Passive - Grammar Exercises

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Name: __________________


Date: _____/ _____ / ______


A- Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Do it in two ways when possible.
1. They have offered me a voluntary job.
2. We should send the letter to the government.
3. They pay him a good salary.
4. We can lend her our research work on global warming.
5. They told me those young activists are British.
6. We gave the young activists food and money.
7. They are telling the students a sad story.
8. They have asked them difficult questions.
9. She brought me a beautiful present from Ireland.
10. Has anybody shown you the photographs?
11. Somebody will pay you to do the work.
12. They dont let people feed the animals in zoos.
13. They have never made me do anything like that.


B - Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Use a prepositional phrase whenever necessary.
1. You can recycle household and garden waste.
2. Special panels collect the energy from the sun.
3. Pipes brought water to the house of drinking.
4. A big container is collecting rainwater.
5. They recycle the water.
6. They have recycled waste paper.
7. A pipe was carrying the gas to a power station.
8. A power station will produce electricity.
9. The government should encourage recycling.
10. The Greens had collected lots of materials for recycling.
11. They have never dumped rubbish in the sea or rivers.
12. Many people use recycled products.
13. They catch a lot of fish in this area.
14. Someone has cleaned the pavement.
15. They say the temperature will rise significantly in this century.
16. They hope to save some endangered species from extinction.
17. They believe mass tourism degrades habitats and landscapes.
18. Theyve decided to hold a meeting very soon.

C- Rewrite the sentences in the active. Use the subject given in brackets.
1. I was given my necklace. (my mother)
2. She has been sent a beautiful birthday present. (Paul)
3. We will be shown their pictures. (they)
4. They are going to be told the good news. (we)
5. Were you offered the job I told you about?(they)
6. Have you ever been asked about your work experience?(anyone)
7. She might be offered a higher salary at the bank.(the manager)
8. I was allowed twenty minutes to get ready.(John)

Answer key

1. I have been offered a voluntary job./ A voluntary job has been offered to
2. The government should be sent the letter. / The letter should be sent to the
3. He is paid a good salary. / A good salary is paid to him.
4. She can be lent our research work on global warming. / Our research work
on global warming can be lent to her.
5. I was told those young activists are British.
6. The young activists were given food and money. / Food and money were
given to the young activists.
7. The students are being told a sad story. /A sad story is being told to the
8. They have been asked difficult questions. / Difficult questions have been
asked to them.
9. I was brought a beautiful present from Ireland. / A beautiful present was
brought to me from Ireland.
10. Have you been shown the photographs? / Have the photographs been
shown to you?
11. You will be paid to do the work.
12. People arent allowed to feed animals in zoos.
13. I have never been made to do anything like that.

Household and garden waste can be recycled.

The energy from the sun is collected by special panels.
Water was brought by pipes to the house for drinking.
Rainwater is being collected in a big container.
All water is recycled.
Waste paper has been recycled.
The gas was being carried by a pipe top a power station.
Electricity will be produced in / by a power station.
Recycling should be encouraged by the government.
Lots of materials for recycling had been collected by the Greens.
Rubbish has never been dumped in the sea or rivers.
Recycled products are used by many people.
A lot of fish is caught in this area.
The pavement had been cleaned.
It is said the temperature will rise significantly in this century.
It is hoped they save some endangered species from extinction.
It is believed mass tourism degrades habitats and landscapes. / Mass tourism is
believed to degrade habitats and landscapes.
18. It has been decided to hold a meeting very soon.


My mother gave me this necklace.

Paul has sent her a beautiful birthday present.
They will show us their pictures.
We are going to tell them the good news.
Did they offer you the job I told you about?
Has anyone ever asked you about your work experience?
The manager might offer her a higher salary at the bank.
John allowed me twenty minutes to get ready.

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