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Audition I bet that I can throw that rock a lot farther than you, Brian said as he looked at me.

The others started to make ooooooh noises. I bet I can throw that rock as far as you can, and then even farther, I replied, accepting Brians challenge, causing more oooooohs. Brian walked over to where the stones were laying, picked it up and threw it as far as he could. With a loud thud the rock hit the sand quite a few meters away. Try to beat that, he said as he looked at me with that superior smile of his. I walked over to the rocks and I bend over to lift one. But as I did so, I spotted something from the corner of my eye. I looked up and I saw something flying into our direction. What in the world is that? I asked to nobody in particular. The boys started to laugh. Just lift the thing and dont try to distract us, Brian said with a competitive grin. Im serious, theres something there, look! I said as the tiny spot in the difference became bigger as it came closer. A few eyes stared into the direction that I was looking at and one of the boys let out a little shriek, which caused the rest to laugh. What in the world is that, I said again. Its a pigeon, Horace said. All heads turned towards the tiny boy. He was their age but seemed to be a lot younger, and he by far wasnt as muscular as the others. According to Horace, ink was stronger than metal. The family was busy disowning him. And what in the world is a pigeon? Brian asked, joining the conversation. Horace looked at the ground. A pigeon is a bird used in the kingdoms up north, where it is not really cold and not really hot. They use the pigeon as a messenger and attack notes to their legs, he said. But what is it doing here if it is only used in the northern kingdoms? I thought aloud. Perhaps they had to send us a message and it just couldnt wait, he suggested. Well, whatever the reason is that that animal is here, I suggest that we catch it! Brian said with that big excited grin of his. Everyone agreed and we all started to head into the direction of the pigeon to catch it. This, however, was a lot easier than expected. One of the boys had his slingshot with him, and with one shot the creature had fallen. I was the first to reach the animal and I rapidly searched its legs for a note. This was quickly found and I easily got it off his leg. I stood up, totally ignoring the beast that seemed to be in pain, and opened the letter. Oh give me that, Brian said as he grabbed it out of my hands. I had already read the text though, and the words that stayed with me were The Challenge, Power, Family and One winner. A competition of power. A competition of might. A competition of honor. That was when I knew that I was going to win this thing, no matter what.

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