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Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

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Book of Body Language Summary

( se duction ) subm itte d 2 ye ars ago by T3hJ3hu

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this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2011

Hey guys, Somebody posted a link to a body language book yesterday. It was pretty big and therefore hard to manage, but it caught my interest. As I was going through, I took notes. I thought you guys might be interested, so here it is. I've mostly kept them in order of appearance, but I stripped out a couple of the key sections and put them in this post. I'll put the rest in another post in this thread. -The attraction process typically has five steps: --1. The woman makes eye contact for a few seconds, then turns her head. The man checks back for more looks. Usually she has to look at him three times for him to realize what the fuck is happening. --2. The woman gives a quick smile, which is a green-light. Many men fuck it up here.

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--3. The woman begins preening, revealing her The reddit self-improvement and seduction neck, playing with her hair, or sitting up to community! emphasize her tits. She might also lick her lips or Official Seddit IRC Chatroom * straighten her clothes. The man usually Official Seddit Twitter * responds by expanding his chest, sucking in his gut, and straightening his clothes. Both are NEW HERE? pointed toward each other. --4. The man approaches her to talk, usually with something canned or easy. --5. The woman will initiate some light touch on the arm or hands; repeating the same touches shows that she's comfortable with how things are. Hand touches are more personal than arm touches. Brushing or touching the shoulder shows that she cares about his health or appearance. -Women commonly use 13 gestures during courtship: --1. The head toss and hair flick shows interest and that she cares about her appearance around you. --2. If her lips are wet and pouting, it's a sexual invitation meant to mimic her genitals (blood swells in the lips, breasts, and genitals when aroused, which is also why red lipstick became

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Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

popular). --3. If a woman slowly and sensually touches her neck, thigh, or throat, it means that if a man plays his cards, he could touch her in the same way. She's effectively imagining him touching her there. --4. Allowing her wrist to go limp shows submission, which is of course hot to dominant men. --5. Fondling a cylindrical object lets you know what's on her mind. --6. Women will expose their wrists more as interest grows, as the wrist is considered one of their more erogenous zones. --7. A sideways glance over her shoulder lets her feel like she's peeping, while also making her shoulder mimic the appearance of her tits. --8. Rolling of the hips is something that only women can do, making it an effective tool for looking sexy. --9. The pelvic tilt makes her hips look bigger, which is an obvious plus (waist-to-hips ratio is most optimum at 70% btw). It highlights her ability to bear children, which we find hawt. --10. If a woman puts her handbag close to you, it shows that she's comfortable with you since it holds the majority of their livelihood. She may fondle her purse if she's particularly attracted. --11. If she tucks one leg under the other, the direction her untucked knee is pointing in is the direction of who's most interesting. --12. Dangling the shoe on the end of the foot shows relaxation while implying fucking via repetitive thrusting movements. --13. Placing one leg over the other so that they're parallel signifies that she's ready to screw. Women will also cross and uncross their legs slowly, occasionally stroking her thigh with her hand, to indict a desire to be touched. -People lean against things (or other people) to show ownership or a terroritorial cliam. -As a general rule, the higher someone is socioeconomically, the less gestures they use. -Less movement shows confidence, especially while under pressure -- it's how to "keep your cool." Jim Carry displays the opposite effect. -The six secrets of attractive body language --1. Have an animated face and a smile; be sure to flash your teeth. --2. Be expressive with your gestures but don't overdo it. Keep your fingers crossed and below

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Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

your chin, and avoid arm or feet crossing. --3. Use triple nods when talking and a head tilt when listening. Keep your chin up. --4. Give the amount of eye contact that makes everyone feel comfortable. Lean forward when listening, stand straight when speaking. --5. Stand as close as you feel comfortable. If the other person moves back, don't step forward again. --6. Subtly mirror the body language of others.
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[] T3hJ3hu [S] 51 points 2 ye ars ago

