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KERTAS 1 (50 Markah)

1. Which statement is not true about the importance of studying Biology? A. Helps to understand atomic structure B. Helps to understand about living things and environment C. Helps to find cure D. Helps to tackle environment issues ANSWER: A 2. The field of study based on the changes and development is A. Anatomy B. Physiology C. Botany D. Embryology ANSWER: D 3. Botany is a study of A. Plants B. Animals C. Microorganism D. Human ANSWER: A 4. The scientific skills that are involved mental skills is known as A. Science manipulative skills B. Science process skills C. Scientific knowledge D. Scientific attitudes ANSWER: B 5. Science manipulative skills is importance because A. It helps in connecting knowledge to earning B. Necessary for the formal presentation C. Necessary for finding solution D. Helps scientist making decisions in a systematic manner ANSWER: A 6. A statement that can be tested by carrying out an experiment is called A. Aim B. Problem statement C. Hypothesis D. Conclusion ANSWER: C

7. Which organelle will stain brown when iodine solution is dropped onto a plant cell? A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall C. Nucleus D. Ribosome ANWER: C 8. Which of the reagent is suitable to stain the epithelial cell? A. Iodine B. Methylene blue C. Universal indicator D. Benedicts solution ANSWER: B 9. The presence of X in the plant cell gives a distinctive significance to the animal cell. Name X. A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall C. Cytoplasm D. Ribosome ANSWER: B 10. Which organelle plays an important role in the production of digestive enzyme? A. Nucleus B. Golgi apparatus C. Nuclear membrane D. Lysosome ASWER: B 11. Organelle X contains a pigment that helps in photosynthesis in plant. What is X? A. Chloroplast B. Vacuole C. Glucose D. Amino acids ANSWER: A 12. Cell Tissue Organ Which of the following represents X? A. Respiratory B. Lungs C. Skins D. Heart X Organism


13. What happened to the cell I ribosome is absence? A. Unable to synthesise enzyme B. Unable to carry out photosynthesis C. Unable to store food and water D. Unable to generate energy ANWER: A 14. Which pair is correct about the process involved in the movement of water and mineral ions into the root hairs of plants? Water Ions A Osmosis Diffusion B Diffusion Osmosis C Osmosis Active transport D Active transport Osmosis ANSWER: C 15.

Which of the following solution should be used to obtain the result as shown in the diagram? A. Sucrose 30% B. Sucrose 10% C. Sucrose 5% D. Distilled water ANWER: A


Which of the following has the same structure as shown in the diagram above? A. Haemoglobin B. Enzyme C. Antibody D. Lysozyme 17.

Which statement is true about the diagram shown above? A. An enzyme has a 2-dimensional tertiary protein structure B. An enzyme is much smaller than substrate C. Each enzyme has an active site D. An enzyme will be demolish after the reaction is finished ASWER: C 18.

Diagram shows the stage of mitosis in animal cell. What happen at the end of the stage?

A. B. C. D.

Cytokinesis Crossing over Mutation Synapsis ANSWER: A

19. What is significance of crossing over in meiosis? A. Makes genetic variations possible among living things B. Prevents endangered species from extinct C. Disease-free plants can be grown D. Important in producing new nerve cells ANSWER: A 20. Which of the following is the product of meiosis? A. Ova B. Skin cells C. Epithelial cells D. Nerve cells ANSWER: A 21. The following events occur in stage X of cell division. Name stage X Replication of chromosomes occur at this stage Homologous chromosomes synapse Chiasma forms and crossing over occurs A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase ANSWER: A


Choose the correct sequence A. B. C. D. Q,P,R,S P,Q,R,S S,R,Q,P Q,R,P,S ANSWER: A 23. Ingestion Digestion X Assimilation

Which statement best describes an event X? A. Amino acids, glucose and galactose enter the epithelial cells of the ileum by diffusion B. Fatty acids and glycerol enter the epithelial cells of the villi by active transport C. Water passes through the epithelium of the villi by diffusion D. Water-soluble vitamins (B and C ) are absorbed by simple diffusions ANSWER: D

