Consecration Liturgical Instrument Blade of Immolation

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Only a believer can be given a Consecration. The number of Consecrations in an army is limited to one for every full 100 A.P. in it. All fighters can benefit from this except those with the Loyal/X ability and the faithful. A believer benefiting from a Consecration counts for one additional believer in the aura of faith of the faithful of his people in his camp. It is not possible to give several Consecrations to the same believer. A Consecration is not an artefact.

Liturgical Instrument
Liturgical Instrument gives the faithful with it one additional T.F. point at the beginning of the game, as well as during each mystic phase. The faithful with the Iconoclast ability do not gain any advantages from the Liturgical Instruments held by their opponents. Liturgical Instruments are not unique objects and the same army can hold several copies of them. They are nevertheless limited to one copy per faithful. These objects are artefacts and can only be used by Characters.

Blade of Immolation
At any moment during his activation (except during a movement) a faithful carrying a Blade of Immolation can select a believer in his camp within a radius of 10 cm around him. No line of sight is required. The faithful can select only one target per round. The designated target benefits from the Martyr/X ability until the end of the round. The X value depends on the targeted fighters rank: -Irregular/Regular/Veteran: 2 -Creature/Initiate/Devout: 3 -Special/Elite/Adept/Zealot: 4 -Living legend/Master/Dean: 8 -Major ally/Virtuoso/Avatar: 12

The following fighters cannot be selected by the faithful: -Fighters who already benefit from Martyr/X. -Summoned fighters -The faithful himself. Blades of immolation are not unique objects and several copies of them can therefore be held in an army. They are nevertheless limited to one copy per faithful. These artefacts are reserved to the faithful bound to the Meanders of Darkness.

Virtues are capacities that can only be used by the faithful. They influence the way they call on the powers of faith. They work like abilities and are subjected to all effects that effect these. The number of virtues a faithful can have depends on his rank: -Devout: 1 -Zealot: 2 -Dean: 3 -Avatar: 4 Virtues do not count as artefacts. There are three types: minor, major and theogonal. The cost of each virtue is defined by its type. A faithful can cumulate several virtues of different types, but in no way can he have the same virtue more then once. Warrior-monks are limited to having minor and major virtues. Moreover, non-Character Warriormonks pay 4 A.P. more than the regular price for each virtue.

Minor Virtues
Each minor virtue costs 4 A.P. Meditation: The faithful does not suffer the usual hand-to hand combat penalties when making his divination rolls and when calculating his T.F. Mission: Allied fighters or those with the Mercenary or Stateless ability in the same camp as the faithful are considered by him to believers, no matter their people (unless they dont have a DIS or are elemental beings). This virtue has no effect on faithful Iconoclast. Sacrifice: Once per round, at any time during his activation (except when making a movement) the faithful can purposely inflict himself with a Light Wound. He then gains 2 T.F. points and can no longer be healed until the end of the game. Veneration: The faithful benefits from the Piety/1 ability. If he already has it, then the Xvalue bound to this ability is increased by one point.

Major Virtues
Each major virtue costs 8 A.P. Devotion: The faithfull adds 2.5 cm to his aura of faith. Penitence: Each wound that the faithful is inflicted with increases his aura of faith by 2.5 cm until the end of the game, even if he is healed later on. This virtue cannot be given to a faithful with the Thaumaturgist or Regeneration/X ability. Perseverance: At the beginning of the game the player chooses one of the faithfuls miracles. This miracle can be called twice per round, if it succeeds or not. Will: When an enemy faithful tries to censure a faithful endowed with this virtue, he must spend 2 T.F. points to cause a -1 on the result of the divination roll.

Theogonal Virtues
A faithful can only acquire a theogonal virtue bound to his path or to the universal cult (at a cost of 12 A.P.). Divine Favour (Ways of light): The fervour of all of the faithfuls miracles is reduced by one point (minimum: 1). This effect does not affect miracles with a variable Fervour. Celerity of the Soul (Paths of Destiny): If he spends one T.F. point at the beginning of his activation, the faithful can combine running and calling a miracle during his activation. Venality of the Shadows (Meanders of Darkness): After each miracle successfully called by the faithful, the player controlling him rolls 1d6. On a 5 or higher the faithful gets back the T.F. points used for the call and to increase the miracles effects, but not those to strengthen the bond. Inspiration (Universal cult): The faithful benefits from +1 on one of his aspects (at the players choice). This bonus is considered to be printed on his reference card; it is thus taken into account when calculating his initial T.F. at the beginning of the game and when calling miracles.