-Try to shake hands with your palm facing downward, to show dominance. An "equal" handshake occurs when both dominant players "struggle" to an equal outcome with palms to the sides. -Women smile at men they are attracted to. -Crossing your arms in front of your body makes you seem less credible/more aggravated, and shows a defensive posture. -Women will keep their arms more open around men they're attracted to, but crossed around aggressive or unattractive men. -Touching someone's elbows or hands will make them more likely to give you what you want, and will make you more memorable. -Those of British or German heritage are more easily swayed by elbow/hand touching. -People are more likely to remember what someone said if they were using hand gestures. -If you're going to rub your palms together (as when saying, "This'll be fun"), do it quickly -slowly rubbing your palms shows creepy self-interest. -Extended gazing into someone's eyes vastly increases the generation of intimate feelings. -Clenching your hands reveals frustration, signaling that you're holding back a negative or anxious attitude. -When someone's arms or hands are clenched or crossed in front of them (signalling a negative attitude), get them to hold something so that they break their defensive posture and assume calmness. -Touching your finger tips together shows confidence (called The Steeple). -The Steeple should be avoided when persuading someone or winning someone's confidence, because it displays arrogance. -Tilting your head back during the Steeple shows increased smugness/arrogance. -The higher someone raises a gesture toward their face, the more emphasis it has in determining someone's attitude. -Women are likely to place one hand on top of the other and then their chin on top of that in a sort of "Face Platter". It's the green light for flattery and basically says, "please admire me." -Chin up, chest out, and one hand holding the other behind you signifies superiority, confidence, and power. -That same stance but with one hand holding the other's wrist shows frustration and an attempt at self-control. -Allowing your thumbs to protrude shows assertiveness and dominance; when attracted to a woman, men will use protruding thumbs around her. 3/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

-Thumbs protruding from a pocket shows that you feel you are in a superior position. -Hand to Face gestures indicate lying. The most common gestures are: the mouth cover, the nose touch, the eye rub, the ear grab, the neck scratch, the collar pull, fingers in the mouth. -Supporting your head with your hand shows boredom; supporting your hand with your cheek shows genuine interest.
permalink [] [deleted] 7 points 2 ye ars ago

How do you support your hand with your cheek? And do you mean if someone does this they are genuinely interested or if you do it you appear genuinely interested? Also this is a great read, thanks!
permalink parent [] T3hJ3hu [S] 7 points 2 ye ars ago

It would mean that your fingers are resting on your cheek. If you start putting any weight on your hand, that's a sign of disinterest. Placing it properly will make you appear interested, but one common point of the book is that changing someone's body language oftentimes changes their attitude. By forcing it, you might actually make yourself a bit more interested.
permalink parent [] Box-Monkey 6 points 2 ye ars ago

outside affects inside affects outside

permalink parent [] metal_rings 3 points 2 ye ars ago

This one hurts my brain. >.<

permalink parent [] RedErin 5 points 2 ye ars ago

If you smile, you will automatically feel happier.

permalink parent [] ngroot 7 points 2 ye ars ago

-Try to shake hands with your palm facing downward, to show dominance. An "equal" handshake occurs when both dominant players "struggle" to an equal outcome with palms to the sides. Just because some people try to do this doesn't mean that it's a good idea. It's about as subtle as a noogie in terms of someone trying to assert themselves over you, and roughly as mature. Moreover, most of the time when people have tried this on me (and I'd imagine this fairly common), it's just led to a botched, awkward shake. When I shake hands with someone, I bring my hand in with my palm perpendicular to the floor (i.e., for an "equal" shake). If you're trying to come in in a dominant position, I'll end up mostly grabbing your thumb, and then we'll both fumble to fix it, or we'll shake quickly and act like it didn't happen. Either way, it's just awkward.
permalink parent [] karimba 2 points 2 ye ars ago

I heard an anecdote about someone who was pathologically dominant. Instead of trying to overpower the client, when he shook his shrinks hand in this way, he raised it up and licked the back of it. He didn't do it again.
permalink parent


