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Tonelli * Language Arts * 2012-2013

9/23 Monday

Quarter ONE Week SIX

Letters from Rifka: - Writing about the Big Question (independently) - Selection Vocab (vocab races) Two Kinds - Writing about the Big Question - Selection Vocab Letters from Rifka: - Read story (audio) & complete Open Book test - Complete Vocab. Builder Two Kinds - same as above Letters from Rifka: - Character: motives & traits - Review OPT if time allows Two Kinds: - Character: motives & traits - Review OPT if time allows


Grdwrk voc ch 3 ACT voc lesson 3 ex I

Kinds of Sentences pg 16 & 17 Kinds of Sentences pg 16&17, 2 As a class, review sentence types. Complete pg 16 together w/ board races game pg 17 Write responses on desk for evaluation. Kinds of Sentences pg 18 Kinds of Sentences pg 18, 15 Model ex A, B independently

1&6= Grdwrk voc ch 3 due Th BQ Writing (Rifka) Rifka vocab 3 = ACT voc ex 1 Kind of Sents ws 2 BQ Writing (Two Kinds) Two Kinds vocab 1&6= Kinds of Sents pg 18 ex B Rifka complete OPT 3= ACT voc lesson 3, ex II Kinds of Sents pg 18 ex B Two Kinds complete OPT 1&6= Grdwrk voc pg 22&23 Subs pg 19 3 = ACT lesson 3 ex II & IV Subs pg 19 &20

1&6 = Grdwrk lesson 2 QZ TOMORROW!

9/24 Tuesday

Dynamic Literacy Affix Adders: -ate con (complete in class) ACT voc lesson 3 ex II



Dynamic Literacy Affix Adders: in ule (complete in class) ACT voc lesson 3 ex III & IV

Subjects in Unusual Order pg 19 Subjects in Unusual Order 19 & 20

-Goofy video from YouTube that goes with pg 19 h?v=lOqAPNCnzSs pg 20ex A & B hand out words from sentences on index cards. Work in groups to manipulate the words to change the question to a statement to locate the subject. Complete ws.

9/26 Thursday

Grdwrk voc ch3: Grade & Review ACT voc lesson 3 ex V & VI (Thesis and Organizational Plan, not writing a draft)

Subjects in Unusual Order pg 20 Subjects in Unusual Order pg 21 &7 pg 21 Model ex A, complete ex B independently

9/27 Friday

Grdwrk voc ch 3 QUIZ Dynamic Literacy Affix Adders: -al uni(independently for hw) ACT voc lesson 3 QZ

Subjects in Unusual Order pg 21 pg 21 Model ex A, complete ex B independently none

Letter from Rifka: - Enrichment: Poem Analysis - Read story (ind) - Review for test tomorrow Two Kinds - Enrichment: Performing Arts - Read story (ind) - review for test tomorrow Letters from Rifka: Selection Test Two Kinds: Selection Test

1&6= Grdwrk pg 24 Subs pg 20 Rifka Review for Test 3= ACT lesson 3, ex V&VI Subs 21 & 7 Two Kinds Review for Test

3 = ACT voc lesson 3 QZ TOMORROW!

1&6= Grdwrk pg 25 Subs pg 21

*All lessons are the plan, but plans often change. Please email Mrs. Tonelli if there is any misunderstanding. ** Periods 1 & 6 are listed with the TOP bullet point. Period 3 is the BOTTOM bullet point.

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