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Ms. Lillian's Restaurant 237 Old Hope Road Kingston 6 RE: Permission to Walk Through Audit Dear Ms.

The purpose of this letter is to request consent to conduct an investigation at the Lillians Restaurant. We are a group of final year students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration programme, majoring in Production and Operations Management. In the completion of this degree we are required to conduct a Walk-through Audit of a service organization or a service function in an organization, in partial fulfillment of the Service Operations Management course. Due to the nature of this organization, we have considered Lillians Restaurant suitable to conduct the audit. This study is aims to categorize and identify the customers perceptions of the service experience and compare this with the perceptions of the manager and employees. This information will be pursued through the use of questionnaires, comprising of 24 questions. Individual results of this study will stay confidential and anonymous. The observations, conclusions and recommendations identified and proposed from this study will be provided to your restaurant, at request, to aid in developing efficiency in all operations.

Walk-Through Audit for Lillians Restaurant

Good day, we are final year students from the University of Technology conducting a walk through audit to facilitate our studies in the course Service Operations Management. The following set of statements relate to your perception of Lillian's Restaurant. For each statement, please show the extent to which you believe Lillian's Restaurant has the feature described by the statement by selecting responses ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. There is no right or wrong answers all we are interested in is a rating that best shows your insight about Lillian's Restaurant. 1. You are a: Student Lecturer Staff Member Visitor


Did you arrive alone or with others? Alone Others Number in Party: _______


Where did you hear about the restaurant? Newspaper Internet Magazine Friends Passing by

Other (Specify) ____________________________________________________________

4. Do you dine-in or take-out? Dine-in Take-out 5. How much time do you normally spend here? ______________________________________________________________________

Statements/Categories Tangibles 6. Restaurant is conveniently located 7. Opening and closing hours are convenient 8. Staff always greets customers 9. Lighting is adequate and appropriate 10. The condition of the physical facility is appealing Reliability 11. Dishes always meet expectations 12. Service provided is always consistent and error free 13. Staff members are competent in performing the services 14. Waiting times are reasonable Responsiveness 15. Guests are attended to as soon as they are seated. 15. Servers return within a minute after the entre is served 16. Bill is given as soon as meal is finished 17. Tables are cleared promptly 18. Recovery time for service failure is short Empathy 19. Employees provided individualized attention 20. Staff are polite, courteous and respectful to customer Satisfaction 21. Overall customer service is good 22. I'm likely to visit this Lillians again 23. I would recommend Lillians to others 24. Great improvement are needed to enhance service quality

Strongly Disagree 1

Disagree 2

Undecided 3

Agree 4

Strongly Agree 5

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