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BUSINESS SCHOOL Course Study Guide


Foundations of Scholarship and Research Methods

RESE 1075

1. WELCOME........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1AIMS................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2LEARNING OUTCOMES........................................................................................................................ 4 2.3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES................................................................................................. 5 3. CONTACT DETAILS............................................................................................................................ 5 4. COURSE CONTENT AND DESIGN.................................................................................................... 6 4.1 SESSION PLAN.................................................................................................................................. 6 4.2 SESSION REQUIRED READING............................................................................................................ 7 5. ASSESSMENT DETAILS................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................. 10 5.2 PORTFOLIO OF TASKS.................................................................................................................... 10 5.3 RESEARCH PROPOSAL................................................................................................................... 12 5.4 FEEDBACK METHODS...................................................................................................................... 14 5.5 ETHICS APPROVAL.......................................................................................................................... 15 6. OTHER DETAILS................................................................................................................................ 16 7. APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................... 16

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

1. Welcome
Welcome to the course - Foundations of Scholarship and Research Methods (MBA). The course is based on the assumption that appropriate levels of postgraduate scholarship are derived from both sets of academic values and academic processes, therefore this course provides skills fundamental for achieving competence in the other courses of the masters programmes in management. As a result, it brings the academic skills development qualities to the table which, together with the personal professional development, and the theoretical and practical elements of other courses, completes the holistic approach to the MBA programme. This course is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of academic practice and research. It utilises a problem-based learning approach to develop your practical competence in aspects appropriate to academic practice and research in business and management. If you have any queries about the running of this course, please dont hesitate to contact Nola Stair at (Foundations of Scholarship) or Jo Cullinane (Research Methods).

Nola Stair

Jo Cullinane

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


Introduction to the Course

This course brings the academic skills development qualities to the table which, together with the personal professional development, and the theoretical and practical elements of other courses, completes the holistic approach to the MBA programme. You will be given a number of assignments and tasks to complete individually and in groups, which will form the basis of your assessments. You will develop your skills and abilities through a variety of learning opportunities, including mini-lectures given by your tutor, class discussion, tutorial activities, group assignments, reading, individual assignments and online activities. During this course, you will use learning resources, such as lecture notes, online resources, information sheets, activity worksheets and self-administered questionnaires, in your tutorial handbooks as well as those posted on the Universitys Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You will find this on the university website student portal, using your student user ID and password, under My Learning/My Courses). You are required to check the VLE site regularly as important dates, information and announcements will appear on it. You are also asked to participate to online discussions with your fellow students every week to demonstrate and enhance your learning.



This course is designed to develop students knowledge and understanding of academic practice and research. It utilises a problem-based learning approach to develop students practical competence in aspects appropriate to academic practice and research in business and management. The course aims to allow students to: gain confidence and competence in the academic skills required to study successfully at the Masters level combine the theoretical / practical programme elements and the personal development by building the academic skills and qualities within a holistic approach. develop the ability to conduct research into business and management issues that requires familiarity with a range of business data, research sources and appropriate methodologies


Learning Outcomes
Write in a clear and logical academic style applying critical thinking skills Understand the importance and application of referencing (i.e, Harvard) Use technology effectively to access and manage multiple channels of information, knowledge, and learning resources (i.e., academic, professional) Understand the philosophical and methodological basis of key approaches to academia and academic research

On completing this course successfully, students will be able to:

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

Apply a wide range of research methods (qualitative and quantitative) as appropriate to specific research questions, goals and/or objectives Conduct research into business and management issues through research design, data collection, analysis and synthesis

2.3 Learning and teaching activities

This course will be taught utilising an active learning approach in which seminars are used to pose questions and set formative tasks for students working either individually or in small groups (depending upon the nature of the task). Wherever possible, tasks will be appropriate to research in business and management and will be designed to foster both practical competence and higher level cognition. Learning outcomes will be reinforced through the link between action-based learning tasks in seminars and the summative portfolios. Students will also develop research topics, review relevant research and scholarship, frame research questions and arguments, and discuss appropriate methodologies for analysis. This will culminate as the basis of their research proposal. The use of technology is integrated in various ways to support instruction, as well as to enhance each students digital literacy. Continuous self reflection is demonstrated through the development of portfolio tasks based upon academic or work-related scenarios. In addition to teaching sessions, other learning and teaching activities are considered integral to capacity development in this course specifically: set readings; participation in online discussions; completion of in-class and online exercises; preparation for assessment submissions; library and online database searches; and analysis /synthesis of instructional materials.

