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If oceans turn into ink and all the wood become pens, even then, the praises of ALMIGHTY ALLAH cannot be expressed. We set our unfeigned and meek thanks before HIM, Who created the universe and bestowed the mankind with knowledge and wisdom to search for its secret, favoured and invigorated us with the fortitude and capability to complete our research work, and contribute a drop to the existing ocean of scientific knowledge.

Trembling lips and wet eyes praise for Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him), Who is forever a torch of guidance for the entire humanity.

We deem, it may utmost pleasure to avail ourselves this opportunity in recording our deep feelings of regards and sense of gratitude to our great supervisor; Dr. Mumtaz Hassan Malik, Dean Academics, Associate Professor, Department of Yarn Manufacturing Technology, National Textile University, Faisalabad, who in spite of his busiest tiring routine work provided his dexterous guidance and valuable suggestions throughout these research efforts.

Thanks are extended to the Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Chairman Department of Yarn Manufacturing, Dr. Tanveer Hussein, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Textile Chemistry, Dr. Waseem Ibrahim Chairman Department of Textile Processing, Sir Engineer Shoaib Iqbal Department of Yarn manufacturing, National Textile University, Faisalabad, for their sincere cooperation and invigorating encouragement during the course of present investigations.

We extend our zealous thanks to kind hearted Mr. Naeem (Director Technical Of Shahbaz Garments) and Mr. Abu Bakar Marwat (Production Manager) of Shahbaz Garments Faisalabad for providing facilities for technical help and for their humble cooperation during the research. We do not have words at command to express our gratitude and profound admiration to our affectionate and lovely parents and Sisters, brothers and other family members for their spiritual and intellectual inspiration and moral support to carry ourselves through the noble ideas of life.


This research is dedicated to our beloved, the best out of all of Creation, MUHAMMAD (S.A.W), the Sayyed (Master) of the two worlds and the two groups (men and jinn), and the Guide of the Arabs and the non-Arabs, His Companions SAHABA(R.A) , all Scholars of Muslim Ummah ,Our Worthy teachers and Parents Who always inspired and encouraged Us for what We want and grafted in the Untiring to get on to higher Ideals of life Our beloved Mother Which we strongly believe that Her prayers are with us and will always, Our Respected Other Family Members For their love, encouragement And their moral support and guidance That inspired us to accomplish This humble effort Dedicated to all Who live in mind, our soul and in our heart Throughout the whole span of our life And are nearest, dearest, and deepest to us.

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