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Mathematical Notes, Vol. 56, Nos.

1-2, 1994




V. I. Zenkov

Generalizing Laffey's results [I], Dempwolff and Wong in their paper [2] have shown that for cyclic subgroups A and B of a finite group G there exists an element g E G such that Ag n B < F(G), where F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of the group G. In theorem 2 we obtain a generalization of this result. We introduce a basic definition of this paper. Let A and B be subgroups of the group G. The minimal by inclusion elements of the set {Ag O B I g E G} will be called minimal (A, B)-intersections. The following theorems are proved in this paper. T H E O R E M 1. Let G be a finite group, A and B be Abelian subgroups of G. Then Ag N B < F(G) for each minimal (A, B)-intersection. In the general case the minimal (A, B)-intersection may not be normal in F(G) as the following example shows. Example 1. G = F(G) = D s, A is a cyclic subgroup of the second order not located in Z(G) where Z(G) is the center of the group G and B is a quarternion subgroup containing A. Since B ~ G and A <_ B, it follows that A h n B ;~ 1 for any element h belonging to G. All the intersections are (A, B)-minimal. If we now assume that A f O B _'3 F(G) = G for some element f E G then A f n B N Z(G) ;~ 1. Hence A < Z(G) and we arrive at a contradiction. However for cyclic subgroups A and B the minimal (A, B) inte1:section is normal in F(G). T H E O R E M 2. Let G be a finite group, A and G be cyclic subgroups in G. Then Ag n B --- F(G) for any minimal (A,B)-intersection. Note that not every (A, B)-intersection normal in F(G) is minimal as the following example shows. Example 2. G --- A 4, F(G) be a quarternion group. If A and B are cyclic subgroups of the second order belonging to F(G) then A O B = B ~ F(G) however A n B is not an (A, B)-minimal intersection. As the following example shows for any positive integer m there exists a finite group G with cyclic subgroups A and B such that the number of (A, B)-minimal intersections equals m. Example 3. Let m E N; Pl, P2 . . . . . Pm be pairwise different prime numbers and E l, E 2 . . . . . E m be elementary Abelian subgroups of orders pl m, p2 m. . . . . pmm, respectively. Let E i = 1-1~=l(eij ) (i = 1, 2 . . . . . m), E = E 1 E 2 ... m, x be an element of order m from Hol E and G be a semidirect product of E and (x) where Ix) acts transitively on {eil, el2 . . . . . elm} for 1 _< i _< m. Let A = (ell) (e21) x . . . (emil and B = (ell) (e22) Then I AXi-I n B I = Pi, 1 _< m and {Axi-t O B [ 1 < i _< m} are sets of all (A, B)-intersections. They are all minimal and their number equals m. We now proceed to the proof of theorem 1. Let G be a counterexample of a minimal order to theorem 1. Since Ag n B ~ F(G) for some (A, B)-minimal intersection there exists a p-element b belonging to Ag O B such that b ~ F(G). It then follows from the Baer-Suzuki theorem (theorem 3.8.2 in [3]) that there exists an element y E G for which the subgroup (b, bY) is not nilpotent. Set N = (B, bY). Assume that N = G. Since the intersection Ag n B is (A, B)-minimal we have that A n n B ;~ 1 for any element h E G. The subgroup AgY contains < bY > and AgY O B = D ;~ 1. Therefore D < Z(G). Whence in view of D _< Ag O B, it follows that in the quotient group G = G/D the intersection A~ n B will be (A, B)-minimal. By induction A~ n B _< F(G). Whence since F(G/D) = F(G)/D, we obtain that Ag O B < F(G), which is a contradiction.

Ural Polytechnical Institute. Translated from Matematicheskie Zametki, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 150-152, August, 1994. Original article submitted August 4, 1992.