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

[] ngroot 1 point 2 ye ars ago

That's a very Zen solution. I approve!

permalink parent [] I_cup 2 points 2 ye ars ago

I think that one way in which you can do this subtly is by adopting a really positive attitude and with a smile. Recently at a bar I walked up to a friend of a friend (dude) and with a confident smile I lifted my arm almost level with my shoulders and brought it down in a kind of arc, the other person was then forced to almost "catch" it and combined with the smile and hype attitude it is conveyed as quite natural and friendly, while instilling dominance...
permalink parent [] [deleted] 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Thumbs protruding from a pocket shows that you feel you are in a superior position. It's good to note here that when this gesture is made by a woman, and combined by other "fuck me" signals, such as self grooming and the stroking of phallic objects it's a strong sexual display. It's saying "here, look at my vagina, would you like to fuck it?".
permalink parent [] metal_rings 1 point 2 ye ars ago*

-Those of British or German heritage are more easily swayed by elbow/hand touching. Was there any evidence or rationale behind this? -Chin up, chest out, and one hand holding the other behind you signifies superiority, confidence, and power. -That same stance but with one hand holding the other's wrist shows frustration and an attempt at self-control. As a girl I never noticed this, and am not sure it is true. -Hand to Face gestures indicate lying. The most common gestures are: the mouth cover, the nose touch, the eye rub, the ear grab, the neck scratch, the collar pull, fingers in the mouth. While I hear this everywhere, personally I just have face-touching habits. Just make sure you don't always assume someone is lying because they touch their face! I wonder if people have thought I was lying due to this before? If so, boo to society for saying some of my habits mean I'm lying! : (
permalink parent [] RedErin 2 points 2 ye ars ago

It's because British or German people don't touch each other as much, so touching has more profound effect. In other places, acquaintances hug and kiss each others cheek when they greet, so a single touch means much less to them.
permalink parent [] metal_rings 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Makes sense. Thanks!

permalink parent [] Mode rator frogma 1 point 2 ye ars ago

I just have face-touching habits. Just make sure you don't always assume someone is lying because they touch their face! I think there's a lot of times where you don't realize it. Nobody actually realizes it when they're doing it- it's subconscious, so there have probably been a bunch of times where you had your hand around your face/neck area as a direct response to something. In general, the "hands around the face" thing signals that you're nervous/anxious. They're called tics- we all do em all the time, to the point where it feels natural and normal. 5/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

As a girl I never noticed this, and am not sure it is true. It's true. Picture a boss overlooking his factory, or a subordinate taking orders. Was there any evidence or rationale behind this? In this case, I'd just assume the author knows what he's talking about, since he seems pretty spot-on with everything else. I'm sure there's evidence to support it, but OP was just giving a tl;dr for the book.
permalink parent [] buu700 1 point 2 ye ars ago

I don't believe you. Go tend to your burning trousers.

permalink parent [] metal_rings 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Only if you're burning with me. ;)

permalink parent [] taraka 0 points 2 ye ars ago*

These are AWESOME, I've been wanting a tl;dr of that book Thanks a lot!!! Here's a more thorough discussion on the steeple -The higher someone raises a gesture toward their face, the more emphasis it has in determining someone's attitude. -Women are likely to place one hand on top of the other and then their chin on top of that in a sort of "Face Platter". It's the green light for flattery and basically says, "please admire me." didn't get these two
permalink parent [] T3hJ3hu [S] 30 points 2 ye ars ago

