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Captions Language Interface Pack (CLIP) for Visual Studio 2010

A brief introduction to CLIP

CLIP (Captions Language Interface Pack) a simple tool that uses a tool-tip captions interface and/or a small discrete dialog to display translations of on-screen text. Use your mouse to hover around screen text to see an instant translation. Users can add/edit their own translations. Using Accessibility to determine the source text, CLIP will be able to show translations without the need to inject code into core applications, thus drastically reducing test cost overhead.

What is CLIP for Visual Studio 2010?

Microsoft Caption Language Interface Pack (CLIP) for Visual Studio 2010 is a translation tool that is using a database containing Visual Studio 2010 specific terms and translations. This version of CLIP is customized for Visual Studio 2010 Express editions and Visual Studio 2010 Professional versions; these mean that it contains the translation of the core IDE of the product for these versions. CLIP does not provide translation for the whole of the product UI. CLIP is not limited to translating Visual Studio or these versions only, but it would also translate other texts, applications or controls on the users machine, provided the translation exists in the database.

CLIP components:
CLIP Tooltip/Captions CLIP Window


CLIP Context Menu

Captions Language Interface Pack (CLIP) for Visual Studio 2010

I. CLIP Tooltip/Captions

The CLIP Caption is the tooltip-like interface that displays the translated text, if found. Once the CLIP service is running, users can get CLIP translations by hovering their mouse over most menus, toolbars and dialogs. Features: Can be set to preferred delay and/or duration through the Options dialog. Can be set to show only when the user presses the CTRL key. Background color, text font and color can be changed Wraps around the text without causing truncation on displayed text. Adjusts position around the edges of display screen so as not to cause tooltip truncation. Whenever there is a Visual Studio tooltip displayed, the CLIP tooltip will move in such a way that the two tooltips would not overlap. II. CLIP Window (UI)

Features: CLIP Window is resizable Displays text Provides 2 sections to display the source and translation term. The sections separator can be moved up and down to adjust the size. User will able to add one additional custom translation. CLIP Window is resizable Provides 3 functional buttons to do the following: keep window on top, open Option dialog and add new translation to database When mouse hover on top of any of the buttons inside the UI, it would display a description tooltip in the language based on the Option settings. User can add or delete programs that do not interfere with CLIP III. CLIP Icon on System Tray

When CLIP is running there will be a CLIP tooltip icon on your taskbar. Right/Left clicking this icon will display a context menu to: Start/Stop clip functionality Display/Hide CLIP Window/UI Display/Hide CLIP tooltip, Open Option Dialog Open About Dialog Send an email message through your email program with a custom message. Double clicking this icon can start/stop CLIP functionality as well.

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