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ATTACHMENTS: RCMP letter 07.07.1995

Bulgarian Interpol Request 30.11.1995
German Interpol Warrant
Articles references to same
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétein

January 5th, 2000

Dear Mr. Shearing,

The purpose of this letter will become more apparent after you examine the
attachments provided. It would appear you and I were both very serious targets of the
RCMP. I apparently was arrested and imprisoned as a means to reach you and your

As you can see from the RCMP memorandum to the Bulgarian Secret Police of July 7,
1995 we are “co-conspirators in an international money laundering operation and fraud”.
This “fantasy” was constructed to induce the Bulgarians to arrest me and forward
evidence to Canada to arrest you and seize your funds.

Mr. Shearing, you and I were linked to each other although we have never met. There
existed no personal business or philosophical relationship. Fortunately for you the
Canadian people have placed controls over the RCMP. There are no such controls over
the Bulgarian police. In the four years of my imprisonment – without trial, jury or clear
accusation – I have been beaten, drugged, isolated and tormented. All this to find
“money”, hidden in Canada ”with friends”. Your organization’s money apparently.

It was only 6 months ago I uncovered the enclosed RCMP letter and other materials in
my case file related to you. I asked my investigative judge E. Mitkova to provide in full
all materials. She refused. Then I requested Canada Foreign Affairs to get an
explanation from the RCMP. They refused.

By waiting these months I demonstrated my faith in Canada. It was until today, my

sincere conviction that professional ethics and personal morals would prevail. Answers
would be provided. Things set straight. I was prepared to forgive. I was wrong.

Sir, I desperately need help. I and my family have become collateral victims of an
RCMP vendetta against you and the Kaballarian belief. While my company had
substantial assets they remain seized by Bulgaria. My wife and my 6 year old diabetic
son subsist on welfare and the charity of her parents. This is a great injustice inflicted
upon us.

Mr. Shearing I must find some way to continue this fight. Even from prison. Despite the
4 years of pain and loneliness I am trying not to surrender or be subdued. But while my
faith is strong the material and human resources are gone. I can’t even buy food to eat
or milk. Never mind returning my friend’s help. My paying for lawyers to pursue those
who unjustly and unlawfully slandered us both and imprisoned me is impossible alone.

I know that God and the strength of character and mind He gave me will find a way to
repay you and the Kabalerian Society for any help you give. But I need your humane
aid and resources to continue. My fight needs so very little to go on and I’ve turned to
you because apparently providence has elected to draw us together in an unexpected
way. To expose something which must be exposed. The truth.

Canadians are apparently not as free to pursue their beliefs and businesses as they
may think. We can, obviously, become victims of brutality at the hands of another state
fostered by the Canadian RCMP. From the enclosed documents and my 4 - year
experience it is clear RCMP offers are not beyond offering financial rewards to
Bulgarian or other police in exchange for extracting, by torture or drugs, information
from the citizens it is mandated to protect.

What I have endured would be impossible in Canada. Fortunately Canadian citizens

have placed controls over their police at home. But in Bulgaria the RCMP can ask for
and get anything it wants by offering to “share” the Kaballarian funds it believed it could
seize through me.

Please help. Absolutely anything you can do would be appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Kapoustin

Sofia Central Prison

21, Stoletov Blvd
1309, Sofia

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