-Dilated (wide) pupils show excitement and arousal; beady (small) pupils show anger and negative moods. -The Eyebrow Flash (quickly raising your eyebrows when you see someone) displays welcoming interest and can be used to draw people to you. -Holding eye contact makes people like you more. -Usually the subordinate breaks eye contact first. -When a woman wants a man's attention from across a room, she will meet his gaze for a couple of seconds, then look away and down. She will often repeat it 3 to 5 times, as men suck at reading body language. When his attention is gained, she oftentimes uses the Eyebrow flash. -A sideways glance when coupled with a smile or raised eyebrows is often used to display interest, especially by women. -A sideways glance when coupled with a frown or furrowed brow displays a suspicious, hostile, or critical attitude. -If someone's blinking rate increases, it is likely due to increased pressure on them. -Long, extended blinks show that a person is superior and disinterested. -Darting eyes back and forth show insecurity. -Focusing on someone's eyes and nose is non-threatening and common. -Focusing on someone's eyes and chest/crotch (depending on distance) is intimate and shows interest. -Focusing on someone's eyes and forehead is intimidating and powerful. -Open or uncrossed leg positions show openness and dominance. 6/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

-Crossed leg positions show a closed-off or uncertain attitude. -If a woman is interested in you, her legs will be open toward you. If she's not, she'll cross them away from you. -Head nodding is a powerful tool: it is contagious and causes positive feelings, which encourages cooperation. -A head lifted high shows superiority, fearlessness, or arrogance. -Women often tilt their head to one side to show submission toward a man they're interested in. -If a head is tilted down, it shows disapproval or other negative judging emotions. -Standing with your hands on your hips shows a readiness for dominance and aggression. -Standing with your thumbs in front of the front of your pants (making a sort of box around your crotch) with a couple other indicators of interest (smile, one foot toward her, etc) is a clear indicator to women that you're interested. -Mirroring someone's gestures and facial expressions shows that you have similar thoughts and feelings, although women are much more animated facially than men are usually. -A man who mirrors a woman's facial expressions as she's talking is likely to be described by her as attractive, caring, intelligent, and attractive. -Building rapport with someone is much easier if you copy their body language (or rather, the tone of it). -Subordinates are likely to copy a leader's body language, going one at a time down the dominance line. -If you wish to display a certain feeling as a group, plan to do it in unison -- it shows incredible cohesiveness, which can vastly amplify any intended emotion. -When smoking, exhaling up shows confidence and superiority while exhaling down shows suspicious and negative emotions. The faster the smoke, the stronger the emotion. -Glasses do make you seem smarter, but only for the first few minutes of a meeting. -Thick glasses frames show dominance; thin glasses frames shows that you're either one of the boys or a nice guy. -Thick briefcases show disorganization while thin ones show success; always hold it in your left hand and never use it as a barrier in front of yourself. -The direction of someone's feet or body shows where they really want to go. -Facing someone directly with your body is aggressive; standing at a more open angle is much more friendly. -If two people are interested in each other, they will stand directly facing each other close together, mirroring each other's eye contact and gestures. -Men typically fear attacks from the front, while women fear attacks from the back. -When approaching a group of a people, if their bodies turn toward you, they are welcoming to your presence. If they stay with their bodies toward each other, you're not invited. The direction of the face is inconsequential. -Highlighting gender differences is what makes a person look sexy. -For a man, success in the mating game is mostly marked by his ability to read signals from women. Women have more problems with just finding a suitable man. -Women initiate most encounters with subtle body language, even if it may appear like the man is since he went to her first. -While it is possible to play a numbers game, your success rate will be higher if you wait for an "invitation". -The human body gets hotter when aroused. -Wearing a tie so that it's messed up to one side is a great way to find out which women are interested: they'll be glad to straighten your tie. 7/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