3. Contact Details
The University switchboard may be reached on +44 (0)20 8331 8000 and an online directory is available at
Room Email address Phone number

Course Leader: Nola Stair (Foundations) Assisting Lecturer: Jo Cullinane (Research Methods) Research Supervisors Norman Brady Anne Marie Coles Idil Ersoy Deryn Graham Najmal Hassan Deb Sircar Fereshteh Mafakheri Ioannis Manikas

QA 306 QA136

020 8331 8707 020 8331 7880

QA 306 QA 216 QA 216 QA 206 QM 163 QA205 QA 205 QA 201 QA 206

020 8331 9771 020 8331 9738 020 8331 7505 020 8331 9358 020 3318804 8331 7825 0208 020 8331 9815 02083319827 020 83317547

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

Johnnie Muwanga-Zaki Doreen Neilson Athina Peterou Robert Robson John Whitely Programme Coordinator: Sonia Mankad

QA 201 QA 306 QA 201 QM 306 QA 205 QM245 S.Mankard

02083317812 02083318820 02083319713 02083319727 0208 33197 0208 331 8815

Please see your programme handbook for more detail

4. Course Content and Design

4.1 Session Plan
Week beginnin g 17/09/1 2 24/09/1 2 01/10/1 2 08/10/1 2 W k 1 2
Lecture s/ Semina rs N/a Tuesda y Thursd ay

Session Title and Description

Reading to complete (See Section 4.2)

New arrival week (induction) Intro to Foundations of Scholarship Academic Reading/Writing; Harvard Referencing Online Tools for Managing Academic Work Intro to Research Methods Research Designs: Qualitative Methodology and Data Collection Research Designs: Quantitative Methodology and Data Collection Online Tools for Developing Literature Reviews Business Research: Developing Your Topic/Design (09:0011:30) Potential Supervisors Visit (12:00-14:00) Decision Making DEMO using SPSS and NVivo No F2F seminar Business Research: Evaluating your Topic including Ethical Compliance
Business Student's Handbook, Ch 6 Academic Writing Business Student's Handbook, Ch 7 --See Section 4.2--

Tuesda y Thursd ay Tuesda y Thursd ay

Portfolio 1 Due
See Section 4.2-See Section 4.2--

15/10/1 2

Tuesda y Thursd ay

Academic Writing See Section 4.2--

22/10/1 2 29/10/1 2 05/11/1 2 12/11/1 2 19/11/1 2 26/11/1 2 03/12/1

Tuesda y Thursd ay Tuesda y Thursd ay

Portfolio 2 Due
See Section 4.2-Business Student's Handbook, pg 352

See Section 4.2--

8 9 10 11 12

Portfolio 3 Due

Business Student's Handbook, Ch 9

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

2 10/12/1 2 17/12/1 2 24/12/1 213/01/1 3 14/01/1 3 21/01/1 3 28/01/1 3 04/02/1 3 11/02/1 3 18/02/1 3 25/02/1 3 04/03/1 3 11/03/1 3 18/03/1 3 25/03/1 314/04/1 3

13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30

Thursd ay

Small group consultations with supervisors

Informal Presentations

Christmas Break

Research Proposal Due

Easter Break

Award Ceremonies 6-18 July Resit Exam Period 19 August 2013 30 August 2013 Resit Coursework due 14 August 2013

4.2 Session Required Reading

Weeks required for completion:

See Section 4.1

Cameron, Sheila. 2005., Business Student's Handbook, The. [online]. Pearson Education UK. Available from:<> 26 June 2012

Bailey, Stephen. 2011., Academic Writing. [online]. Taylor & Francis. Available from:<> See Section 4.1 Saunders, Mark N.K; Thornhill, Adrian. 2008., Research Methods for Business Students. [online]. Pearson Education UK. Available See Section 4.1 from:<>

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

Krishnaswami, Dr. O.R.; Satyaprasad, Dr. B.G.. 2010., Business Research Methods. [online]. Global Media. Available from:<> Lomas, Robert. 2011., Mastering Your Business Dissertation: How to Conceive, Research and Write a Good Business Dissertation. [online]. Taylor & Francis. Available from:< ID=343509> Adams, John; Khan, Hafiz T. A.; Raeside, Robert; White, David I.. 2007., Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social Science Students. [online]. SAGE Publications India.

