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An Online version of the Padagogy Wheel with Linked Apps

This online version of the Padagogy Wheel has all the Apps linked to their iTunes Preview pages.

The Padagogy Wheel ... A Bloomin Better Way to Teach

dA Interview pp Facebook DocsToGo s Assistant Fotobabble Google Search song Toontastic Prezi Highlighting Bump storytelling Garageband Bookmarking or Favouriting TV/Radio Program Blog Docs Mind Mapping Bullet MentalCase s Blog e i t i cartoon v ePub or iBook Pointing Journalling A iMovie cti cti A Rap Voicethread vit Commenting storytelling ies animating recognise Word Processing Easy imagine mixing CourseNotes Maptini describe name Release Social Networking new game transform bs A r e cti summarise Wordpress infer video editing Social Bookmarking on n V suppose o i t retrieve explain change V c A podcasting Subscribing find erbs invent design iTimeLapse Quizcast FeeddlerRSS paraphrase Searching or multimedia Pro rearrange identify suggest compare Googling presentation hypothesise compose ScreenChomp classify list locate originate exemplify Recalling videocasting match produce create interpret report editing Ustream find an unusual way WikiNodes expand role playing critiquing Explain rank edit movie making Everything network implement judgement conclude post WEB to PDF demonstrating debate share simulate opinion judge compare presenting Keynote ShareBoard carry out use interviewing discuss support court trial play upload mapping Sonic Pics decide conference reporting Prompster hack run moderate simulating select Articulate Pro teach news item prioritise load collecting Evernote justify evaluate execute Peek Google draw taking Hypothesis collaborate verify interview Docs photograph defend Evernote appraise operate infer Survey outline critique making diary compare construct Notability contrast give your Recommendation scrap booking examine differentiate opinion distinguish record Tapos determine survey drawing diagram AudioBoo Adobe Summary sequence deduce demonstrate Connect categorise making puzzle classify interview simulate Self-evaluation deconstruct mash reporting sculpturing Edmodo Skype Action Verbs graphing surveying charting Quick spreadsheeting Perfectly Clr creating advertisement Voice creating mashup media diagraming building questionnaire Google+ StudentPad summarising


pp A d


Creative Book Builder



iThoughts Twitter

The Padagogy Wheel

Developed by Allan Carrington Designing Outcomes


Remember Understand



A c t ion Ve

b Ver n io Act



Activ i


iPad Ap


v Acti

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul Hopkins educational consultancy website That wheel was produced by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Andersons (2001) adaption of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin Apps

pps A d iPa


Activities AIM iCardSort SurveyPro Bento MindMash Inspiration Maps Numbers Popplet iPad Apps DropVox Pages FilemakerGo 11 MiniMash Comic Life

Animation Creation

The original blog entry explaining the use of the wheel with other Padagogy Seminar Resources including a two minute YouTube video.
Tuesday, 7 May 13

The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at

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