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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 30 2009 9

news without borders

Taliban kill 12
soldiers in ambush
WANA (Pakistan): Taliban militants am- ambushed the military convoy in North
bushed a Pakistani military convoy near the Waziristan, another militant stronghold on
Afghan border on Sunday killing 12 soldiers, the Afghan border, intelligence agency of-
the army said, as it prepared an assault on ficials said.
Pakistan’s Taliban chief. Several vehicles were hit and the military
The military, near the end of an offensive said 12 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded.
in the northwestern Swat Valley after two It was the heaviest military toll in an attack
months of fighting, is set to launch a new for months.
drive in South Waziristan, where Pakistani “An exchange of fire between security
Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud is based. forces and terrorists continued for some time.
Pakistan’s campaign against the Taliban Ten terrorists were killed,” the military said
has won the praise of close ally the United in a statement.
States, which needs Pakistan to go after the The fragile civilian government has the
militants as it pursues its own strategy to support of most political parties and mem-
defeat Al Qaeda and stabilise Afghanistan. bers of the public for the offensive, but heavy
The top US commander for the region, Gen army casualties will raise criticism.
David Petraeus, arrived for talks with Paki- As Petraeus arrived unannounced for
stani leaders, the US embassy said. Media said talks with a Pakistani leadership he said last
he met army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani. month had been “galvanised” by the Taliban
The Taliban have responded to the offen- threat, about 10,000 Islamist party support-
sive with bombings in towns and cities and ers rallied in the city of Karachi calling on
attacks on the military across the north. America to stop interfering in the country.
Militants firing rocket-propelled grenades – Reuters

Search and rescue ...

Chinese rescuers search for victims following a train collision at the railway station in
Chenzhou city, in central China’s Hunan province on Monday. At least three people were
killed and 60 injured when the two passenger trains collided.

news report said. Applications Great Train Robber

from China for universities in the
city, which has one of the world’s hospitalised
briefs highest costs of living, have
fallen by up to half compared to
LONDON: Ronnie Biggs, the
legendary Great Train Robber
2008, the South China Morning who surrendered to police in
Post said. The private Shue Yan 2001 after 36 years on the
University has seen a 50% drop run, was hospitalised on
Europe’s oldest in applications from Chinese Sunday, days before family
students while the University of members hoped he would
person dies at 113 Hongkong reported a 30% fall, be released from prison. The
ROME: The oldest person in the newspaper said. – dpa 79-year-old has broken his
Europe, Italian Lucia Lauria, died hip and is suffering from a
on Sunday at the age of 113 in
the village where she was born,
Wheelchair chest infection, said his son
Michael on Sunday. Biggs
news agency Ansa reported. gunman shot dead was discovered on the floor
Lauria passed away in Pietrap- WELLINGTON: A paraplegic gun- of his cell in the hospital wing
ertosa, aged 113, three months man who terrorised a suburban of Norwich prison on Sunday
and 24 days. Lauria is survived street by firing about 100 shots morning. – dpa
by two children, both aged over at random from his wheelchair
80, one who used to spend was shot dead by police after a
part of the year with her and a three-hour stand-off, police said
Activists save
second who has emigrated to yesterday. They said the drama in cats from the pot
the United States. She was con- the Christchurch suburb of Burn- SHANGHAI: Animal activists
sidered the oldest living person side began on Sunday night after in Shanghai rescued 300 cats
in continental Europe. – AFP Shayne Richard Sime, 42, called from a dealer who had bought
his family, saying he was suicidal. the allegedly stolen pets for
China students News reports said that Sime had sale to restaurants in southern
a head injury and was drunk. A China, state media reported
shun Hongkong police officer and a 39-year-old yesterday. The activists, acting
HONGKONG: The number of neighbour were shot during the on a tip from, found 22 bamboo
students from China applying stand-off. Sime was shot dead cages full of cats in a freight
to study in Hongkong has after refusing demands to put yard, from where they were to
dropped steeply as a result of down the shotgun and rifle he be shipped to Guangdong, the
the global economic slump, a used – dpa Shanghai Daily reported. – AFP

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