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its members , Vatican City and the daughter churches (hereafter You) 215 N Westnege Ave , Kalamazoo MI 49007
Quasi in rem

It has come to my attention that your Presence in this country no longer welcome or save for our community, As masses of scandals not limited to : involving your so called Roman Catholic Church or RCC and Vatican Bank or Institute for Works of Religion, in a century long Laundering Blood Money and others war crimes against humanity as it was found in Recent conviction of your RCC by International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State( ITCCS)on 25 feb 2013 exhibit 1 , Not limited to illegal foreclosures done by the Bank of America of which 51% owned by order of Jesuit since 1908 and massive terrorist organization directly and indirectly laundering BLOOD money through your nonprofit RCC and its daughter churches, involving millions of victims into the Ponzi scheme explained in detail in the 43 Trillion dollar lawsuit (exhibit 2) against the banks which under control of order of Jesuit who is Proclaimed by ITCCS on July 11, 2013 as Transnational Criminal Organization. which can be found here: Your mere existence and presence in this community is injury to me, my family and this community and subject to waiver of Tort recorded in county of Kalamazoo register of deeds Exhibit 3 instrument # 2010-015853 on May 14, 2010. Not limited to the violation of PATRIOT ACT . and any gathering by any of your members is considered an injury to me to conspire injury to me, my family and community by the criminal racketeering means and who is causing injury to the USA economy and its security. It is been Noticed with injury and prejudice to Me ,my family and my property and many other human rights violation by your direct and indirect involvement with the property at my residence, not limited and without prejudice to the Affidavit of title / Affidavit of Facts at the Kalamazoo county register of deeds instrument # 2013-022494 on May 17. 2013 (exhibit 4) You organization is proclaimed as Transnational Criminal organization No tax deduction status can be held by the organization like yours in any country, state or county. As the terms of the Waver Of Tort your presence in this community is treat to this community and injury to me payable immediately upon injury with daily rate which will be billed to you periodically. If within 30 days of the bill you will failed to make appropriate payment with the full satisfaction of the claim it will cause a Default and all your property will be subject to power of sale at local sheriff. You and your members are laundering and supporting Terrorist organization not limited to Vatican Bank scandal, by collecting offering not limited to Sunday offering you supporting Terrorist organization Like Order of Jesuits who responsible for all the wars for the past few centuries which is documented in the Book called Vatican Assassin .

There are false doctrine and pagan traditions are practice in you so Called church which are damaging to our children and community as they promote Dead people worshiping and Idol worshiping , with admition by the papacy that RCC has Changed even 10 Commandment to satisfy your SUN worshiping and teaching the public to disobey Gods Law for the sake of human Tradition which resulted in more crimes committed by the members and none members, as they fill like if they can trample the Law of God then why should they follow any others law. The false doctrine: like if you not Catholic you cannot be saved is false and not supported by any scripture creating fear among the people of this community, but promoting to put a man on the throne and to worship the pope is nothing more than the doctrine of Man who thrive to control masses of brainwashed who perverted the truth of Jesus Christ , by instead following mans tradition which leads them far from the Creator . RCC has many fronts by which they operated in secrecy to control both sides of the masses : At least two sets of Books existed one for the inside circle and some for the outside circle . Many Insurance Ponzi schemes has been run as an example creation of Derivative markets and causing the collapse of USA economy in 2007 so on the other side by controlling the majority of the banks to stand to make a profit by stilling property from the poor and laundry there gains by the means of Secret networks of Masonic lodges to hide the loot in Vatican Bank (exhibit 5) as recent arrest of Salvatore Palumbo can be found here

Within 72 Hours of this Notice you to proof that all claims and injuries to me, my family and the community has been cured and redressed . If you failed to dispute point by point all claims against you and your principals you confirming that is you are the criminal body and the treat to this community to cause greater harm . UCC-1 financial statement will be issued against all your participant of the world wide sect of Criminals to be recorded not limited to the Ecclesiastic deed pool and others registries . Any Response to comply to this notice must be made by USA mail only to address supra , as you or your agents presence at my property is considered a Trespass and disturbing of peace, any future damages to me or My property is considered done by you and payable immediately as it stated in Waiver of tort, as the motive to suppress Me and My effort to stop criminal organizations like yours operate in USA as it is the treat to our Security. If you choose to ignore this Notice that you by your silence agree to facts supra and admit your wrong doings , agree to pay daily damages to Andre Belous and his Family and community and surrender all property owned by RCC in USA for the benefit of Homeless and poverty preventions for which you caused. LEGAL NOTICE to RCC and all its principals and agents, you are fired to make any decisions or determinations Legal or privet for me, my family, this notice to you is sufficient to cancel any assumption that I and my Family is under RCC jurisdiction, Andre Belous is secured party outside the realms of RCC and is not the debtor to RCC and is True Person and friend of Divine

Creator superior to RCC. With Devine trust Into Creators fulfillment of the Prophecies not limited to Revelation 17 . To be continued :

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