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Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

18-22 July, 2009.


¿Shall humanity survive?

By Lord Reinhart Ruge

Tepoztlán, Morelos México. 21 de junio de 2009.

In the Mayan prophecy of time on the 21st. of December 2012, the 5,000 year
old Mayan calendar comes to an end and with it all that happened during this
long cycle.

The Mayan culture, is one of the most outstanding testimonies of a great culture
in Southern Mexico and central America comparable only to the Egyptian,
Greco-Roman and Cambodian cultures.

How did the Mayan priests without a telescope or any other modern tools were
able to create such a precise calendar and predict such an exact termination,
but today we most see that the prophecies are a reality of what is happening to

I shall make reference to the great story in the Arab book of “The One
Thousand and One Nights”, of the fisherman that went out fishing for his daily
food and instead in his net he caught a mysterious bottle in which a little tiny
dancing ghost demanded to be released at once. The bottle had been sealed
by King Salomon “The Wise” who in his times was trying to eradicate all evil
spirits. After releasing the ghost , it grew to the size of a multi story building and
threatened the fisherman to kill him now, but was given the choice of the way
he wanted to die, either: beheaded, stabbed, burned, drowned , or another
chosen way.

If we look a the world situation today, we observe that we have reached a point
where we have released an enormous evil spirit and we have the choice to
exterminate the humanity with atomic weapons, hydrogen missiles, poison
gases, biological warfare, overpopulation, religious wars, oil depletion ,
sunspots, climate change, bio diversity extinction, hunger or other ways.

So, ¿ what do we have to do?

We have to do what the fisherman did: to lure the big spirit back into the little
bottle and sealed him again.

This analogy makes an exact reference to what we have to do today as a

human race.

José Arguelles, the President of the Foundation of Law and Time, has
specifically announced that we have to get to the concept that “time is art” and
act against the terrible fact of modern capitalism where “time is money” and
from which we see ever more scaring results: greed, war, famine and endless
statements about how to barrow more and more, from thousands, to millions, to
billions, to trillions of dollars, placing the whole world´s population under the
concept of “time is money” and producing endless debts to come over the next

Part of the way of how to overcome this problem has been developed and
presented by the great Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky who developed the
basis of what has become a code of behaviour for human beings, known as the
“Noospheric Constitution.”

To bring humanity together and to finish the endless historical era of wars, the
World Constitution and Parliament Association has worked for 40 years
developing the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

It is based on the principles of the American Constitution, which was drafted in

Philadelphia more than 200 years ago, and also in accordance to the principles
of the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood.

The American Constitution converted the United States into the most powerful
nation on Earth. In a parallel way, it has been applied to the European Union,
where many nations that lived for over a millennium in terrible wars against
each other, now are able to live together in peace, harmony and without border

If only we could apply the principles of The World Constitution to the whole
world, then we might have a future for humanity, and this depends on each
individual to act now and to have the political will, to do it.

In this way, we will be able by the principle of Wold Peace through World Law to
ban the humanities evils mentioned before back into the bottle and to live in
harmony under the noospheric principles, where our inner attitude, as well as
our external attitude has to be drastically changed.

Having said this, the question is: ¿how do we get from here to there? ¿How are
we to ban the evil spirits that humanity has created and put them back in the

It is evident that each one of us has to do something.

So not to leave this Conference with empty words, let me now share with you a
few names of individuals that have done something to further the ideas against
the principle that time is money, which makes most people conclude : I HAVE

First, I will like to mention the case of Biosphere II inspired on V.I.Vernadsky

ideas and developed under the guidance of John Allen with the attempt to live
in harmonious materially closed systems.

Secondly, allow me to make reference to José Arguelles, the President of Law

of Time who over and over insists that time should be art. This basically means
that time should be used to develop beautiful, harmonious ways of life for all in
planet Earth.

Finally, I would like to also mention Philip Esely, who as a young student
conceived the world united under the principle of a Constitution with World

Law, World Order, without war and no borders, and for those ideas during the
Second World War he was sent to federal prison in the United States. Esely
later founded the World Constitution Parliament Association.

The Principle of a World Union or World Federation is not to be confused with

the concept of the United Nations. The UN has created ever more nations
states separated by borders, trying to arm themselves as fast as possible
against each other and becoming the main obstacle to real world brotherhood.
The most outstanding Secretary General of the U.N.: U-Thant once said in
“The U.N. is no more and no less, than what its member states
wish to put into it”.

To conclude this presentation, I want to insist that each one of us here present
as well as all those persons concerned about the future welfare of humanity,
shall all work intensely, as much as it is in their power, to ban now and forever
the evil spirits we have mentioned and avoid being eaten up by the lemma:

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