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AIDS PROGRAM Vitamin C Can Help Your Cells: According to a CDC spokesperson, most patients do not live more

than three years after diagnosis. Vitamin C apparently stabilizes the loss of T-helper cells. What Are T-Helper Cells? In order to understand what they are, an explanation of T-cells is necessary. The T-cells along with B-cells are macrophages, white blood cells (Leukocytes) that help protect the body against invading bacteria and viruses. Both the B-cells and the T-cells originate in the liver, and then migrate to the bone marrow where they follow different lines of development, specializing into various kinds of stems, or precursor cells. The T -cells then move from the bone marrow to the thymus gland. Hence, T-cells get their name from thymus, while B-cells are named for bone marrow. The B-cells are responsible for producing antibodies, which are substances specifically matched to each individual antigen (allergen). The job of the antibodies is to help in neutralizing or destroying antigens. When an antigen undergoes a physical change, for example, the B-cell increased in size and divides into several cells known as plasma cells which secrete the antibodies. Some of these antibodies then circulate throughout the body where they can interact with the corresponding antigen. Others are secreted on the surface of B-cells and help in recognizing antigens. Vitamin C is instrumental in strengthening the body's T-cell helpers. It is because they release antibodies into the body fluids to combat antigens that the Bcells are said to be involved in human (blood and lymph) immunity. Meanwhile, the Tcells develop into various specialized kinds of cells responsible for cell mediated immune reactions. Instead of reacting to the presence of antigens by producing antibodies, the T-cells influence neighboring white blood cells and other cells. T-cells are there to fight bacteria fungi, parasites, and intracellular viruses (the ones that attack from within the bodys cells). Some T-cells influence other cells by turning on or off reactions in the immune system. T-helper cells may induce B-cells to respond to the presence of an antigen, and they may also stimulate activity in other T-cells. T-suppresser cells operate in the opposite direction, regulating the immune response by turning off certain cell activity. For example, T-suppresser cells may interfere with T-helper cells or inhibit B-cells from producing antibodies. The T-helper cells and the T-suppresser cells help to maintain a delicate balance. If upset, the body loses its protection against foreign and internal antigens. In fact, the ratio of T-cells indicates the status of ones immune system. The healthy ratio is about 1.8 helper cells to each suppresser cell. Thus, the immune system becomes ineffective if the ratio is much higher or lower than 1.8:1. Patients with AIDS often have a ratio of 1:1 or less. Here, the number of T-suppresser cells has risen to such an extent that these off-switch cells actually destroy the bodys natural

immunity. Vitamin C is instrumental in strengthening the bodys T-helper cells. The normal T-helper cell count is over 400. When the count drops below 50 or 20 (the count varies with each individual), as it does in the person with AIDS, there is little that can be done. Killing Free Radicals Vitamin C is very effective in killing free radicals. When you take Vitamin C in massive doses, it reacts as a free radical scavenger. Free radicals are free roaming molecules that, if unchecked, can damage cells, producing genetic changes, and is one of the main causes of chaps sarcoma cancer in AIDS patients. Vitamin C will disarm these free radicals, and at the same time step up the immune system. Aloe Vera and AIDS After many months of observation and reading a report by Ron Mealy on Aloe Vera concentrate, I decided to include Aloe Vera juice concentrate in my AIDS program. We found it helps with Epstein Barr and AIDS. Everyone that took the juice concentrate stated that energy increased and they were able to sleep through the night. A team of scientists from Texas A & M University and three other institutions say that acemannan (which is a component of Aloe Vera) purified from green, spiky Aloe Vera plants, appears to help drugs such as Retrovir (zidovudine, a drug formerly known as AZT) and acyclovir (ACV) block the pathology associated with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). They also found that the compound interfered with HIV ability to reproduce in affected cells. Dr. Maurice C. Kemp, a virologist at Texas A & Ms college of Veterinary Medicine, said the research suggests that one-tenth the AZT dose could be administered to AIDS patients if it is given with acemannan. Kemps laboratory research uses cultures of cells to study how acemannan affects the way viruses attach to cells and spread once they have infected them. With my program, there is no need for AZT. GARLIC Garlic has been used for thousands of years. An Egyptian medical papyrus dating from around 1500 BC discusses the use of garlic in 22 prescriptions. Garlic was used during World War 1 to fight typhus and dysentery. In World War II, British physicians treating battle wounds with garlic reported its benefits in warding off septic poisoning and gangrene. In 1944, Chester J. Cavallitto identified garlics strong odor Allicin, as an antibiotic. Tests found raw garlic more powerful than penicillin and tetracycline. Literally hundreds of studies confirm garlic as a broad-spectrum antibiotic against a long list of microbes that spread disease, including botulism, tuberculosis, diarrhea, staphylococcus, dysentery and typhoid. Garlic is antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiprotozoan, and antiviral. The National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, a prestigious repository of medical literature, contains about 125 scientific papers on garlic revealing the potent compounds that appear to retard heart disease, stroke, cancer, and a wide range of infections. Garlic can help your brain function. Dr. Garagus had noticed an article in the Chinese Medical Journal. Chinese doctors referred to the ancient practice of administering garlic. They fed and injected garlic into patients with a serious infection called cryptococcal meningitis. Of sixteen who got the garlic, eleven survived. For a cure rate of sixty eight percent, this was not bad, considering that this infection gets in the spinal cord and into the