Relics are unique artefacts reserved to faithful Characters. A faithful can have only one of these objects at a time. Relics are defined by various characteristics. The cult determines the artefacts origins. A relic can only be used by a faithful of the corresponding path or cult. What more, some are reserved to specific peoples (this is mentioned along with the cult). The Aspects testify to the relics grasp on reality. Their values are preceded by + / - modifiers that apply to the faithfuls Aspects. A faithful cannot use a relic if it causes one of his Aspects to become less then 0. These modifiers are not taken into account when calculating the initial T.F. or when calling miracles. The emanation is an advantage that the relic gives its bearer and which remains active throughout the game.

The wonders can only be carried out during the faithfuls activation in the same way as miracles. The faithful must spend a quantity of T.F. equal to the number indicated between parentheses to perform the wonder. No test is required for it to be carried out and the faithful cannot be censured when calling a wonder.

The Aegis of Lahn

+1 Cult: Ways of light (Sessairs, Lions, Griffins)
Emanation: The faithful acquire +1 in RES. This modification is considered to be printed on his reference card. Wonder (2): The faithful must be free of any opponents to be able to call this wonder. A believer located in his aura of faith is selected. This believer benefits from an additional defence die for every combat he is involved in until the end of the round. This die must be set apart because the following restrictions apply to the defence tests made using it: -The Counter-attack and Ambidextrous abilities dont have any effect. -Though it is taken into account when determining if the fighter can use sustained defence or not, this die cannot be used to attempt a sustained defence.


The Vellum of the Obscure

+1 Cult: Meanders of Darkness Emanation: At the beginning of each mystic phase, just before calculating the T.F., the player can turn one or several of the faithfuls remaining T.F. points into an equal number of gems of Darkness The bearer of the Vellum of the Obscure can use these gems only to absorb enemy spells. Wonder (4): An enemy fighter present within the faithfuls aura of faith is selected. No line of sight is required. Until the end of the game the targeted fighter cannot re-roll any of his rolls as long as he is within the faithfuls aura of faith. The latter can select only one target per round , but the Vellum of the obscures power can affect several miniatures at a time.

The Petrified Emblem

+1 +1 Cult: Paths of Destiny Emanation: Any enemy faithful who targets this relics bearer suffers a -1 on the final result of his divination roll. Wonder (2): The player selects an enemy fighter. If the selected fighter targets a miniature standing within the faithfuls aura of faith with a shot, a spell or a miracle, then he suffers a Damage roll (STR 4). This effect last until the end of the round. Faithful Devourers cannot use Petrified Emblem.

The Remains of the Bloodthirsty

+1 +1 Cults: Yllia, Vile-Tis Emanation: The faithful aquires the Dreadful ability. Wonder (2): The faithful targets a Wolfen or Devourer in his camp located in his aura of faith. No line of sight is required. The selected fighter benefits from the Sequence/1 ability until the end of the round, yet he must place all his combat dice in attack. A fighter who already has Sequence/X cannot benefit from this wonder.




Kelgars Ashes
+1 Cult: Merin Emanation: The faithful acquires the Piety/X ability. X is equal to the faitfuls Alteration value as modified by the relic. If the faithful already has this ability, then the value bound to it is increased by X points. Wonder (3): The faithful targets an enemy magician or faithful located within his aura of faith. The selected fighter suffers a -2 on the final result of all his Power tests and divination rolls until the end of the round. This penalty does not apply to mana recovery rolls.

The Amber of the Abyss

+1 Cult: Mid-Nor
Emanation: Each friendly fighter with the possessed ability who is killed outright within the faithfuls aura of faith provides him with 1d6 that he can use before the end of the game to strengthen the bond when making a divination roll Wonder (2): The faithful targets a friendly miniature with the Possessed ability located within his aura of faith. This miniature is immediately removed from the battlefield. (This does not count as a killed outright.) In return, the faithful wins a number of points equal to the sacrificed fighters DIS+2. These points can be used like Mutagenic / 0 points. The bonuses remain active until the end of the round and all unused points are lost. This relic cannot target miniatures summoned during the game

Claws of Torture
+1 Cult: Universal. Only faithful who have the Iconoclast ability printed on their reference card can use this relic Emanation: All enemy believers with Fanaticism, as well as all enemy faithful, present within the aura of faith of this relics bearer count for one more in the calculation of his T.F. Wonder (3): The faithful must be free of any opponents to be able to carry out this wonder. The player controlling him selects an enemy fighter located within the his aura of faith. He then rolls 1d6 and adds the results to the highest value among the faithfuls COU, FEAR and DIS. The enemy player then makes a Courage/fear or discipline test (at his choice) for the targeted fighter with a difficulty equal to the result gotten by the bearer of the Claws of Torture. If he fails, then the target suffers a light wound. This wonder has no effect on fighters with the Immunity / Fear ability.




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