-Women like men with deep, smooth voices. -The nine rules to a good first (business) impression --1. Avoid entering with your arms full of clutter, because it makes you look inept. Don't sit down if the receptionist asks you to. Stand with your hands behind your back (confidence) and rock slowly back and forth on your feet (confident, controlled) or use the Steeple hand gesture. --2. Make your entry without hesitation and don't change pace when you walk in. --3. Upon entry, immediately put down your stuff, shake their hand, and take a seat. Taking long or slow strides shows disinterest and apathy. --4. Let the other person decide when to end the handshake. Never shake directly across a desk. Say the person's name twice in the first fifteen seconds and never talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. --5. Angle your chair or body so that you're not directly facing them. --6. If you're invited to sit at an informal area like a coffee table, that's a good sign because 95% of business rejections occur from behind a desk. Don't sit on a low sofa; sit on the edge of the seat if necessary. --7. Keep gestures cool, calm, uncomplicated, clear, and deliberate. Mirror their gestures when appropriate. --8. Respect their personal space. Men typically move closer to women and women typically move farther from men. --9. When leaving, pack your things calmly and deliberately. Shake hands if possible, turn, and walk out. Badasses always walk away from explosions. Close the door on your way out if it was closed on your way in. -Seven simple strategies for giving yourself "the edge" --1. Stand up for meetings. Managers who conduct standing meetings are seen as higher status, and standing meetings get to the point faster. --2. Sit competitors with their backs to the door to make them stress a little bit. --3. Keep your fingers crossed and below your chin to appear more powerful. --4. Keep your elbows out or on the arms of the chair you're sitting in. Timid people keep their elbows in. --5. Use power words that invoke strong emotion: discovery, guarantee, love, proven, results, save, easy, health, money, new, safety and you. --6. Carry a slim briefcase, because it makes you look important and concerned only with the bottom line. --7. Someone with an unbuttoned coat will likely be more open than those with buttoned coats. If they unbutton their coat, assume they're becoming more open. -Lowering your body below someone else's show submission, usually. -In some cases, lowering your body actually shows comfort, confidence, and informality (such as when getting comfortable in someone else's territory) -You can calm down angry people by showing submission. -Optimally, men are 1.09 times the height of their woman. Divide your height by 1.09 to find your optimum height for a partner. -If feeling out-heighted by someone, have them sit down. If you're already sitting and feeling dominated, you can stand up leisurely as if to contemplate. -Sitting at a corner with someone is friendly and casual. -Sitting next to someone shows that you're thinking alike or have similar goals. -Sitting across from someone indicates competitiveness, but works well for dates and the like because it highlights gender differences and allows for eye contact. Typically, sitting opposite of someone creates bad vibes. 8/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

-The left side of your face is the best side to give a presentation with, since it is in the person's right field of vision. -People can't make a decision while they're eating, so get any important decisions done before food.
permalink [] [deleted] 5 points 2 ye ars ago

-Optimally, men are 1.09 times the height of their woman. Divide your height by 1.09 to find your optimum height for a partner. What the fuck is this!
permalink parent [] T3hJ3hu [S] 5 points 2 ye ars ago

They talk about a study in there somewhere. Relationships worked out best at that ratio, I think it was.
permalink parent [] S1eeper 3 points 2 ye ars ago*

Just a shot in the dark, but it might be the height differential where a woman can wear high heels and still not be taller than her man. Since 1.09 adds just over 6 inches to a 5'10" woman, that sounds about right. It's also apparently the height at which a woman must tilt her head fully back, completely exposing her vulnerable neck, to kiss her man, high heels or no. A submissive, open, trusting pose. Much more than 1.09 and she has to stretch uncomfortably, much less and he doesn't feel dominant/alpha enough. 1.09 is just about the sweet spot fit.
permalink parent [] BPhair 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Yeah, fuck that. I like my women tall.

permalink parent [] DNZ_not_DMZ 3 points 2 ye ars ago

This is awesome, thank you very much! Just one question: what does "keep your fingers crossed" mean in this context?
permalink parent [] DrSixPack 2 points 2 ye ars ago

man who mirrors a woman's facial expressions as she's talking is likely to be described by her as attractive, caring, intelligent, and attractive. Also, attractive.
permalink parent [] T3hJ3hu [S] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Ha, thanks.
permalink parent [] afcanonymous 13 points 2 ye ars ago

Awesome TL;DR.
permalink [] PaperSt 6 points 2 ye ars ago

Thanks, good read.

permalink [] S1eeper 8 points 2 ye ars ago 9/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