brain. Even some powerful antibiotics cannot cross the blood-brain barrier to attack the bacteria. That meant garlic, or at least some chemical of garlic, probably did travel from the blood stream or spinal fluid into the brain where it destroyed the bacteria, and caused no side effect, unlike prescription antibiotics. Dr. Garagus looked up the medical literature and found that garlic was once extensively used to treat tuberculosis which, like cryptococcal meningitis, is a fungal infection. In fact, in days before man-made antibiotics, garlic was the drug of choice against TB. At the turn of the century, the head of a large tuberculosis ward in Dublin reported remarkable cure rates from eating, inhaling, and smearing garlic on the chest as an ointment. Around the same time in New York City, a physician compared the effectiveness of fifty-five tuberculosis treatments, and found garlic the best. The ancient Egyptians worshiped garlic. Poling the Elder, a Roman administrator and naturalist living in the first century AD, recommended garlic for no fewer than sixty-one ailments, and what better company could one want. Even Louis Pasteur in 1858 put a dollop of garlic in a petri dish and recorded that the bacteria died. Researchers at George Washington University had confirmed a chemical in garlic that thinned blood. Tuberculosis is on the upswing in the United States. Major carriers of this virus are those infected with HIV. Some AIDS victims are infected by a fungal bug called M. Avlum, previously seen only in birds. Fungal infections in the United States have doubled or tripled in the last five years. Drs. Garagus and Delaha were seeing more blood samples infected by these strains of fungus bacteria. To see if garlic is as effective against fungi as the Chinese medical report said, Dr. Delaha peeled and ground up ten bulbs of garlic in a blender. He extracted the active ingredient, Allicin, from the garlic pulp, and the result was a frozen extract of garlic. He put thirty strains of seventeen species of mycobacteria in sterile petri dishes, and then introduced the garlic compound in various concentrations. Then he watched the bacteria in the non-garlic dishes thrive. The bacteria with garlic in the dishes withered and died. Garlic killed or did damage to all the fungal bacteria. (AIDS patients have a big problem with fungal disease). Garlic not only did damage to fungal infection, but also to those that caused tuberculosis. In fact, it was extra potent against the TB bacteria. Better than standard antibiotics, garlic rips apart the mycobacteriums cell walls or interferes with their enzymes so they starve to death. Dr. Garagus said that he wished he knew how and why garlic works. Hear, hear, hear, the word of the Lord. Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Psalms 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth. Dr. Norman Farnsworth, the Director of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, set up computer data with about 50,000 scientific references on foods and their active chemicals. About 25 percent of all prescription drugs used in the world were derived from natural plant substances. He did a study of these 140 pure drugs derived from ninety species of plants and found excellent folk remedies. In seventy-four percent of the cases, the purified

