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theSun | MONDAY JUNE 29 2009 11

news without borders

Kelana Jaya MP says quit talk baseless

Najib: Win-win KELANA Jaya MP Loh Gwo-Burne has
denied talk that he will resign as the
constituency’s elected representative.
He told Nanyang Siang Pau on Sat-
the last two months. It also says DAP’s
Gobind Singh Deo intends to resign as
Puchong MP,” said Loh, who is from
Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
as the people’s representative, but it
did not take him long to decided that
he should take up the challenge and do
his best to serve the people.

policy for all races

urday that the talk is totally baseless. He said as the rumour is rife, he has He said that if he were to quit now,
“The rumour has been going on for got many calls from friends, including he would anger the public.
those from the party, to “I’m curious as to how the rumour
seek his clarification. started. But I want to tell all of you that
He admitted that he I have never thought about it (resigning
did hesitate when he first as MP). On the other hand, I am try-
learnt that he was elected ing hard to get resources (to help my
PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib MP and realised he would constituency).”
Abdul Razak says that to spur the
country’s growth, the government will Press Digest have to change his lifestyle
to fulfil the responsibilities
On talk that Gobind wants to quit,
Loh said he didn’t believe it was true.
implement a win-win economic policy by Kong See Hoh
model to benefit all races.
He said the government under-
stands that the Chinese don’t like the Noting that the Chinese commu-
quota system and admitted the system
is not the right means for the economy
nity’s main concerns are education,
economy, religion and crime, he said
Week Ending June 26
to forge ahead, the Chinese press re- if the government can tackle problems
ported yesterday. in the four key areas, he is confident Child of fire in eastern Greece, central Italy’s
Najib was addressing a welcome that the Chinese will continue to sup- aftershock zone, eastern Papua
TOURISTS and fishermen were
dinner hosted by MCA and 15 ma- port the Barisan Nasional. New Guinea and Los Angeles.
banned from venturing within
jor Chinese guilds at the Putrajaya At the function, he also announced a 2km radius of Anak Krakatau
International Convention Centre on that the government will create a
Saturday night in conjunction with special scholarship category under the
(child of Krakatoa) volcano due Tropical cyclones
to fountains of lava and molten
his appointment as the sixth prime Public Services Department (JPA) next CATEGORY 1 Typhoon Linfa
rocks being spewed from its
minister. year which is 100% based on merit. weakened to tropical storm force
crater into Indonesia’s Sunda
“The government is aware that At the function, MCA president before making landfall in China’s
many people are ‘cheating’ the quota Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat urged the Fujian province. High winds and
system. The Malays know about it, so government to allocate funds for Chi- flash floods left one person dead
do the Chinese, because very often nese primary schools every year. Quake alert and six others missing.
they (the Malays and the Chinese) Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese AREAS from Alaska’s Kenai • One person dead and seven
work together to ‘cheat’ the system.” Associations of Malaysia) president Peninsula and Anchorage north- missing after Tropical Storm
As such, he said, the government Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong hoped the ward to Fairbanks were jolted by Nangka swept the Philippines.
will implement a win-win policy prime minister will hold dialogues a magnitude 5.4 quake centred • Hurricane Andres killed one
which benefit the Malays and Chinese with Chinese groups on Chinese 96km north of Anchorage. as it tore the Mexican coast from
as well as other races in the country. educational issues. • Movements were also felt Acapulco to Puerto Vallarta.

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