Additional Hard Copy Resources Available in the UoG Library:

ISBN Number (for printed material) 019928498 9 027371686 7 Author Date Title Publisher

Bryman, A & Bell, E. Saunders , M; Thornhill, A Hennessy, B. Neville, C. Weyers, J. McMillan,

2007, 2011 2009

Business Research Methods

Oxford University Press Harlow

Research Methods for Business Students.

184528249 3 033522089 4 027371358 2

2008 2007 -2010 2007 -2011

Writing an Essay: Simple Techniques The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism How to Write Dissertations and Project Reports

How To Books Ltd Prentice Hall Prentice Hall

The following websites are helpful for advice, information and exercises for developing your personal and professional skills. Sheila Cameron's companion website to 'The Business Student's Handbook' Personal Development (general):


Here are some highly recommended sections from

Research Methods for Business Students Saunders, M; Thornhill, A Business Research Methods Krishnaswami, O.R.; Satyaprasad, B.G

Business Research Methods Bryman, A & Bell, E Getting Started pages 11-15:

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

Deductive and Inductive Theory pages 28 29: Research Strategy: Quantitative and Qualitative

Chapter 4: Getting Started: Reviewing the Literature Research Proposal pages 82 - 89: Formulating Suitable Research Questions pages 16 21: Epistemological considerations

pages 22 26: Ontological considerations Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 2: Research Designs Page 155: Main Steps in Quantitative Research Page 405: Main Steps in Qualitative Research Page 412-413: Triangulation

Pages 162 168: Reliability and Validity Conducting Research

Chapter 10 Asking Questions Chapter 13 Secondary Analysis Chapter 19 Focus Groups

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13

5. Assessment Details
To pass this course you must successfully engage in the assessment. There will be guidance and assistance given by the course team but also remember that the University have a dedicated study skills team who deliver support sessions. A timetable of these events is can be viewed at Students can also contact the Study Skills team on or 020 8331 9894.

5.1 Summary of assessment

Assessment Title Weight towards final grade 40% Length Due Date Anticipat ed Return Date

Header Sheet number

Portfolio of Tasks Portfolio 1 Task 1 (Draft only), Task 5, and Task 6 Portfolio 2 Task 2 (Online Quiz), Task 3, and Task3 4 Portfolio Task 1 (Final) and Task 7 Research Proposal Formative Assessment

1,500 words

Mon 8/10/12 at 3

Mon 22/10/12 at 3 5/11/12

Mon 5/11/12 at 3 26/11/12 25/02/13

-PM 60% 2,000 words

Mon 4/02/13 at 3

-PM Week of Mon




5.2 Portfolio of Tasks

Students will put together a portfolio of evidences relating to tasks set throughout the course and which will relate to areas such as research, presentation and evaluation of data/arguments and might also include in class time constrained assessments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Working individually, and referring to the list of evidences below, participate in or undertake the required tasks and collate evidence of these tasks together into a portfolio. Use Harvard style in-text citation and referencing. Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations. If you paraphrase any materials you must identify the materials sources through in-text referencing. This is an individual assignment; please do not work closely with anyone else. Write a minimum of 1500 words excluding the header sheet, cover page, contents page, reference list, and appendices.

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


Portfolio List of Tasks Task 1: Critical Thinking Write a short essay (approx 500 words) defining critical thinking and arguing its importance in education. (1st draft = Post to Discussion Board & Turnitin, Final draft = Post in VLE) - Marked on the accuracy of the format and coherence of the Task 2: Harvard referencing argument. Undertake an online test on Harvard referencing in the VLE. xx / 20 pts

