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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 30 2009 7

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Loanshark targets No sir, marks-fixing

‘is acceptable’

neighbour of defaulter
by Tan Yi Liang the harassment in Usim. “I had complained that a
senior shouted at me, accus-
PETALING JAYA: A former ing me of being a failure and
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia that I should leave as I am not
(Usim) law lecturer says Higher suitable to teach in Usim.”
Education Minister Datuk Seri Yasmin, who was with
by Tim Leonard He added that the paint also said. Khaled Nordin has contra- USIM’s law faculty, said she splashed on his car and he was On May 27, police rescued three Theve’s car dicted his ministry’s stand on only received a letter from the
now worried that the loan sharks men men who were locked up and splattered “marks-fixing”. ministry in February which up-
KUALA LUMPUR: The next time might haunt him just because his treated like dogs by loan sharks in with “He says marks-fixing by held the university’s decision
your neighbour borrows money neighbour borrowed money. Taman Bukit Serdang, Serdang. blotches of universities is unacceptable on altering and giving passing
from loansharks, beware. Theve lodged a report with the The men had their neck and red paint and should be investigated. I grades to her failed students.
These heartless loansharks Cheras Batu 9 police station on legs chained to the walls of an while his have a letter from the ministry The letter states: “The Usim
might end up throwing red paint June 23. unoccupied shoplot because of un- neighbour’s saying otherwise,” said Yasmin Senate acted correctly in its
in your house as well, because A Cheras police spokesman, paid debts ranging from RM1,500 house (right) Noor, who had alleged that she capacity as the highest author-
they want you to “pressure” your who confirmed the report, said to RM4,000. takes the was victimised and pressured ity in academic affairs and has
neighbour to repay them. police were working to track down Following the incident, police brunt of the to quit after refusing to pass the right to request that a stu-
Cheras police believe this is the loansharks. and the government launched an loanshark’s students who had failed her dent’s marks be reassessed.
a new scare tactic used by loan The spokesman also said police all-out war against loan sharks mischief. course. There was no wrongdoing on
sharks in a bid to add pressure did not rule out the possibility that and arrested several suspects. On Thursday, at the opening the part of USIM.”
to loan defaulters following an this was a new scare tactic used of the annual National Higher “I, therefore, challenge
incident on June 22. by loansharks Education Conference, Khaled the minister’s statement and
In the incident at 11.30pm in to force said: “I think any attempt to stand on marks-fixing being
Taman Cheras Perdana, a 39-year- loan de- fix marks is unacceptable. We unacceptable. I also never
old businessman found his porch faulters cannot accept such things got to meet the person whom
and Mercedes Benz splattered to pay because it is against profes- I complained to in the first
with red paint. up. sionalism. place, Department of Higher
The victim, who wanted to be “ B y “We hope, if there is any Education director-general
identified only as Theve, said his scaring complaint over such mat- Datuk Radin Umar, what more
neighbour had borrowed some the neigh- ters, an investigation will be the minister.
money from loansharks and had bours, conducted by the relevant “I was also not notified that
not returned home for several these loan- university.” the matter was being investi-
days. sharks Yasmin said: “I complained gated prior to my resignation
“First, the loansharks threw hope the to the ministry after I was vic- on Dec 18, 2008.
some oil into my neighbour’s neighbours timised in June 2008 but the “Why did they not tell me
empty house on June 21. The next will join in ministry only gave its reply in about this before I resigned,
day, they threw red paint on my and force February 2009. otherwise I would not have
neighbour’s porch and purposely the loan “The ministry had re- quit. Why didn’t they tell me
threw some into my house as defaulters sponded in favour of Usim, about the letter until February
well,” Theve told theSun. to pay,” he despite me clearly detailing 2009,” she asked.

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