Urban Life Journal Record

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Urban Life Journal Record

Team Number: ____________________

Homeroom: ________________

Group Members Names: ________________________________





Put on your ear phones. Click Come Inside. Watch the Movie.
1.What year is it?____________________________________________________
2.What is a Nickelodeon?_____________________________________________
3.Who is President?__________________________________________________
4.What 5 Choices will you have to make?
Click on red pointing finger - Make Your Immigrant Life.
2.Are you a boy or girl?



3.What Country are you from?___________________________________

4.What is your name? ________First_________________Last________________
Click on red pointing finger - Select Your Belongings
5.What three things did you bring in the chest?

Urban Life Journal Record

In this race you will take a job building the Transcontinental Railroad across the country.


Click on red pointing finger - Bring these items and set sail for America
6.What was your journey like? Listen to Victoria
Click on 1
7.What happened?
Click on 2
8.What happened?
Click on 3
9.What happened?
Click on 4

Urban Life Journal Record

10.What happened?
Click on Go to New York City

11.Where are you in New York?___________________________________________

Click on Come inside 97 Orchard. To see all of the apartment, follow the directions
under the title Make a Life Box.
Click on Work. Choose a job by clicking on the red frame of the job you want. It will
show up under work at the bottom.
12. What job did you choose?____________________________________________
13. What will you do in this job?
Click on Fun. Choose fun by clicking on the red frame of the entertainment you want. It
will show up under fun at the bottom.
14. What fun (entertainment) did you choose?____________________________________________
15. Tell me about the fun you chose.

Urban Life Journal Record

In this race you will take a job building the Transcontinental Railroad across the country.

Click on Housework. Choose what chores you want by clicking on the housework you
want to have in the red frame. It will show up under housework at the bottom.
16.What housework did you choose?____________________________________________
17. Tell me about the housework you chose.


Click on Buy. Choose what you will buy for your apartment by clicking on the items you
want to buy in the red frame. It will show up under buy at the bottom.
18. What did you buy?____________________________________________
19. Tell me about the things you bought.
Click on Eat. Choose what you want to eat by clicking on the red frame of the food you
want. It will show up under eat at the bottom.
20.What did you eat?____________________________________________
21. Tell me about the things you ate.

Urban Life Journal Record

Click on Sleep. Choose a place to sleep by clicking on the red frame of the sleeping
area you want. It will show up under sleep at the bottom.
22.Where did you sleep?____________________________________________
23. Tell me about where you slept.
You May stop here. You do not have to do the postcard.

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