- Marked according to the accuracy of the responses made to the xx / 10 Task 3: Plagiarism Comprehension questions. pts Review the Turn it In report provided & write a note (approx 200 words) to the student as if explaining to them what they had done wrong and the penalties that might be incurred. - Marked on the demonstrated understanding of plagiarism and of xx / 10 the severity with which plagiarism is viewed in the University. pts Task 4: Summarising and Paraphrasing a) Using the library electronic databases, select a journal article that represents a potential topic of interest for your research proposal from one of the following databases: - Business Source Premier - JStor - Emerald - Swetswise b) You may not use the same article as other students so post the NAME of the journal article (NOT article itself) to the online discussion board, along with a brief description of why you selected it c) After reading the article, write a short essay that summarises it with the following points: Focus of the research and hypotheses or research questions (approx 150 words) Identify the subjects and the procedures used in the study (approx 100 words) Results of the research study (approx 150 words) d) Be sure to use in-text Harvard Referencing within the body of your summary - Marked according to the accuracy of the summary and of the xx / 20 Task 6: Receiving Feedback Online Discussion paraphrasing. pts Another student in the class will give you feedback on your Task 1 draft essay Board that you posted on the VLE discussion board. Reflect on this feedback, write two-three paragraphs (approx 200 words) outlining your reflection and how you will specifically use to improve your initial draft. - Marked according to self reflection demonstrated & capacity to use xx / 10 Task 5: Giving Feedback Online Discussion feedback. pts 10 Review another students Task 1 draft essay that is posted on the VLE discussion Board board.and engage in peer review by giving them constructive feedback i.e. what was good & what could be improved. - Marked according to capacity to provide constructive, motivational feedback. Task 6: Receiving Feedback Online Discussion Board xx / 10 pts out of

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Another student in the class will give you feedback on your Task 1 draft essay that you posted on the VLE discussion board. Reflect on this feedback, write two-three paragraphs (approx 200 words) outlining your reflection and how you will specifically use to improve your initial draft. - Marked according to self reflection demonstrated & capacity to use feedback. xx / 10 pts 10

Task 7: Structured Decision Making Part 1 Participate in the in-class In Box exercise and create a 1 page summary of your decisions. You will discuss your decisions as part of a group exercise, sharing your decisions and listening to other students approaches to problem solving. Part 2 - Write a reflective commentary (approx 400) words on your performance and what you learnt about your decision making approaches. - Marked according to your ability to prioritise and make structured decisions. xx / 20 pts

5.3 Research Proposal

The 3000 word research proposal will form the basis for developing your MBA Independent Business Research Project for the Business Research Project (BUSI 1415 or BUSI 1412), and you must usually achieve a pass mark of 50% in order to proceed to the dissertation stage. 1. Working individually, you will develop a research proposal which outlines the topic you propose to research in the MBA dissertation course (BUSI 1415) - Independent Business Research Project course. In your proposal, demonstrate that you: - Have chosen a clear and specific research question/ aim/ hypothesis for your research; - Have contextualised your research question/ aim within the academic literature; - Understand the philosophical and methodological bases for your research; - Have a sound method to address the research question/ aim/ hypothesis. Use Harvard style in-text citation and referencing. Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations. If you paraphrase any materials, you must identify sources through in-text referencing. This is an individual assignment please do not work closely with anyone else. Write 3000 words (+ or 10%) excluding the header sheet, cover page, contents page, reference list, footnotes and appendices. Criteria

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Marks for criteria: 10%

Focus and Completion Does the proposal address the set tasks in a meaningful manner?

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13





Research Objective Does the proposal clearly articulate either a suitable research question, or aim or objective, or hypothesis? Synthesis and Soundness Does the proposal place the research objective in the context of the relevant academic literature and any relevant past studies? Does the discussion demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of that literature? Research Methods and Methodology Does the proposal sensibly outline methods for accessing sources of data that will address or answer the research objective? Is the method consistent with the methodology? Clarity of Approach Is the proposal well organised, logically constructed and attentive to the needs of the reader? Does the timeline include an Gantt chart or key milestones for research? Mechanical Soundness Is the portfolio clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced appropriately? Ethics Approval Compliance This should be submitted as a separate document in the VLE.



Pass or Fail

Structuring the research proposal 1. Introduction (~200 words) Explain the issue you are examining and why it is significant. Describe the general area to be studied Explain why this area is important to the general area under study (e.g., psychology of language, second language acquisition, teaching methods)

2. Background/Review of the Literature (~1000 words) A description of what has already known about this area and short discussion of why the background studies are not sufficient. Summarise what is already known about the field. Include a summary of the basic background information on the topic gleaned from your literature review Discuss several critical studies that have already been done in this area (cite according to Harvard style). Point out why these background studies are insufficient. In other words, what question(s) do they leave unresolved that you would like to study?

