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MaterialsandMaterialProperties AssigningMaterialsLecture AssigningMaterials.


Assigning Materials
Materials can be assigned to analysis models using several different methods.
Three basic methods:

Eligible references:

Material already added to materials in the model. Add Material to materials in the model and assign material to the analysis entity (one step). Add Material to materials in the model, then assign material to the analysis entity (two steps).

Component Volume Surface Shell

Materials in the model


Assigning Materials Before a material can be assigned to an analysis entity, it must be included in of the analysis part or assembly. This requires retrieving it from a library or creating a new material. In either case, it must be added to the Materials in Model field of the Materials dialog box (as shown in the lower left figure on the above slide) before it can

be used on anything in the analysis model. There are three basic techniques that can be used to get a material ready to be assigned:

Material already added to materials in the model. Add Material to materials in the model and assign material to analysis entity (one step). Add Material to materials in the model, then assign material to analysis entity (two steps).

Once a material had been added to a model, it can then be assigned to any of the following:

Component: Any component in an assembly or the entire part in part mode. Volume: Any volume in any component. Surface: 2D plain strain and axisymmetric models. Shell: Shell idealizations, 2D plain stress models.

Material Orientation In the case of Orthotropic or Transversely Isotropic materials, the orientation of the material must be taken into consideration. When applying a material orientation the user can create a new orientation or reuse a material orientation that has already been created. Material orientation for 2D and 3D entities are stored in separate lists.

3D Material Orientation Best Practices

Material orientation is associated with an entity not with a material. If no material orientation is specified when assigning Transversely Isotropic and Orthotropic materials on a 3D model, Mechanica orients the principal material directions relative to the World Coordinate System (WCS) and issues a warning.

If no material orientation is specified when assigning Transversely Isotropic and Orthotropic materials on a 2D model, Mechanica orients the principal material directions as follows and issues a warning. o Material direction 1 is parallel to the first parametric curve of the surface. o Material direction 2 is set perpendicular to directions 1 and 3. o Material direction 3 is perpendicular to the surface and aligned with the surface normal.

AssigningMaterialsDemonstration AssigningMaterials_demo.mp4 AssigningMaterialsProcedure

Procedure: Assigning Materials

Assign materials to parts in an assembly. AssigningMaterials assign_mat.asm

Task 1. Apply the BRASS material that has already been added to the assembly to the assign_mat1.prt.
1. Click Applications > Mechanica. 2. Click Materials in the model tree to expand the section. Note BRASS is already added to the assembly materials.

3. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the ASSIGN_MAT1.PRT component from the model tree. 4. Verify that the Material field is set to BRASS and click OK to assign the material and close the Material Assignment dialog box.

Task 2. Assign a material by adding it to the assembly from the material library and then, as a separate step, assign it to the assign_mat2.prt component.
1. Click Materials to open the Materials library dialog box.

2. Select tipure.mtl, click Add Material to add it to the Materials in Model field, and click OK to close the Materials dialog box.

3. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the ASSIGN_MAT2.PRT component from the model tree. 4. Select TIPURE from the Material drop-down menu and click OK to assign the material and close the Material Assignment dialog box.

Task 3. Assign a material by adding it to the assembly from the material library and assigning it to the assign mat3.prt component all as one step, then save the model, and erase it from memory.
1. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the ASSIGN_MAT3.PRT component from the model tree or the display area. 2. Click More... next to the Material field drop-down menu. 3. Select al6061.mtl from the list of materials in the library and click Add Material to add it to the Materials in Model field. 4. Click OK to close the Materials dialog box. 5. Verify that the Material field is set to AL6061 and click OK to assign the material and close the Material Assignment dialog box. 6. The model should appear as shown in the figure below. Note the presence of a Material Assignment icon on each component of the assembly.

7. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard. 8. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model. > OK to erase the models from

9. Click File > Erase > Current > Select All memory.

This completes the procedure.

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