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Model Essay

The roads on either side were clear. I looked at the pedestrian crossing at the traffic junction in the distance and sighed. Must I walk? Or should I I thought myself silently. I stopped on my tracks, shifting the weight of my heavy school bag on my aching back. The journey home was made arduous as my footsteps became increasingly heavy as the evening dragged on with humidity and the blustering sun showed no sign of heat relented. My lips started to crack as an insatiable thirst worked its way up my throat due to the heat of the evening sun. As I lumbered past the bus stop, it was typically packed with students laden with their elephantine school bags and people rushing home after work. I had just completed my track and field training in the scorching heat. My face was flushed and I was soaked in perspiration. I just could not wait to get home for a refreshing shower. Nevertheless, I decided against jaywalking and headed towards the pedestrian crossing. As I approached the pedestrian crossing, there was a sudden boom from the opposite side of the road. Startled by the ear-splitting noise, I spun around, just in time to witness a sports car forward to round the kerb in a reckless bid to execute an illegal U-turn! To my horror, there was a deafening screech as the driver lost control of the car. I could only watch in helpless horror as the yellow sports car skidded on its two left wheels before turning turtle right in front of me! It was like a real-life movie that played out before my eyes. I was too stunned for words. I looked around franticallyno one was in the vicinity! I cautiously approached the car. Oh no Oh no I found myself muttering. An involuntary gasp escaped me at the horrendous sight of the motionless driver whose face was overspread with blood. Not knowing what else I could do, I fumbled for my mobile phone with trembling hands. I steeled myself to calm down as I punched the numbers 995 for the ambulance. I was oblivious to the fact that a few passers-by had gathered around by then. The traffic came to a standstill as cars slowed down to gawk at the scene. No! Dont move him, a deep voice jolted me back to reality. I looked up. A kind lady led me away. Hello! Can you hear me? Hello! Wake up, please! Hello? A man tried to get response from the driver. Boy, are you alright? the elegant lady asked with concern. Yes yes. I guess so, I answered, and my minds still a blank. The crowd could only wait anxiously for the medical aid to arrive. Everyone was on tenterhooks as precious seconds ticked by. It was not long before the injured driver was whisked off to hospital once the paramedics arrived at the scene. The police cordoned off the area and set about work to regulate the traffic. My statement was taken by the police who had rushed over. By then, my exhaustion and discomfort were forgotten. Instead, my heart was filled with thanksgiving. In retrospect, that moment of hesitation had saved my life. I thanked my lucky stars and heaved a sigh of relief.
All rights reserved S.K Teo 2013(English composition reference)

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