3. Research Objective (~500 words) A contextualisation and description of the questions you are examining and an exploration of the claims.

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Outline the methodological position you will take (ontology and epistemology) Outline the overarching research aim, objective or hypothesis that you will explore. List the specific question(s) that you are exploring. Explain how these research questions are related to the larger issues raised in the introduction.

4. Method and Design (~900 words) A description of how you would go about collecting data and test the questions your are exploring. (You are not required to come up with a new or original method!). Describe the general method you choose for your study, in order to explore your research objective or test your hypothesis(es). Explain why this method is the best for your purposes. Explain any potential difficulties in collecting data and how these will be overcome Explain the design features that ensure acceptability for ethical purposes Describe the participants (if any) and explain how you selected the sample Explain how you will present the collected data and how it will be able to be analysed the results to explore the research aim or to test the research hypothesis

5. Significance and Conclusion (~400 words) Discuss, in general, how your proposed research would lead to a significant improvement over the original studies, and how it would benefit the field. (In other words, why should someone care?

6. References (not in word count) Include all references in Harvard style. Appendix: (not in word count) Dissertation structure in chapters Gantt Chart or timeline Copy of completed ethics form

5.4 Feedback Methods

Foundations of Scholarship and Research Method tutorials are designed to encourage interaction and dialogue around learning (peer and teacher-student), self-assessment and reflection in learning. Formative feedback will be provided through a variety of methods (i.e., during tutorials, via private online discussion boards, and 1-on-1 tutor appointments) to allow opportunities for students ask questions and clarify understanding. The use

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


of formative tasks during tutorial sessions allows students to monitor, manage and self-direct their own learning. Summative feedback will be attached to returned coursework that highlights performance objectives and/or areas of improvement. General feedback will be summarized and discussed during tutorials. During the research proposal process, you will be assigned a supervisor to help guide you in the creation of your proposal. This will usually consist of one-to-one meetings with your supervisor arranged by e-mail requests and appointments at times of mutual convenience and of a reasonable frequency. If a written draft is to form the basis of a supervision meeting, please ensure that you provide your tutor with ample time to read your draft and return it to you with comments before you meet. Lead time for drafts should be at least 48hrs before your meeting to allow the tutor to digest, critique your work and return it to you in time for the meeting. This timescale might be longer depending on the size of the drafts you are submitting. Please follow the tutors advice carefully on the refinement of drafts that you are expected to develop. It is anticipated that the supervisor allocated to supervise your research proposal will be continue to supervise you for the MBA dissertation (BUSI 1415). You will receive written feedback on your research proposal outlining marks for specific elements or criteria, together with comments which highlight areas of effective work as well as constructive criticism identifying weaknesses that need addressed.

5.5 Ethics approval.

An Ethics Approval Form should be completed for any coursework involving research with human participants conducted by students on taught degrees of the Business School. The coverage of this procedure includes human beings and records (such as medical, genetic, financial, personnel, criminal or administrative records and test results including scholastic achievements). Research should not commence until written approval has been received from the Business School Teaching and Learning Committee, or where a more detailed review is required by the Universitys Research Ethics Committee. MBA courses requiring ethics approval The BUSI 1415 Business Research Project will require an ethics compliance statement to be produced by each student for review and approval. This will be accomplished by completion of the Ethics approval form and submission alongside (or prior to) the RESEARCH PROPOSAL submission. This requires that the policy, together with ethics guidelines, and instructions on completion of the form, be taught in appropriate modules of the Foundations of scholarship & business research skills course. Supervisors of research should check that research is being carried out in accordance with the approved ethics. Notwithstanding this, students are

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


individually responsible for complying and risk failing the course and being subject to disciplinary procedures if they proceed without or against approval. Method of Compliance Students must complete the Business School Application for Ethical Approval for Taught Degrees Form (see pages 16-18) of this document and submit it electronically through the courses VLE site.

complete the Ethics Approval Form and review it with your supervisor, who may make suggestions for improvement or compliance. (It is advisable to complete the electronic MS Word version that is posted in the courses VLE site instead of printing and handwriting the answers, as you will need to scan it before completing the next step) upload the form to the courses VLE site, where it will be assessed on a pass/fail basis by members of the programme team acting on behalf of the Business School Teaching and Learning Committee. If your form fails, you will be asked to re-submit it.


