the feet - and sometimes on the hands or limbs - with the goal of bringing the body into homeostasis, or balance. According to reflexologists, distinct regions of the feet correspond to particular organs or body systems. Stimulating the appropriate region with a thumb or finger is intended to eliminate energy blockages thought to produce pain or disease in the associated structures. (1) Links: American Cancer Society - Reflexology REIKI Reiki is an ancient natural healing art. Using "laying on of hands," Reiki is a touch healing system. Truly holistic in nature, Reiki healing sessions promote healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. (10) Links: American Cancer Society - Reiki International Center for Reiki Training National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Reiki Clinical Trials ROLFING The objectives of Rolfing - integration of human structure and improvement in human functioning - are accomplished primarily by a systematic manipulation of the connective tissues of the body. (10) Links: The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration ROSEN METHOD The Rosen method is a form of therapeutic bodywork that uses gentle touch and supportive words to bring about a release of muscular and breathing constrictions, called "holdings," that limit our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. (17) Links: American Cancer Society - Rosen Method

SHAMANISM A complex pattern of diverse rites and beliefs, shamanism is a tribal religion in societies without literary tradition. Healing is one function on the shaman and the most important along with prophecy. The shaman uses mystical powers to

journey to other worlds or realities and communicate with spirits in order to bring about a balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. (14) Links: American Cancer Society - Shamanism Foundation for Shamanic Studies SHIATSU A Japanese bodywork technique utilizing traditional acupuncture points, but employing manipulation and pressure from the thumbs, fingers and palms rather than needles or mechanical instruments. Shiatsu reinforces joints and muscles, and focuses on the efficient flow of energy throughout the meridians and autonomic nervous system. Often referred to as a "one-point" pressure system, shiatsu has an advantage over acupuncture in that it can be selfadministered - the subject simply has to know which of the 365 tsubos requires pressure in order to treat the specific complaint. (16) Links: American Cancer Society - Ohashiatsu American Cancer Society - Watsu SPIRITUAL HEALING & PRAYER Religious belief and prayer bring comfort, hope, and relaxation to the faithful of all backgrounds. Studies have shown that regular spiritual observance, prayer, and religious ritual are beneficial to overall health. (1) Links: American Association of Pastoral Counselors American Cancer Society - Faith Healing American Cancer Society - Spirituality and Prayer Informed Health Online - Prayer - Cochrane reviews

YOGA Yoga is among the oldest known health practices in the world, and research into yoga has had a strong impact on the fields of stress reduction, mind/body medicine, and energy medicine. The physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation practices of yoga have been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and even retard the aging process. (4) Links: American Cancer Society - Yoga Informed Health Online - Yoga, Breathing and Meditation - Cochrane reviews Is yoga for you? - Honolulu Advertiser, January 25, 2004 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Yoga Clinical Trials Yoga more than fancy stretches - Honolulu Advertiser, April 3, 2003

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