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Data source: LINK Nantucket, Nantucket Listing Service

Nantucket Real Estate Report
Naiket 0puate:
!"# % !"# % !"# uefinitely uesciibes the action foi
piopeities piiceu less than $1N last month. With a mean
tempeiatuie of 46.2
on-islanu last month (peifect foi the millions
of uaffouils ciopping up eveiywheie), Nantucket's ieal estate
maiket was heating up.
While last month's total uollai volume may have been the lowest
foi an Apiil since 2uuS, moie piopeities actually solu than in any
othei Apiil since 2uu7 (when 1S% moie piopeities, totaling a
2S6% highei uollai volume, solu), making last month the busiest
foi inuiviuual piopeity sales in 2u1S with SS piopeities changing
8 Lincoln Stieet
&'()*+, -. *&(/0,# #(&1,&2#)"1,
4u Centie Stieet - 0nit 1
!'()* ",-, #.- $/, !.01',2,
%(32 &4 '-.1,-25 $-6734,-3
1S Beugebuiy Lane
4u King Stieet
7 uieen Lane
68 Sankaty Roau
S Thuistons Couit
268 Polpis Roau

9 Bunham Stieet
S Sleepy Bollow - 0nit 1
Low uollai volume but highei activity...
April 2013
Dollar Volume and Number of Properties Sold By Month
(compared to previous year)
Sold $ Volume Sold
Sold $ Volume Sold
# Properties
Sold $ Volume Sold
Land 6 $4,429,998 3 $1,725,000 100.00% 156.81%
Commercial 6 $4,569,222 0 $0 100.00% 100.00%
Multi-Family 0 $0 1 $525,000 0.00% 0.00%
Condos & Co-op 7 $2,963,499 2 $1,009,000 250.00% 193.71%
Single-Family 16 $15,615,968 20 $42,252,760 -20.00% -63.04%
35 $27,578,687 26 $45,511,760 34.62% -39.40%
2012 2013 % Of Change From Last Year
April 2013 Activity Compared to April 2012 Activity
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Apiil 2u1S's sales volume of $27.6N fell woefully shoit of the $4S.SN uollai volume expeiienceu in 2u12
even with 9 moie piopeities solu. Inteiestingly, Apiil was also the seconu month in a iow, since Febiuaiy
2u12, to have no piopeity sale highei than $2.SN (highest sale was $2.2N). Bowevei, moie piopeities solu
in Apiil than in any othei month this yeai anu Apiil's unit sales (actual numbei of piopeities solu) weie
highei than what hau occuiieu in any }anuaiy, Febiuaiy, Naich oi Apiil since 2uu7. In othei woius, theie
was plenty of sales activity, it just involveu lowei piiceu piopeities than what we hau seen in the past.
Lanu Sales:
The 6 lanu closings last month totaleu $4.4SN (making up 17.1% of the tiansactions anu 16.1% of total sales
volume). This is in compaiison to 8 lanu puichases totaling $4.S7N in Naich (making up 26.8% of
tiansactions anu 1S.S% of the month's sales volume).
The two most expensive paicels solu last month weie locateu in 'Sconset ($1.49SN & $1.22SN), making up
SS.S% of total lanu sales anu 61.4% of total sales volume. 0nly one of the paicels was laigei than
2 acie.
Theie aie 68 lanu-paicels cuiiently on-maiket with S of them laigei than S acies. The laigest paicel
cuiiently listeu is still 1S.S acies (anu has been on-maiket ovei 2
2 yeais). 0thei lanu paicels cuiiently
2S piopeities being less than 11,uuu sq. ft. in size - aveiage asking piice $7SS,91S
17 paicels being between 11,uuu sq. ft. anu 22,uuu sq. ft., - aveiage asking piice $1,u9S,uS9
1S paicels between V acie anu 2 acies - aveiage asking piice $971,692
12 piopeities between 2 anu S acies - aveiage piice $1,781,u8S
Commeicial Activity:
What a change a month makes. Six (6) commeicial piopeities changeu hanus in Apiil; 345 67893 :;<<58:7=>
38=?9=:37;?9 ;@ A.-B (theie weie no commeicial piopeity tiansactions in }anuaiy, Febiuaiy oi Naich).
Selling, on aveiage, at 71.8% of theii oiiginal asking piice, 86.6% of theii most iecent asking piice anu 88%
of theii cuiient assesseu valuation, these piopeities aveiageu 29S uays on-maiket. Commeicial sales maue
up 17.1% of the month's tiansactions anu 16.6% of the total sales volume.