active chemical used to treat the same disease as the plant was reputed to cure. We owe the plant kingdom a lot. Science first found a plant to yield a chemical, benzoic acid, in the sixteenth century. In 1804 the opium poppy gave us morphine. After that, Plant pharmacology went into high gear. Today western medicine counts on plant to turn out such common drugs as acetyldigoxin, allantoin, aspirin, Valium, bromeliad, codeine, digotoxin, l-dopa, leurocristine, quinine, reserpine, scopolamine, papain, physostigmine, pseudoephedrine, strychnine, theophylline, xanthotoxin, camphor, and menthol capsaicin. Still only five to ten percent of the 250,000 plant species on the face of the earth have been examined. Common sense tells us that if you got so much out of only ninety species, there must be an herb that can cure AIDS. Pokeroot weed yields a drug that fights AIDS. Researchers have said that a drug developed from the leaves of an otherwise poisonous weed appears to be 1,000 times more potent that the drug AZT in destroying the AIDS virus. The University of Minnesota said that the drug contains a virus-fighting protein from the new leaves of the pokeweed, a perennial American herb that is otherwise poisonous to humans. When used alone, the protein inhibits the production of the AIDS virus in those cells in the immune system. When coupled with monoclonal antibodies, inhibition of the AIDS virus production was increased as much as 1,000 fold. Clinical tests are to begin soon. Herbalists have been using Pokeroot for many years with a very good cure rate. TREATMENT 1. Take one to three Tablespoons of poke juice from the leaves of pokeweed, which is also known as poke salad. Mix in eight ounces of water and drink three to four times daily.

2. Pau DArco kills viruses and builds the immune system. Take 10 capsules daily. 3. Take cup of aloe vera from the live plant twice daily on an empty stomach (or blend up a whole aloe vera plant in juice). Add 10,000 mg. Of Vitamin C to aloe vera, twice daily. 4. Take the LIFE NO ENEMA CLEANSER three times daily. (One Tbs. three times daily) See Glossary. 5. Take ten capsules two times daily of Echinacea, a blood cleanser and immune system booster. 6. Make tea using three Tbs. peach leaf, three Tbs. yarrow and three Tbs. blue vervain. Mix with two quarts of hot water and take four cups daily. 7. Mix one Tbs. poke leaf juice, 2 Tbs. Whey, 500 mg. Phenylalanine in one pint of water. Give retension enema and hold as long as possible. Do twice daily for 90 days. If T-cells go up, continue taking poke enema until normal. If you have problems, stop taking. AIDS Herbal - Mixed In A Bottle Gentian 1 Tbs. Golden Seal 1 Tbs. Cayenne Pepper tsp. Chickweed 1 Tbs.

Shiitake 4 Tbs. Mandrake Tbs. St. Johns Wort 1 Tbs. Burdock Root 1 Tbs. Violet 3 Tbs. Reishi 4 Tbs. Bloodroot 1 Tbs. Echinacea 5 Tbs.

Pau DArco 4 Tbs. Astragalas 4 Tbs. Milk Thistle 2 Tbs. Mix together and take 2 Tbs. in 4 ounces of water three times daily. 1. Take an over-heated bath nightly. Mix three pounds of Epsom salt per bath. 2. Take 20,000 mg. of Vitamin C daily with aloe vera. (Take 5000 mg. four daily.) 3. Take 50,000 IU of Beta Carotene four times daily in carrot juice. 4. Take 100 mg. of Niacin three times daily. Note: Niacin will feel warm and your face will flush for a few minutes. 5. Mix 2 oz. Of poke leaf juice in 10 oz. of water. Drink twice daily. 6. Take 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in 1 quart water. Drink. Each day add one drop until you reach 21 drops. Stop taking. 7. Take 30 mg. Zinc twice daily. 8. Give Vitamin C enema twice weekly, using 10,000 mg. In 8 to 10 oz. Of lemon water. 9. Use 3 drops of iodine (vegetable grade) in 4 ounces of water once a day, increasing the dosage one drop more per day until you reach 30 drops; then decrease one drop a day until you reach 3 drops. This will help your immune system. 10. Mix one oz. of poke leaf juice, two Tbsp. of whey, and 500 mg. of phenylalanine in one pint of water. Give retension enema, holding as long as possible, twice daily for 90 days. If T-cells go up, contine taking enema until normal. If you experience problems, stop taking. Now you are ready to be tested again. May the Lord richly bless you. Get a check-up every 90 days.

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