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Cast Notes Kieran Choudary Kieran Choudary will play the protagonist of the production.

When casting Kieran we were looking for a Caucasian male who is very tall and had some acting experience. Kieran was a perfect candidate for this has he had being doing drama since year 10. We could not find out about his acting experience because he is an external so we wanted him to do a quick audition with a few lines from the script which he performed professionally. Another factor considered when casting Kieran was his physique and luckily for us he had the perfect physique. We want the production to play on some of the typical conventions of a thriller for example having a Caucasian male protagonist.

Ella Clare Ella Claire will play the main antagonist of the production. When casting Ella we focused on her acting experience and physique. Talking to the Drama Teachers within the school we were told that she was able to convey different emotions with ease for example switching from a vulnerable character to a dominant one. Ella was also praised by the Drama Teacher has been passionate about the roles she is casted in taking it very seriously. Another factor considered when casting Ella was because of her physique she is small and would be conventionally casted as a victim but instead we chose to cast her as the antagonist because we felt it would be an unexpected surprise for the audience to see an antagonist like Ella. We wanted to bring our own spin to the stereotypical movie villain been an outcast of society or might have some form of deformity which he/she to hate society. Danny Deller Danny Deller will play one of the two henchmen after the protagonist of the production. When casting Danny we looked at his physique and his acting experience. We were recommended him by the Drama Teachers within the school commending him on his performance for his drama exam and his overall attitude towards acting. His physique played a large role in choosing because of his height and athletic looking build which makes him perfect to play a henchmen or if needed to play the leading role. Knowing him beforehand I know from experience that he is athletic which would be very useful for the vigorous chase scenes within the short film. Tawanda Takavarasha Tawanda Takavarasha will play the other henchmen after the protagonist of the production. When casting Tawanda we considered the fact he took drama so we took it upon ourselves to find out what he would offer to the production. Tawanda came highly recommended by his drama teachers within the school. He was praised for his acting ability, and skill to play complex roles. So he was a perfect candidate to play one of the henchmen. Another factor considered when casting Tawanda was his physique although not the tallest amongst the male cast he has a stocky build which is perfect in keeping to some conventions for example Tawanda partner Danny will act as the brain behind the duo whilst also been menacing whilst Tawanda will simply acts act as the overbearing force of brute strength.

Extra Cast Members Leon Fontaine & Elisha Applebaum Leon Fontaine and Elisha Applebaum will be part of extra cast members, if needed they will be called upon to take the place of one the henchmen and the antagonist respectively. We decided on finding extra cast members because we wanted to be prepared for any possibility so the best thing we thought to do was to get more cast members. When casting both of Leon and Elisha we asked the drama teachers within the school for insight on their skill as performers, the feedback was excellent and we went ahead to cast them. Leon physique is reminiscent to Tawanda so he would be a perfect replacement for Tawanda if needed whilst Elisha will be Ella replacement if anything thing should happen.

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