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From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:43 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Cheif Bracknell, in regard of the events that took place in Lake Mary yesterday pertaining to George and Shellie Zimmerman, I think the public deserves to know the truth. Shellie stated George was threatening her and her father with his gun challenging them to step to him in other words basically making them both aware he clearly understands the self defense laws and will not think twice to use his rights to defend himself. This is a consistent theme with Mr Zimmerman as his own criminal history will show a pattern here, But lets also look past that and look into the facts, Not one of your officers took the time to search Georges truck, Not 1, officer Zachary Hudson stated they did NOT search Georges truck this morning during your press conference why is that? The 911 call you can hear Shellie tell dispatch that George had went to his truck near the end why didnt your department search this mans truck? he has been pulled over twice only to find that his pistol is in his glove box both times and your officers do not check this mans vehicle? There are photos that surfaced showing Shellies father with an abrasion on his nose, there are also photos that show George did in fact break Shellies Ipad... and all of the sudden both attorney show up and she recants her statement? why? During the press conference this morning Officer Hudson stated that the security cameras in the home only show events that took place after how convenient is that? my question here why is Florida covering up crimes committed by this man, in addition to this E mail I am also requesting that the Dept of Justice investigate your department as well... When ever you have a domestic violence call especially when a gun is involved you dont just let the man walk around with out being cuffed, You have a 911 call in which Shellie clearly states she and her father were being threatened by George with a gun you have 911 tape in which Shellie clearly states her father was assaulted and he needs medical that he may have a heart attack you dont need Shellie to proceed with Charges you have her own statements to the facts on that 911 call... And something tells me that miraculously your not going to find anything on that Ipad so its to my belief that the state of Florida the Lake Mary area seminole county has some sort of connection to the Zimmerman family either his father is pulling strings for him from behind the scenes or his uncle who is also a Sheriff in Orange County. Either way you had crimes committed by this man and did nothing, Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen your job is to protect the communities you serve and you are failing big time....

There is no other state in America in which a man can threaten someone with a gun and not be arrested for it apparently in Florida you have no regard for true justice or the law and that has to come to an end, if Charges are not filed on George Zimmerman we will demand the Justice department to investigate the way your department handled this investigation and how potentially you had assisted in a cover up Sincerly One Disgusted American From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Cc: Colin Morgan Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:36 PM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Mr. Rodriquez, Thank you for your email..... really! I will attempt to answer your questions. 1. I agree that if anyone knows the SYG law it's GZ. 2. The truth is out there for all to see. We will be releasing additional video this afternoon which will show GZ being searched and taken into investigative custody. As well as the security video. 3. We did not have the authority to search his truck. He DID have a firearm in the truck. Having a firearm is not a violation of Florida law. 4. Yes he was standing by his truck when our officers arrived at the scene. Could he have placed the gun into the truck prior to our officers arrival? Certainly. Again, it is not illegal for him to possess a firearm. 5. Yes, GZ DID punch his father in law in the nose during the event. The father in law refused to press charges against GZ. Without him pressing same, Florida law does not permit us to make an arrest. No victim no crime. 6. Yes, GZ DID take Shelli's ipad and break it on his knee. She also refused to press charges against GZ for that action. 7. Once our officer made contact with Shelli, George and Shelli's father, they all refused to talk to my officers until their attorney's arrived on the scene. So we waited. Yes, this is a very unusual occurrence. Once Shelli and her father met with her attorney in their living room, Shelli and he father refused to press charges against GZ. 8. I do not know why she would change her story. I could only guess and that would not be proper. 9. Your information is not complete. The home video security camera is on the exterior of the house. Subsequently, very little is seen. That video will be released to the media tonight. I hope. We are having a problem copying the video because it is through a private security

vendor. 10. I welcome any outside oversight of the Lake Mary Police Department. We acted within the letter of the law. Period. 11. He was handcuffed and placed into a marked police vehicle. Once our on duty sergeant discovered that no one was will to press charges, we are required to remove the handcuffs. Watch the soon to be released video and you will see him handcuffed. 12. You need to watch the released video again. GZ was accompanied by one of my detective once he was released from the investigative detention. 13. The 911 tapes needs to be supported by physical evidence of the alleged physical violence. Since Shelli and her father refused to prosecute, we were powerless to arrest anyone. BTW. He father refused medical attention at the scene. 14. REST ASSURED, the last thing on planet earth I want is ANY relationship with the Zimmermans. PERIOD The only guiding influence here is simply the law. Remember, we were the agency that wrote him a $256.00 citation last week! No freebees here in Lake Mary. 15. The Sheriff in Orange County is Jerry Demings. Who BTW is African American and a great sheriff. I highly doubt that he would be complicit with GZ. 16. Your reference to Sandy Hook...................... I agree. 17. Again, there is no cover up. We are just bound by the laws of our state. I welcome any outside oversight. Thank you for your email. I have tried to answer your questions honestly. On a personal note I agree with you on a few of your points. Respectfully From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 4:52 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Sir, 1st and foremost let me say thank you for taking the time to respond to my e mail I never expected a response from you to be honest and for that my hat is off to you. I understand your department stating Shellie isnt pressing charges nor is her father, but you have a 911 call that states the events that took place you have supporting evidence to make an arrest and let the DA decide which direction to turn. I understand your suggesting that Florida law has a no victim no crime type of law written, but you have a victim per the 911 call and you have evidence that supports a crime. Why is Shellie switching gears right now its obvious Mark Omara and her Attorney basically let her know that if George goes down there goes her monthly 4300 dollar settlement she is NOW interfering with an investigation and that is a crime which well she should be held accountable for. I believe your investigators should make Shellie and her father aware that her statement on the 911 call, vs what she is saying now is a crime, she needs to make a choice here either withhold evidence from the investigation and serve time for a false police report or come clean because in

