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Narrative Structure/Theory

Definition of Narrative: An explanation of a series of events, which is usually noted in chronological order. Roland Barthes Roland Barthes was a French literary philosopher. He had strong beliefs that narrative structures were broken down to five different codes, which were used to evaluate the different dimensions of realism. These codes were: 1) The Hermeneutic code (HER) relates to stories, which have no explanation throughout them, as this is the way the story avoids revealing the facts. This becomes a mystery to the audience as the scenes are left for the viewers to figure out. This code is frequently used today as it keeps individuals who are watching the movie guessing until the end of the movie when the hidden features in certain scenes are revealed and the ending is accomplished. 2) The Proairetic code (ACT) is used to gain a reaction from viewers. This is when tension is built up and gives an impression that something is going to happen next. For example when a scene goes silent and then something suddenly appears. The audience then wants to know what will happen throughout the rest of the movie leaving them interested and eager. 3) The semantic code (SEM) refers to any element in a content that suggests a throughout a story in a movie/film. This creates a more detailed meaning towards words, allowing the author to create pictures with these elements to deliver to the audience 4) The symbolic code (sym) has similarities with the Semantic code. This is because they both study elements in depth relating to connotation. However the symbolic code goes into a deeper set of meanings, which enables the author to create more developed ideas such as conflict and opposition. 5) The cultural code is aimed towards the opinions and ideas of their cultural morality and ideological knowledge. This creates a more fascinated audience.

How does this relate to our production? The hermeneutic code relates to our film as all throughout the sequence there are actions which make the audience want to know what will happen next. This is shown as the film does not reveal any facts, making it a mystery to the audience. The proairetic code is also used in our sequence as we have chosen to do a horror partly to gain reactions from the viewers due to tension building up between the protagonist/antagonist and their surroundings.

What is Todorovs narrative theory? Tzvetan Todorov is a Bulgarian logician who focuses on literary theory. His theory reflects on the Narratives and the Journeys they go through in the film. is broken down in to 5 different stages. These consist of the equilibrium, disruption/disequilibrium, recognition of disruption, resolution and the new equilibrium. Equilibrium: The atmosphere in the scene is neutral. Everything is balanced and the moods are: happy, peaceful and ordinary. There are no problems. Disruption/Disequilibrium: The level of happiness in the equilibrium is troubled. This is due to a problem occurring between either the characters or the surroundings itself. anxiety and postponement builds up. Recognition of disruption and resolution: Someone in the scene, usually the protagonist will identify that the state of the equilibrium has changed and will eventually fix it after a number of attempts. New Equilibrium: The equilibrium has been fixed and the peaceful and happy atmosphere returns with no complications remaining. How does Todorovs narrative fit in to our production? Equalibrium: Zoe is laying in her bed listening to music whilst her mum leaves her to go to work. She falls asleep at 10pm Disruption/Disequalibrium: Zoe wakes up at 1am due to an unknown caller. She begins to hear noises, goes downstairs, gets a drink, comes back upstairs and notices someone has left writing on her bathroom walls with a scary message. She returns to her room. An unknown blurry figure rises out of her bed..who is not revealed to the audience.

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