Other Details

The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been brought together into your programme handbook. Please refer to your programme handbook for any further information you might require including: How to submit assignments, Deadlines and extenuating circumstances, Plagiarism and referencing, Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned, How to provide us with feedback, Key administrative procedures.

7. Appendix
1 Ethics Approval Form

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


Students must complete the Business School Application for Ethical Approval for Taught Degrees Form of this document and submit it electronically 2 Mind Map Template Mind maps are used to link words or ideas concepts around a central key concept. They are useful tools to brainstorm and generate ideas while studying, problem solving, and writing. Mind maps are to be submitted with the Reflective Report 3 Research Log Research Logs is a diary of ones research process in which students think about the search process by indicating how and where articles were found to develop Essay One and Essay Two. Keeping track of the resources and terms used will assist with conducting a thorough and systematic search, and it can help students avoid duplicating and wasting their research efforts. Your research logs are to be submitted with the Reflective Report

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


Ethical Approval Form

Business School Application for Ethical Approval for Taught Degrees June 2012
This form should be completed for any research involving primary data collection conducted by students on taught degrees of the Business School. This procedure particularly aims to minimize ethical issues where the primary data involves human data and includes human beings and their records (such as medical, genetic, financial, personnel, criminal and test results including scholastic achievements). Please note that no research may be conducted in the Business School where participants are children. A copy of this application will be retained by the School for up to 6 years. The Business School will provide summary information to Universitys Research Ethics Committee (UREC) and will provide further information to UREC as requested.


Title of project:


*May require University UREC approval if this is the case, then a new application using the UREC form will be required.

This Project is: UG Research linked to Taught Course* PG Research linked to a Taught Course*

UG Dissertation* PG Dissertation*



Details of the Project Proposed start date:

in everyday language)

Probable duration:

Brief outline of project (Describe the objectives and methods. Write approx 150 words


Will the research involve primary data collection? Yes No (if no go to Question 10) Will the research involve human participants? Yes No (if no go to Question 10) Could the participants be considered to a) be vulnerable? (e.g. mentally ill?) Yes No


b) feel obliged to take part? (e.g. employees in organisationally sponsored projects) Yes No

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If the answer to either of these is yes, please explain how ethical considerations will be minimised

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If the research generates data relating to individuals (e.g. interview quotes or unique questionnaire responses), describe the arrangements for maintaining anonymity and confidentiality


Describe the arrangements for storing data and maintaining its security as part of the project.

It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act 1998 that individuals are aware of how information about them is managed. Tick to confirm participants will be informed of data access and security arrangements. 9. Describe how will participants be informed of the research projects objectives, purpose and Data Protection Act compliance (per question 8) Please attach a participant information sheet.

10. If the research is going to be conducted within the University or its subsidiaries or partners, which Manager or Officer of the institution has granted access?

11. If there are other relevant issues that have not been mentioned in this form please note them below:

12. Declaration of Principal Investigator:

1. The information contained in this application, is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and correct. I/we have read the University of Greenwichs Research Ethics Policy and accept responsibility for the conduct of the procedures set out in this application in accordance with it. I/we have attempted to identify all risks related to the research that may arise in

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conducting this research and acknowledge my/our obligations and the rights of the participants. I have discussed the project with my proposed academic supervisor or course leader, and she/he indicates they have approves the planned research.

Signature(s): ........................................................................... (please insert an image of

your signature)

Greenwich email address:

Date: .

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Mind Map Template

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Research Log
Database Time Spent
1 and a half hour

Results Search Terms

(# of records) Too many articles found for topics 60+ articles

Evaluation of material
(how/what will it contribute to your essay or support your argument?) Quick review, used topics to narrow down search terms


Recruitment & selection

Business Source Premiere

half an hour

customer service, customer loyalty, customer feedback

Will help find ideas for essay and question

RESE 1075 Course Guide 2012-13


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