the end if this is about the money she is getting from Zimmerman well what good is it if she isnt alive to spend it? George is a ticking time bomb its become obvious. Please for the sake of the community please do not give up on this investigation so quickly because sooner or later another mother and father is going to be on CNN lashing out against the system due to this man snapping Sincerly Santiago Rodriguez

**The e-mail exchange between Rodriguez and Lake Marys Chief of Police Bracknell continued. Ive acquired the FULL e-mail exchange through Rodriguez. The e-mails below have not be released to the public** From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:05 PM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Mr. Rodriquez, I agree with you on several points. Although, the 911 tape must be supported by physical evidence. The State Attorney has been working with us at reviewing the case and it is not over but almost. Yes, we are looking at the Shelli issue and her truthfulness. As you know she has a history there. As for your reasoning on why she will not prefer charges, wow, I only wish that I could be that honest. As for your final thoughts, again, on a personal note.. I agree. Respectfully From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:17 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Cheif Bracknell, So your saying that the way Florida law works with this no victim no crime or deal is, if I got stabbed 7 or 8 times and lived to tell but decided not to press charges Florida wouldnt press charges? Santiago Rodriguez

From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:20 AM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Not true. That would be attempted murder, not misdemeanor battery (not in the presents of law enforcement) as reported in this case. From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:25 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Chief Bracknell, By the way my brother in law could have got that Ipad video for you with in an hour tops Santiago From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Cc: Colin Morgan Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:33 AM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman The computer forensic detectives indicated that the important components were flexed when GZ folder the device. Wish I could take you up on the offer. From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:37 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Chief Bracknell, He tells me there is no way that the video can not be retrieved based on the photos it was split open down the middle in other words he says it was pried open consistent with Shellis Knife story, also says the T Chip is where the data is located and that is buried deep with in the Ipad and should NOT be damaged at all there is allot of protection around that chip Santiago From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:39 AM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman

With your permission, I will pass this information along to the detectives. From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:54 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Chief Bracknell, Sure, However depending which Ipad the chip maybe named different but its still in the same location he also says you can retrieve them from Icloud Santiago From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Cc: Michael L. Biles Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:26 AM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Shelli has refused us access to the Icloud. I cant blame her, if we see it, everything becomes public record and EVERYONE can see her stuff. From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 2:55 PM To: Steve Bracknell Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Chief Bracknell, Cant you get a warrant? I mean she reported a crime on the 911 call, and suddenly she is withholding information pertaining to the crime she reported Santiago From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 12:39 PM Subject: RE: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman My guys are looking into a S/W now. From: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 8:31 PM To: Steve Bracknell

Subject: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Chief Bracknell, On Behalf of all concerned citizens in the United States I wanted to extend our thanks to you for your honesty and your responses to the many many questions and concerns we have. I am sure by now or I assume based on the Shellie Zimmerman press conference today being that her Attorney stated they sent you an evidence packet, and confirmed what Shellie said on the 911 call that your department will be working to get this matter resolved. Her Attorney stated "Shellie wants to end her divorce with a whimper and not go out with a bang" he stated that two or three times suggesting Shellie is in fear for her life at this point and who could blame her. We have also learned that George had a different type of gun holster, and if you look on that Video surveillance camera in which George is waiving them on you can see George reaching for that Gun with his other hand. So even with out the Ipad that video shows the threat. Again thank you so much for being brutally honest and for addressing our concerns as well I really wish Law enforcement took the time as you did to actually work with the communities. Thank you Sincerly Santiago C Rodriguez From: Steve Bracknell To: Santiago Rodriguez Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:04 PM Subject: Re: [Lake Mary, FL] George Zimmerman Thank you for your interest in this case. I have gleaned much from our emails that have given me several ideas on how to and what to look in to. Please keep my email and stay in touch. Sincerely

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