Plenum Publishing Corporation


Hence N ;~ G. Let A 1 = Ag N N. The intersection A I A B is (A 1, B)-minimal in N. Indeed if A1n O B < A 1 n B for some n E N it follows that
(Ag N N ) n N B < AO n N A B = Aa t'IB

A an N B N N < A a N B ,

A g~ N

B < A g n B,

which contradicts the (A, B)-minimality of the intersection Ag n B. By induction the intersection A 1 n B belongs to F(N). However A 1 n B = Ag n N N B ~ b and (b, bY) is not a nilpotent subgroup in N. This contradiction proves theorem 1. Proof of Theorem 2. Let G be a counterexample of the minimal order to the theorem 2. Select a subgroup B such that Ag n :~ F(G) for some (A, B)-minimal intersection A g n B and let the order of B be minimal. Let B1 be a subgroup of prime index p in B. If the intersection Ag N B contains no proper intersections of the form A h O B I for any element b E G then the inclusion Ag N B 1 ~ Ag N B implies that the intersection Ag O B 1 will be (A, B1)-minimal in G. The choice of B implies that Ag n B 1 -~ F(G). However Ag O B I = A g N B, therefore A g N B _ F(G), which is a contradiction. Hence Ag N B > Agl O B 1, where A gl O B 1 is a (A, B1)-minimal intersection. Consider the intersection Agl n B. Then the (A 1, B)minimality of Ag N B implies that Ag 1 O B > Agl n B 1. The intersection Ag 1 O B = (z) for some element z not located in the intersection Agl n B 1. Since (Agl n B)p, = (Agl n B1)p,, the Sylow p-subgroup of the subgroup (x) coincides in view of cyclicity with the Sylow p-subgroup in B. If the intersection Agl n B is not (A, B)-minimal then Agt O B > Ag2 O B for some (A, B)-minimal intersection A g2 O B. Assume that I Ag2 O B I p < ] Agl n B [ p. Then (Ag2 O B)p _< (A gl O B1)p and (Ag2 O B)p, _< (A gl O B)p, = (A gl n B1)p,. Hence Ag2 O B _< Ag 1 n B l < A g o B, which contradicts the fact that the intersection Ag n B is minimal. Therefore (Ag2 O B)p --- (Ag 1 O B)p. Then (Agl N B)p, > (Ag2 O B)p,. In this case Ag2 O B 1 < A gl N B 1, which contradicts the fact that A gl O B 1 is (A, B1)-minimal. Hence the intersection Agl n B is (A, B)-minimaI. By Theorem 1 A gI n B _< F(G). We have thus shown that the Sylow p-subgroup P of the subgroup B is located in the intersection Ag 1 n B. Therefore P _< F(G). Since P is arbitrary it follows that B _< F(G). We shall consider the intersection
A g n B = A g o ( B o F(G)) = (A g n F ( G ) ) N B.

This intersection will be (Ag n F(G), B)-minimal in F(G). Indeed if

(A g n F(G)) n B > (Ag n F(G)) S n B

for some element f E F(G) then

A g N B > A g$ N F ( G ) S n B = A gl m F ( G ) n B = A g/ n B,

which contradicts the (A, B)-minimality of the intersection Ag N B. If now G # F(G), then by induction Ag n B ~- F(G) yielding a contradiction. Therefore G = F(G). Consider the intersection Agl n B 1. Since A gl n B 1 is a (A, B1)-minimal intersection then in view of the choice of B A g 1 n B 1 ~ F(G) = G and therefore in the case when Agl n B 1 # 1 D = A gl n B t n Z(F(G)) # 1. Since Ag n B > Agl n B 1 _> D, in the quotient group G = G/D Ag n B will be (A, B)-minimal intersection. By induction h,g O B _< F(G). Hence Ag O B ~_ F(G), which is a contradiction. Hence A gl n B 1 = 1. Therefore I Ag O B I p = p. Since this is valid for any p E 7r(B), the subgroup B does not contain elements of order pZ and B n Z(F(G)) = 1. It will therefore be sufficient to take from each Sylow p-subgroup from F(G) an element xp such that ApXp N Bp = 1. If x is


the product of all such elements then A x n B = 1. This contradicts the fact that the intersection Ag N B is (A, B)-minimal. Theorem 2 is proved. The author expresses his gratitude to A. S. Kondrat'ev for discussing this paper and providing remarks which improved the exposition.


2. 3.

T. Y. Laffey, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 20, No. 2, 229-232 (1976-77). U. Dempwolff and S. K. Wong, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 25, No. 1, 19-20 (1982). D. Gorenstein, Finite Groups, Harper and Row, New York (1968).


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