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Position Paper Future of Philippine education

For the past 4 years from 2008 to 2011 starting from good education competiveness which go down for 87 from 71 and for last year of 2011 to 15. Competiveness will tend to go down for some instances. The upward and downward trend of the competitiveness of Philippine education is the cost of education or because of the educational plan

debacle precipitated by the unsocial corporate proclivity towards greed, for which no one has been punished except the insured (or so their parents thought) young boys and girls, who have since been forced to stop schooling or because they have no interest at all. This bothering trend is because of the economy . The economy of a
country affects the competitiveness or situation of an education. Poverty, Lack of interest of youth to go to school and force labor to earn money, this are the following with has top percentage of reasons why they are not finishing their studies. And this make that education Is not now the treasure of this generation. Education has a big impact to ones nation if it is globally competitive thats why governments and some persons with concern do their best and make better strategies to make education globally competitive. But today K-12 is approaching which has great effects to education. Adjusting from budgets to its inventory(teachers, books, etc) will affect education.

Table 1

Table: 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report

Country and Overall Rank





Singapore Malaysia

5 21

3 24

3 26

2 21

Brunei Darussalam





Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Cambodia

34 55 70 71 109

36 54 75 87 110

38 44 59 85 109

39 46 65 75 97

Table 6
Projected Enrolment, (in millions) High Growth Scenario CY 2012-2017

Table 7

Philippines are trying to control population of people who say themselves as a mahirap and this poverty or lack of financial assistance will become constraint to attain the competitiveness or the factor of education for nation building. Yes government does do their job solve the problem. As the time of Arroyo and Aquino in table 2, the self related poverty has good percentage which they lower the percentage of poor Filipinos. One thing also is the profit and how they allocate it. As we can see in table 3, the top priority of Filipino in allocating their salary is to their food. But for education they only allocate for only 6% of their total salary. Thats why in table 4 we can see big difference of student enrolled in elementary rather than secondary because of poverty and how they prioritize education. Table 1 shows why students are not going to school. Students are looking for work to earn money (from 16-24 years old). Students now can get work because of vocational education. Thus vocational help competitiveness of one country, maybe it help but there is a bigger no. There is a big difference of quality from vocational to higher education. And that is because of quality of science, mathematics and English. In table 1 again lack of interest has highest percentage why in secondary education the student did not go to school. If we can see in table 4, there are lot of students enrolled in elementary but when they step to high school only 2/3 or half of elementary student enrolled in secondary education. Not because of high cost but because of lack of interest. Because of K-12 educational system, there will be a lack of facilities and budgets as we can see in tables 6 and 7. Books and schools are also being affected.

In table 1, the very reason why Filipinos dont go to school is the lack of interest and the lack of work or they are looking for work instead of studying, this is because of poverty or any reason that involve their status in the economy. Many Filipino families says they are poor, Filipino families in the past years cannot send their children in school or they can send their children only in elementary or high school level this is in the old program of 10 years in schooling. How about now that the government is implementing the k to 12 program of schooling, they are adding 2 years of schooling, poor families cannot send their children in school for that long period of schooling before graduating because of the added 2 years in school. For the next years, the families who are sending their children in junior high school may tend to decrease because the tendency is that they will find work instead of going to school because they do not have money for schooling and it may result to decrease in the number of graduating students for the next years because poor families may just send their children from elementary up to junior high school because of lack of money. In the table 1 also says that there is a high percentage in the age of 6 to 15 students, they have lack of interest going to school, one reason is their health, if they are malnourish they cannot concentrate studying their subjects, especially at public schools, they have a lot population and most of them are malnourish, these students may tend to lose their interest in studying. The government must also increase their budget in feeding programs, especially to the students that age from 6 to 15 because students in this age are easily losing their interests in studying because of malnutrition. We can assume the downfall of enrollees for the next years because the government as stated in the table 7 are lacking of resources in the education they must increase their budget in the education department and also to the health programs of the government. In this statistics, we can see a downfall of education system for the future because in the new educational system, the K-12 system, a lot of problem came out. This includes the lack of books and schools, teachers and chairs. That is also because poor Filipinos send their children to public school which lacks books and teachers. K-12 system also affects the budget for education, so they will have to recover their expenses for more than a year. The higher education did some objectives for the education:

But the question is how to improve quality of education, enhancing productivity and competitiveness of producing graduates if only graduates of college are only few even in high school. thats why they must do their objectives which encourage students to go to school. And because of K-12 system, they will have lot of years to accomplish their objectives. In conclusion, the government does their all for the Philippine education to become globally competitive, but because of new system the K-12, they will have hard time to do it. They must also encourage students especially the 355 who has no interest to go to school for now on they must treasure education. And because of the k to 12 program of the government, the poor families who cannot send their children in schooling may increase because of the 2 years added in schooling. The government must also prioritize their health programs for those students who are lacking interests in schooling because of malnutrition.

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