The Zero Dimension Quantum Universe and Zero-Infinity Equivalence

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The Zero Dimension Quantum Universe and Zero-Infinity Unification Peter J.

DiDomenica June 2013 In zero dimension space (0 + 1 space: zero spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension) all the apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics disappear. All particles existing in the same point make entanglement not only possible but an absolute property of particles existing in the same quantum state. Under wave-particle duality, a particle being a matter wave spread over the entire universe and a particle confined to a point are one in the same. It is already generally accepted that the information contained in a three dimensional universe can be reduced into two dimensions under the Holographic Principle. The maximum amount of information for a given volume is not the maximum number of Planck-sized bits that can occupy that volume but the maximum number of such bits that can occupy the surface area of the region. In essence only that which perceivable by an observer exists. The amount of information that can stuffed into a box is limited to the surface area of the box not the volume; a two dimensional surface. The information contained on the two dimensional surface can be further reduced to a string of bits on a one dimensional line. How does all this information - all the information about the entire Universe - get compressed into a zero dimensional point? All the point can provide is one bit of information - it either exists or does not exit. The quantum nature of the point means that it can occupy multiple states at the same time and exist as a "qubit" of information; both existing and not existing at the same time. The number of the simultaneous states of the primeval qubit is without limit and accounts for all the information contained in the Universe. The Universe is the ultimate quantum computer confined to the singularity that is the Big Bang. The number of possible qubits at present is equal to 2 to the power of tp (2tp) where tp equals the number of Planck units (the smallest period time) since the big bang. This is the very, very large number of 2 to the power of 2 x 1062. There is no physical Universe in 3 +1 dimensions (or more under string theory) but a projection into three (or more) dimensions under holographic principles through the consciousness of observers whose very existence is an emergent holographic manifestation of the quantum computer called the Universe. The initial quantum point resulted from a quantum fluctuation in the Absolute Nothingness approximately 13.7 billion years ago. Newton's Third Law of Motion - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - is a manifestation of the Zero Dimension Quantum Universe: All motion is cancelled out - nothing actually moves because the Universe is a zero dimension point. Motion is an illusion of the holographic principle.

Copyright 2013 Peter J. DiDomenica

Gravity is another illusion: the mass of an object is mathematically confined to a point in the gravitational center of the object and within the object the gravitational forces are cancelled out. The same can be said for the entire Universe. Gravity itself is negative energy which cancels out the positive energy of the Universe; so, again, there is no physical reality to mass and energy. Mathematically, the Zero Dimension Quantum Universe means the equivalency of zero and infinity into an expression called zinfinity. A polygon with infinite sides is a circle which has no sides. Einsteins general theory of relativity indicates the universe started as a zero dimension point with infinite density. His theory also posits that a mass particle would achieve infinite mass in accelerating to the speed of light. Particles like photons that travel at the speed of light have zero mass. But it would be just as accurate to state they have infinite mass just as a circle has infinite sides. Just as matter has phase transitions from plasma to gas to liquid to solid, a number in the abstract or quantity in the real sense will increase towards infinity but will abruptly transition to zero. The number line is infinite only in the sense that there a phase transition back to zero. Quantum physics permits particles to make abrupt changes in energy in a process of quantum tunneling in which a particle suddenly increases in energy and appears outside of its energy confining container. Just as the quantum singularity exists and does not exist, everything and nothing are one in the same. "Nothing lasts forever" can be construed in the literal sense. The only other numbers are imaginary quantum unities of +1 and -1 that are always in pairs of positive and negative and thus when created are merely an imaginary expression of the everything-nothingness of zinfinity. Any values other than 1 are mega-imaginary sets that result from the perception of an observer choosing to create a set of quantum unities.

Copyright 2013 Peter J. DiDomenica

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