Great stuff, thanks! A few things: Placing one leg over the other so that they're parallel signifies that she's ready to screw. I'm having trouble visualizing that. Aren't "parallel" and "one leg over the other" mutually exclusive? Keep your fingers crossed and below your chin, and avoid arm or feet crossing. Fingers crossed? Huh? People lean against things (or other people) to show ownership or a territorial claim. Not necessarily. Keep in mind one other thing about body language - individual signals are not 100% guaranteed signals, they can also be random, or mean something else. For example, leaning on the bar just may mean you're tired after a long day, or are taking your weight off an injured foot, or something like that. Instead, look for clusters of signals that are all congruent and pointing the same way. Don't rely on single ones to tell you anything with certainty.
permalink [] nessaj 5 points 2 ye ars ago

I thought I recognized some of the wording! The book, for those who wonder, is The definitive book of body language, by Barbara and Allan Pease. A great read, here it is in pdf, but buy it if you can afford, it's worth it. And because a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words, here is a video recording of Allan Pease doing a speech for sales-people. All I can say is that it's a pleasure to watch.
permalink [] DJVendetta 4 points 2 ye ars ago

1. Fondling a cylindrical object lets you know what's on her mind. Wow, I see this happen a lot and have never thought of it like that...
permalink [] S1eeper 5 points 2 ye ars ago

Even the stem of her wine glass counts, though she's probably hoping for something a little more substantial.
permalink parent [] antonation 3 points 2 ye ars ago

What kind of cylindrical objects? Like pens and pencils? Water bottles?
permalink parent [] kickit 10 points 2 ye ars ago

cocks. dead giveaway

permalink parent [] nessaj 3 points 2 ye ars ago

It can be anything really: a lip balm, an unlit cigarette, a glass, a pack of gum, anything! Key here is the movement, she uses a slow, sensual touch. The other reasons women (guys too!) fondle objects with their hands is because she may be bored or nervous. If she is anxious or nervous, she will use energetic movements like spinning or tapping. If she's bored, she's gonna pay more attention to the "toy" than you. If she's interested in you, she will pay interest to you while gently fondling an object. This is a big IOI, it means she's ready for, or wanting touch.
permalink parent [] [deleted] 4 points 2 ye ars ago*

Thanks for posting this summary, but the book may have left out the most essential aspect of 10/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

body language. Practically every single gesture has multiple meanings, and the intentions behind the gestures are often HEAVILY context dependent. A few examples: Someone who is crossing their arms may be defensive but the same action often happens when someone is feeling cold. Pupil dilation does indicate sympathetic nervous system activity (i.e. fear/arousal) but its primarily a way to regulate light entry into the retina. not all hand-to-face gestures indicate lying. To name a few, a head scratch can means confusion/not understanding, hand-over-mouth can mean that they don't want to say something and a pinched gesture between the eyes can mean frustration/dissatisfaction. I think the most important things about understanding body language is to recognise that body language gives a clue about what the person is thinking about at that time but is by no means authoritative, and that clusters of body language (three or more) gives a better indication than individual actions. A girl who is leaning into you, licking her lips and maintaining eye contact probably wants to get physical later on (or shes a cannibal), and a girl who has her arms crossed while tapping her foot impatiently and not engaging in conversation is probably wishing you were somewhere else (or is getting frustrated about how you haven't kissed her yet). A trick that helped me get better at understanding body language was to watch experts at work, and there are few people better than the good old-school actors. Watch any classic movie made before the 80's, but watch it with a critical eye to work out how the actions of the actor are congruent with their characters. For a real challenge, watch the movie in mute and try to work out the plot/intentions of the characters on gestures alone.
permalink [] on_the_dl 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Thanks for posting this summary, but the book may have left out the most essential aspect of body language. Actually, almost everything you wrote is in the book.
permalink parent [] fluentinsilence 4 points 2 ye ars ago

Unless she grabs me by the head and shakes me violently saying, "I like you, ok?!", then I am totally oblivious.
permalink [] RedErin 2 points 2 ye ars ago

