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Councillor Seamus Morris, Rathnaleen, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Mobile: (087)2859125. E-mail: Website: www.northtippsinnfein.

com Date: 12/09/13

Morris accuses the Mayor Cllr. Darcy of political skulduggery Last months County council meeting brought the political process down to a new low as a motion that I had put in with very honest intentions was sidestepped with a huge amount of skulduggery and a little portion of political cutehoorism. At a public meeting called by the River Shannon Protection alliance in Dromineer the agreed message to the Politicians on the night is that they expected North Tipperary County Council to follow Clare and Limerick County Councils motions which objected to the Water abstraction from Lough Derg. The only council member present on the night that had serious reservations to the motion was Mayor Ger Darcy and he was quite upfront about it but the other members present were in either general agreement or sitting on the fence in front of the crowded room. With that in mind I put a motion together with Cllr. John Carroll also putting his name to it and I also had the motion checked out by the RSPA who agreed the wording . The RSPA then e mailed all councillors to say that the motion in no way with interfered with North Tipperarys ability to seek an Environmental Impact Study. The motion was accepted by the council on the Friday week before the meeting and not one person contacted me in between that Friday and the Meeting last Monday. As I entered the meeting I was told that there was a problem with the motion and would I mind going into the Mayors room before motion to see come we come to some agreement to which I replied that he had all week to discuss it with me and I refused his invitation. The motion was taken in due course and of course most of the councillors treckked into the room to come out whipped into line with an agreed countermotion which through political skulduggery and cutehoorism was eventually voted through leaving the way wide open for North Tipperarys best natural resource to be stolen without a whimper from North Tipperary County Council. Let me say that one councillor Phil Bugler showed an incredible lack of respect for the people at the public meeting where she waxed lyrical about supporting the motion in public but when it came to the motion did her usual disappearing act when it came to the vote. This type of disrespect for their own word is what has people so cynical about politicians. It is my intention to take the fight for our most important natural resource to the Euro and Local elections next May. Yours sincerely Cllr. Seamie Morris 23/09/13

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