Thiee (S) of the solu piopeities aie locateu in the uowntown business uistiict (two on Centie St. the othei
on Nain St.), one was maue available foi ient the othei two will be ownei-occupieu.
Cuiiently, theie aie 14 commeicial piopeities listeu foi sale on-islanu (4 of which aie 2 units being offeieu
sepaiately oi togethei) anu only 1 penuing sale.
Nantucket Real Estate Report
Residential Sales:
While theie was a uefinite uptick in lanu anu commeicial activity
last month, iesiuential ieal estate continueu to be wheie the bulk
of sales activity occuiieu. With 2S sales totaling almost $18.6N,
iesiuential sales maue up 6S.9% of the month's tiansactions
(66.7% in Naich) anu slightly less than 67.4% of the month's
uollai volume (7S% in Naich).
The most notable change within the mix of iesiuential sales was
the laige inciease in conuo sales.
With 7 sales totaling almost $SN, conuos maue up 2u% of the
total sales activity foi the month, Su.4% of the iesiuential sales
activity, 1u.7S% of the total sales volume anu almost 19% of
iesiuential sales volume. Yeai to uate theie have been 1S
iesiuential conuo sales iepiesenting ovei $S.9N in sales (16.S%
of the tiansactions anu 6% of total sales volume), almost half of
which occuiieu in Apiil.
Inteiestingly, 17 of the 2S iesiuential sales in Apiil weie unuei
$1N iepiesenting almost 74% of the month's iesiuential sales
activity but accounting foi only 47.1% of its uollai volume. 0f
these sales, 14 solu foi less than $7Su,uuu.
Because of this, iesiuential piopeity sales aveiageu $8u7,8uS foi
the month veisus $1,8u1,12S in 2u12 anu $1,197,2S7 yeai to uate
- a 12.4% uecline ovei the same time peiiou in 2u12.
Days On-Market:
0n aveiage, the 2S iesiuential piopeities solu thiough a ieal
estate fiim weie on-maiket 28u uays, compaieu to 1SS uays foi
Naich's 1S piopeities.
Residential Pricing:
Theie weie 16 piice ieuuctions uuiing the month anu 17
accepteu offeis (compaieu to 2 ieuuctions anu 12 accepteu offeis
in Apiil 2u12).
0n aveiage, iesiuential piopeities closeu at 87.7% of final asking
piice, 79.8% of oiiginal asking piice anu 86% of theii assesseu
valuation in Apiil (foi the 2u piopeities with a cuiient assesseu
Residential Sales
A higher level of Service
Residential Sales
Price Range Total $ Volume
< $750K $6,251,467
$751K - $999K $2,485,000
$1M - $1.499M $2,500,000
$1.5M - $1.999M $5,143,000
$2M - $2.499M $2,200,000
$2.5M - $2.999M $0
$3M - $3.499M $0
$3.5M - $3.999M $0
> $4M $0
Total $18,579,467
YTD Activity:
Yeai to uate sales aie off in both tiansactions anu uollai volume
compaieu to pievious thiee yeais. The last 9u uays fell shoit of
2u12s pace by 24 units (2S% uecline) anu $47N in volume
(S9.S% uecline). Yeai to uate, that tianslates into 12 fewei sales
anu a uiop of $41N in volume fiom 2u12 levels.
Bau it not been foi the $2uN sale in }anuaiy, yeai to uate
volume woulu have been uown almost 44% fiom last yeai's
volume iesulting in an aveiage sale of $8S6,128 veisus
$1,2S4,62S foi the fiist foui months of 2u12.
While tiansactions may have been up in Apiil, uollai volume
ieflecteu what's been happening since the fiist of the yeai;
lowei piiceu piopeities solu while those piiceu ovei $2N weie
sluggish (S piopeities solu - S.S% of YTB tiansactions).
0n Apiil Su
, theie weie S61 piopeities listeu foi sale, 288 of
which weie iesiuential; compaieu to SS2 piopeities listeu at the
enu of Naich (264 iesiuential). Aveiage time on-maiket foi
these piopeities was SS9 uays (221 uays with the 21 piopeities
on-maiket moie than S yeais aie omitteu). S8% (11 listings) of
the inciease in listings came fiom pievious listings being
biought back on-maiket in Apiil.
58 Main Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Telephone: 508.325.5800 | Fax: 508.228.6128
A higher level of service
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Land Selling Price
% of Final
% of
Lot size
(sq. ft.)
