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Post Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management

Course: Instructor: Term: Credit: Area: Phone Extn: Agribusiness Supply Chain Management Prof. Jabir Ali IV, 2013-14 PGPABM II 0.50 Session Duration: 90 minutes Centre for Food & Agribusiness Management 6978 Email:

Introduction Agribusiness firms are responding to the emerging challenges in global economy by seeking the benefit of greater collaboration with both their suppliers and customers to ensure more sustainable and profitable trading arrangements. An efficient supply chain management system provides an incentive to farmers to produce more and convey changing needs of the consumers to enable production planning based on market forces. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to examine critical issues in the management of the supply chains for agricultural food products for delivering value to consumers while remaining globally competitive. Course objectives Understand the basic concepts which underpin the formation, operation and performance of supply chain management in food and agribusiness; Evaluate how the changes in the competitive environment influence the formation and management of agribusiness supply chains; Discuss the emerging issues in agribusiness supply chains in terms of value creation and sustainable competitive advantage.

Pedagogy This course will follow a proper blend of lectures, case studies, group assignments, and presentations. Reference Books 1. Jane Eastham, Liz Sharples and Stephen Ball (ed), Food Supply Chain Management: Issues for the hospitality and retail sectors, Elsevier Publication, (2001). 2. Trienekens J.H. and P.J.P. Zuurbier (ed), Chain management in agribusiness and the food industry, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (2000). 3. Bourlakis, Michael, Paul Weightman (2003), Food Supply Chain Management, Blackwell Publishing, UK. Evaluation Class participation Quiz 10 % 10%

Assignments / Presentation Final Examination Course contents

Sessio n 1. Topics Introduction to Agribusiness Supply Chain, Vertical Coordination and Integration

20 % 60 %
Readings Reading: Bourlakis, Michael, Paul Weightman (2003), Food Supply Chain Management, Blackwell Publishing, UK. Hobbs, Jill E. and Linda M. Young (2000), Closer Vertical Coordination in Agri-food Supply Chain: A Conceptual Framework and Some Preliminary Evidence, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 5 (3): pp 131-142. Case Discussion: Prahinski, C. (2004). NECANKO, INC. 9B04D020. Richard Ivey School of Business. Reading: Ruerd Ruben, Maja Slingerland and Hans Nijhoff. Agro-food chains and networks for development: Issues, approaches and strategies. CHAPTER 1. R. Ruben, M. Slingerland and H. Nijhoff (eds.), Agro-food chains and networks for development, 1-25. Case Discussion: Wylie, David (1995), Calyx & Corolla, 9-592-035. Harvard Business School, October 1995. Reading: Ali, Jabir and Sushil Kumar (2011) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Farmers Decision-making across the Agricultural Supply Chain, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 31, No. 2: pp. 149159. Reading: Chopra, S. and Meindl, P, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, Pearson Education Asia (2007). Chapter 7. Case Discussion: He, Xin X and Paul Clark (2000). Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Harvard Business School, 9-898-238. Reading: A. Matopoulos, M. Vlachopoulou, V. Manthou and B. Manos, A conceptual framework for supply chain collaboration: empirical evidence from the agri-food industry, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12/3 (2007) 177186. Reading: Jack G.A.J. van Der Vorst. 2006. Performance measurement in agri-food supply-chain networks: An overview. Chapter 2, C.J.M. Ondersteijn, J.H.M. Wijnands, R.B.M. Huirne and O. van Kooten (eds.), Quantifying the agri-food supply chain, 13-24. Project Presentations

2. 3.

Understanding the Supply Chain Flow Network Design in the Supply Chain


Understanding Agri Supply Chain Networks Managing information technologies across the agri supply chain



Managing inventory across agribusiness chain Agriculture Input Supply Chain management Designing Supply Chain Collaboration for Food and Agribusiness Sector




Key Performance Matrices for Measuring Agribusiness Supply Chain Efficiency


Student Presentations and Summing-up

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