Seasider 22.09.13

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Weekly Activities

Sunday Family, all-age worship 10:30am (followed by Tea/Coffee and fellowship) Monday Caf 10:00am-2:00pm 3:15pm 6:30pm 11:30am 10:00am-2:00pm 1:45pm 6.30pm Good Companions club (over 55s) 1:45pm Silver tones choir practice Tuesday Songster (choir) and Band practice Wednesday Bible fellowship Thursday Caf Home League (ladies) fellowship House Fellowship (fortnightly) (See Alan & Val Hurd for details) Friday

The Seasider
Newsletter of the Rhyl Corps of The Salvation Army 22nd September 2013 40th Corps Anniversary

Annual Appeal Collecting at Tesco in Prestatyn

Changed to Friday 27th September ...due to Tescos double booking us again!

Talent Scheme
Sunday 29th September 10.30am Our morning worship will include the in-gathering for those who decided to take part in our talent scheme initiative to raise money towards this years Annual Appeal target. Major Sue Collins will be leading our worship on this morning.

Friends and Heroes Childrens club 4:00pm

Area Praise
Sunday 6th October 4pm Wrexham Memorial Hall Join with other salvationists and friends from the North Wales area in praise of our Lord. Our own band will be taking part along with members of Coedpoeth band, and united songsters and worship group.

Mens Fellowship


Charity Shop (Tel.: 01745 331646) Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 4:00pm Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm

Rhyl Corps Mission Statement

We will help people to know Jesus as a friend and Saviour; reaching out to meet their spiritual and practical needs.

To find out more contact us at..

Pastoral Care Council / Corps Council Meetings

Monday 7th October 6.15pm PCC 7.00pm Corps Council

The Salvation Army Halls, Windsor Street, Rhyl, Denbighshire, LL18 1BW. Tel.: 01745 334313

Greetings from former Corps Officers

Warmest greetings to all the saints and salvationists at Rhyl Corps. Beth and I have many warm memories of our time as the COs of Rhyl Corps. The Corps was still very young in 1982 when we arrived but filled with mature Christians and enthusiastic salvationists and friends. The Corps folk were all very supportive of us as leaders and as a family. Matthew and Emma made great friends there and we were sad to leave in 1985. We had a great team of local officers who always gave their best in service to God. Highlights included an anniversary weekend led by the retired British Commissioner Geoffrey Dalziel when the band greeted him at the station, the 10-day Easter campaign led by Cadets from the Training College, the Summer Campaign meetings led by Jorge Booth and his team of youthful evangelists, the weekly summer openair meetings on the promenade, the highly -creative Sales of Work, the Local BBC broadcast, and the spectacular Christmas Carol Concerts held at our outpost at Llandudno every year. There were many other events, people and moments which there is not enough time to mention here, but safe to say that Rhyl Corps was certainly a highlight of our ministry, for which we only have reason to thank God. May God bless you and all associated with Rhyl Corps in this special anniversary year! Retired Majors Francis & Beth Frost We both send you greetings on the 40th Anniversary of the corps opening at Rhyl. They have been 40 years of on-going ministry and faithful witness and we know this continues today under Lt. Sians leadership and faithful service of the people. We have so many happy memories of those early years of Gods constant guidance and seeing His work developing. We are sure you will have a great weekend and an on-going year of celebration. May God bless you with good fellowship and more souls won for the kingdom. We send you our love and prayers, and are sorry that we are unable to be with you. Retired Majors Doris Longley & Maggie Singleton

A Memory from the Past

(from BM Fred Williams) In the early days of the Corps prior to the occupation of the present building, meetings were held in an upstairs room above the hall where the Rhyl Town Silver Band held their rehearsals. These premises are situated down the alley at the bottom end of Windsor Street. This meeting place was affectionately known as the upper room. During the winter months the source of heating was a large Calor gas stove. On one particularly cold Sunday morning the gas cylinder was found to be exhausted so brother Jack Harborow elicited the services of his son-in-law Sid Jones (husband of Olive Jones) to rush out and obtain a full cylinder from the caravan site where Jack was manager. Keeping warm with clapping and singing it was decided to start the meeting. As it was Pentecost the chosen song was 203 in the song book. Just as we were singing the third verse : Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the Fire! Sid came in through the door bringing a full Calor gas cylinder! The Lord answered our singing prayer that morning both physically and spiritually.

What are Gods plans for the future?

God is always at work and doing new things in our midst. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us of this: 'For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.' (New Living Translation) As we approach this important 40th Anniversary year as a Corps and recall God's faithfulness to us over the years, He continues to work in our midst today and everyday but we need to take time to consider what it is He is doing and how He wants to use us to further build up His Church. What new thing is God doing in your life? How does God want to use you over this next year to help build up His Church in this place?

Prayer Corner
Please remember to pray for :
Our corps as we enter our 40th year, that God will work through each one of us to further His kingdom. Those of our corps fellowship who are unwell at this time. Those people and situations that will benefit from our Annual Appeal collections. That the money will be used wisely in helping as many people as possible.

Thanks to the Sept 22nd Sept 29th Oct 6th Oct 13th following for supplying flowers: Doreen & Mandy Margaret Hattersley Rita Congreve

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