Price per
sq. ft.
Days On
4 Mikes Drive $415,000 97.65% 97.65% 20,038 $20.71 52
0 Arrowhead Drive $420,000 100.00% 100.00% 5,227 $80.35 N/A*
7 Arrowhead Drive $460,000 100.00% 100.00% 5,227 $88.00 N/A*
112 Somerset Road # $475,000 100.00% 100.00% 19,602 $24.23 N/A*
8 Lincoln Street $1,225,000 100.00% 100.00% 8,276 $148.01 N/A*
68 Sankaty Road $1,435,000 95.99% 95.99% 29,185 $49.17 5
Total Land Sales $4,430,000 98.4% 98.4%
Commerical & Non-residential Selling Price
% of Final
% of
Sq. footage
Price per
sq. ft.
Days On
1 Chins Way $550,223 79.17% 50.25% 2,262 $243.25 389
1A Windy Way $590,000 98.50% 59.30% 1,536 $384.11 334
98 Old South Road $689,000 98.71% 69.25% 3,538 $194.74 265
42 Center Street $740,000 93.08% 88.62% 521 $1,420.35 285
58E Main Street $800,000 80.40% 80.40% 431 $1,856.15 0
40 Centre Street Unit 1 $1,200,000 80.27% 80.27% 1,149 $1,044.39 496
Total Commercial & Non-
residential Sales
$4,569,223 86.6% 71.3%
Residential Selling Price
% of Final
% of
per sq. ft
(living area)
Lot size
(sq. ft.)
Days On
Market Living Area Beds Baths
8C Thirty Acres Lane # C $240,000 100.00% 100.00% $265.49 condo N/A* 904 2 2
6A Essex Road # 1 $245,000 100.00% 100.00% $222.73 condo N/A* 1,100 3 1
16 Cynthia Lane # 2 $270,000 90.30% 90.30% $171.10 condo 0 1,578 3 2
42 E Nobadeer Farm Road # E $335,000 104.65% 104.65% $234.59 condo 9 1,428 2 2.5
5 Altheas Lane $346,467 100.00% 100.00% $277.62 10,437 N/A* 1,248 3 2
11 Nobska Way $380,000 96.20% 81.02% $659.72 5,227 805 576 2 1
6 Bailey Road $399,000 100.00% 100.00% $215.91 10,019 6 1,848 5 2
110 Orange Street # 1st Floor $475,000 95.96% 79.83% $796.98 5,227 593 596 1 1
14 Mary Ann Drive $530,000 89.08% 89.08% $228.06 6,534 63 2,324 4 2
16 Milestone Road # D $536,000 90.08% 76.68% $669.16 condo 658 801 2 2
4 Bluebird Lane $550,000 92.44% 92.44% $406.80 6,970 125 1,352 3 2
2 Luff Road $600,000 86.33% 86.33% $535.71 14,810 274 1,120 3 2
3 Meader Street # A $625,000 100.00% 100.00% $892.86 2,614 306 700 2 1
23 Commercial Wharf $720,000 45.14% 28.86% $2,195.12 1,307 724 328 0 1
98 Somerset Road $760,000 85.88% 85.88% $316.14 19,602 182 2,404 3 2.5
5 Sleepy Hollow # Unit 1 $862,500 100.00% 100.00% $308.04 12,632 347 2,800 4 4.5
12 Rudder Lane $862,500 100.00% 100.00% $474.94 17,424 N/A* 1,816 3 2.5
40 King Street $1,200,000 94.12% 94.12% $1,287.55 5,227 47 932 1 2
9 Dunham Street $1,300,000 93.19% 86.96% $554.61 25,265 331 2,344 4 3.5
7 Green Lane $1,600,000 91.48% 80.20% $740.74 4,356 309 2,160 4 4.5
268 Polpis Road $1,728,000 78.72% 67.11% $459.09 134,600 444 3,764 5 4+
3 Thurstons Court $1,815,000 95.78% 95.78% $497.26 4,792 42 3,650 3 2.5
15 Hedgebury Lane/20A Madaket Road $2,200,000 91.86% 91.86% $916.67 20,038 164 2,400 4 4.5
Total Residential Sales $18,579,467 88.7% 81.3%
Total Sales $27,578,690 89.7% 81.7% *Unknown - Not Sold Through A Real Estate Firm
Properties Sold In April 2013
(excluding foreclosure actions)

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