That's why you're here, to learn these kind of things.

permalink parent [] WordSm1th 5 points 2 ye ars ago

DISCLAIMER: One of the first things mention in this guide is that gestures are read in clusters. Base nothing on one gesture alone
permalink [] dnLmicky 4 points 2 ye ars ago

Upboats, saved, etc. great posting!

permalink [] nycprowl 2 points 2 ye ars ago

The woman gives a quick smile, which is a green-light. Many men fuck it up here. Can you explain what you mean by men fuck it up here? Do you mean by not approaching?
permalink [] S1eeper 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Yes, by not approaching, or by screwing up the approach. The book Undercover Sex Signals by Leil Lowndes elaborates well on this. 11/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction



[] [deleted] 2 points 2 ye ars ago

permalink [] A rtigianoDelCorpo 0 points 2 ye ars ago

Yea, thanks OP. (Yes, this is a bookmark)

permalink parent [] kineticA M 1 point 2 ye ars ago

This is great, good job on the TL;DR.

permalink [] [deleted] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Wow. This better end up on the right-hand side of the page.

permalink [] SpookyKG 1 point 2 ye ars ago

You have written in multiple places (original post and a later one) to have your fingers CROSSED. You mean fingers TOGETHER. As in gesture with fingers together, not splayed out. Just lookin' out for ya.
permalink [] on_the_dl 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Just read the whole thing! It's not that long.

permalink [] ngroot 1 point 2 ye ars ago

As nessaj said, buy the book. If you haven't gathered from T3hJ3hu's piles of bullet points here, it's an informative and fun read. The one bad thing, IIRC, is that it's also full of "explanations" for how this body language developed, which are mostly evolutionary psychological blather (though amusing). Also, if you want a GREAT illustration of the power of body language, check out this debate between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Specifically, watch it with the sound off. You'll appreciate how amazing of a communicator Slick Willy is and how much information gets carried through the body.
permalink [] [deleted] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

great post, thanks

permalink [] Nexism 1 point 2 ye ars ago

DAE bookmark this?

permalink [] O_WHOA 1 point 2 ye ars ago

permalink parent [] HeadBoy 1 point 2 ye ars ago

DAE fap after reading this? wow, thanks bud :D 12/14


Book of Body Language Summary : seduction

permalink [] batshit_lazy 0 points 2 ye ars ago

Use triple nods when talking The fuck is a 'triple nod'?

permalink [] nycprowl 8 points 2 ye ars ago

you nod three times.

permalink parent [] greezyzoozoo 2 points 2 ye ars ago

I think batshit_lazy probably understood that part, but the question is, how? Do you just nod really quick, or nod a bit as you speak, nod when you pause?
permalink parent [] [deleted] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

I'm not exactly sure but I think it seems to apply in discussions as a way of saying you understand. It would happen about once per sentence or point to show your interest, understanding and possibly agreement. Of course, I can see it at the end too, like saying "yeah yeah yeah!" to excessively agree and follow up with your own story. Her: "Virgin Mobile's customer service really makes up for their shitty prices" You: Yeah yeah nod nod nod I know eh, their radically friendly. How to be creepy 101 - just listen to me.
permalink parent [] nycprowl 2 points 2 ye ars ago

I re-read this today, and I realized it came off a lot more sarcastic than I meant. From the book: "Most people have never considered the power of head nodding as a persuasion tool. Research shows that people will talk three to four times more than usual when the listener nods their head using groups of three nods at regular intervals. The speed of the nod signals the patience - or lack of patience - of the listener. Slow nodding communicates that the listener is interested in what the speaker is saying so give slow, deliberate clusters of three head nods when the other person is making a point. Fast nodding tells the speaker you've heard enough or that you want them to finish or give you a turn to speak."
permalink parent [+] mikedamike comment score below threshold (0 childre n)

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Book of Body Language Summary : seduction


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