24. Which of the following synthesise nutrients from simple inorganic molecules?





25. The food sample X contains A. Fat B. Proteins C. Carbohydrate D. Vitamins ANSWER: A

26. A person suffer from the disease shown in the diagram above is lack of A. Mineral B. Vitamins C. Fibre D. Proteins ANSWER: A 27. What is the function of HCL in the digestion process? A. Stops the catalysing action of salivary amylase B. Provides an alkaline medium for protein digestion C. Protects the stomach wall from the digestion action D. Break up the lipids into smaller droplets ANSWER: A 28. Which organ involves in detoxification of poisonous substances in the human body? A. Heart B. Small intestine C. Large intestine D. Liver ANSWER: D 29. Where absorption of fatty acids does takes place? A. Blood capillaries B. Lacteal C. Lymph vessel D. Arteriole ANSWER: B

30. Ways to prevent constipation except A. Consumes a lot of fibres B. Eat more foods contain high fat soluble vitamin C. Drink a lot of water D. Consume more liquids ANSWER: B

31. A gardener found out that his roses plant are stunted. The leaves turn yellowish. Which element does the roses plant lack of? A. Phosphorus B. Potassium C. Carbon D. Sulphur ANSWER: B 32.

Which statement is true about the diagram above? A. Yeast carry out aerobic respiration B. Product of respiration are carbon dioxide and lactic acid C. Large amount of energy is released D. Products of respiration are carbon dioxide and ethanol


33. Which part labelled W,X,Y and Z does exchange of gas occur?

34. Below are the characteristics of the respiratory surface in the alveolus except A. Small surface area B. Moist and permeable C. One cell thick D. Rich with blood capillaries ANSWER: A 35. Carbon dioxide is transported in the human body in the form as stated below except A. Hydrogen carbonate ion B. Carbamino-haemoglobin C. Dissolved carbon dioxide D. Oxyhaemoglobin ANSWER: D 36. The passage of inspired air Nostrils Nasal cavity X Bronchiole Alveolus What is X? A. Pharynx B. Oesophagus C. Heart D. Stomach






37. What is the function of structure labelled X?

A. B. C. D.

Provide structure and keep the trachea open Serve as passageway for food and air Ventilate the tracheal system To reduce air pressure ANSWER: A

38. Which organism listed below acts as a producer? A.



D. ANSWER: A 39.

Which statement is correct about diagram shown above? A. B. C. D. The plants which grow on other plant and obtain food from the host The host plants are not affected by the smaller plants growing on them The plants that grow on other plant is known as epizoics The plants that grow on other plant compete with host to get sunlight ANSWER: B


Which factor not the cause of the curve in the graph shown above? A. B. C. D. 40. Compete for mate Compete for food Compete for space Compete for nutrients ANSWER: A

What type of relationship show by the organisms above? A. Competition B. Commensalism C. Saprophytism D. Mutualism ANSWER: B 41.

Which species is the most suitable to be planted at area labelled X? A. B. C. D. 42. Soneratia sp Avicennia sp Bruguiera sp Rhizophora sp ANSWER: A

Name organism labelled x A. Nitrobacter sp B. Nostoc sp C. Nitrosomonas sp D. Rhizobium sp ANSWER: D 43. Below are the important roles play by microorganisms except A. Decomposition B. Digestive system C. Alimentary canal of termites D. Vectors of diseases ANSWER: D 44. State the effect of air pollution on the climate?

A. B. C. D.

Decrease global temperature Cause the ice blocks of the polar region melted Thinning of the ozone layer Depletion of ozone ANSWER: B

45. Which of the following substances does not contribute to the greenhouse phenomenon A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrous oxide C. Oxygen D. Methane ANSWER: C 46. How to solve global warming? A. Increase deforestation B. Increase the uses of fossil fuels C. More trees need to be planted D. Agriculture land should not be controlled ANSWER: C 47. A man is suffered from breathing difficulties. Which of the following is possible resident lived by the man? A. Near industrial park B. Rural area C. Suburb D. Near agriculture land ANSWER: A 48. Name the substance that contributes to the ozone depletion? A. Carbon monoxide B. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen dioxide D. Chlorofluorocarbon ANSWER: D 49.

What is the main cause of the phenomenon shown above? A. Accumulation of dissolved oxygen B. Accumulation of carbon dioxide C. Accumulation of fertilisers and detergents D. Accumulation of carbon monoxide ANSWER: C 50. Substance X can cause acute nervous disorder in human. Substance X is probably originated from A. Underground pipes B. Domestic waste from agricultural land C. Effluent from industries D. Untreated sewage ANSWER: B

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